Just a day after City of Brownsville city manager Charlie Cabler ordered the removal of oversize political signs by all candidates, Cameron County Clerk Joe River said his crews are already moving them to other county cities without a similar ordinance.

"That assistant of his is going to get him into trouble," River said today.
During the primary and runoff elections, numerous candidates used the 8 x 12-foot signs to promote their candidacy, noticeably Jonathan Gracia, Mary Esther Garc ia and Juan Magallanes. At the time, no one complained about the matter.
However, as the Nov. 4 election approaches, Valadez wrote a letter to Permits Director Evaristo Gamez – and to Cabler – inquiring whether the city's sign ordinance would be enforced, and whether Cascos could use the oversize signs himself.
Late Monday afternoon, Cabler told both campaigns that the signs would have to be replaced by those which came within the city's size guidelines.
"San Benito doesn;t have that ordinance, and neither does La Feria," Rivera said today. "Our guys area already moving them there. Carlos had to remove some signs himself."
The bad blood between the two campaigns came to a head during a confrontation between Valadez and Rivera at County Administrator Pete Sepulveda's office.
After a brief confrontation with the perfunctory name calling and charges between one and the other, both parties left apparently thinking they had gotten the best of each other. With a little less than two months left before election day, sources kin both campaigns have insinuated that there is more ammunition in their respective bags of tricks to trip up the other guys.
rivera should be the last one to say anything about that since lucino..ivan and jesse are camping on county time..including mirla..Mrs Sanchez calling up attorneys for tee box money for golf tournament set for next weekend. .All this from county phones and cell phones on county time ..so what's up !!!!
Apparently, Valadez is the Mexican Karl Rove of Brownsville. He is up to his old tricks .
Ya Riveria is campaigning during county time.. going here and there making calls out of his cell phone. My question is why haven't they put a stop to it. And yes I like to hear maclovio o'malley show.. He says it like it is.. good job
Nobody is gonna be charged or prosecuted with any public corruption, conflict of interest, or misuse of official capacity because we still have a dirty district attorney. Too much shit in everyone's closets at the county courthouse.
I just saw Carlos Cascos on the corner of 802 and Paredes, standing with his political sign, and caddy corner, three kids with joe Rivera signs......he is such a coward, not willing to do his own work, just like his whole career...letting others do the work for him.
Rivera had his signs picked up by county clerk employees on county time. He is one to talk. VIEJO chueco. The Feds are on to you Joe, how many DWIs have you fixed? Limas needs a celly...
Nobody complained about Rivera promising county employees raises across the board on the front steps of the court house or making employees sell tickets for his fundraisers in the courthouse. That is also illegal.
When Arnold Flores was running for County Clerk he was also campaigning during County time and Carlos Casos knew about that but since he is Casos goffer nothing was ever done to him or was never discipline all the county knew about it and nothing was done so to be pointing figures at one another is crazy cause Chris Valadez is doing it as well and protected by Carlos Casos, so whoever is without sin throw the first stone.
Todos tienen cola que le pisen so no mamen !!!!
Starting with his employee...roberto..remember joe when sandras..hubby called to notify you that he was picked up dui....how did you fix that....you are a best friend to villalobos..and you will end up right by him ..In due time .
Duh....jgr..has thrown a brick...A hora que Se aguante...no eggs..!!
Are their any babies in Cascos' future?
Joe Rivera and William Garza could be brothers...
a vote for joe rivera and juan magallanes is a vote for more corruption ala gilberto hinojosa sytle-just say no to joe, juan n gilberto. caca all these dudes
City Manager orders Cosco signs be removed.
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