Tuesday, September 2, 2014


By Juan Montoya
When Baltazar Salazar came to the Brownsville Independent School District board podium April 2013 to make his pitch for the lucrative legal gig, he stressed the fact that he was a straight shooter who would "stab you in the front" in contrast to others who would stab you in the back.
He looked at trustee Minerva Peña and said pointedly: "I've known some of you since I was a kid," and said his goal was "not to make money."
He promised he would "tone down your legal expenses" and bring "stability, because you have chaos, and when there's chaos, lawyers make money."
The school district, he told them, had "become a cash cow" because the district did not follow procedure and said he was there "to serve the board as a whole."
Well, it appears that despite his Herculean efforts to keep down legal costs as promised, the cow is out of the barn and headed down the road to be milked once again.
In fact, since April 2013, Salazar and his referrals have done anything but "tone down legal expenses."
In the 16 months since, the district has paid out $849,426 to 12 law firms hired at Salazar's recommendation. This is in stark contrast to the "chaos" he said existed when he made his pitch for the job.
In fact, the former legal counsel – Thompson and Horton LLP – earned the wrath of the current BISD board majority who cited this spending as a justification for bringing Salazar on board.
Yet, when Thompson and Horton were on board, they charged the BISD only $822,394 in legal expenses for the three years – $27,032 less than what the BISD paid Salazar and the firms he referred in only 16 months.
At the top is Salazar himself who has drawn $328,000 since May 2013 to August 27 this year. (Click on graphics to enlarge)
The rest pale in comparison to this total. This includes the $240,000 he is paid yearly plus an "open purchase order" that he controls and from which he has drawn some $22,000 apart from his salary. (See graphic below. click to enlarge)
The same board majority who voted to hire him at $20,000 a month –  Otis Powers, Minerva Peña, the late Enrique Escobedo, and Jose Chirinos – also voted to limit meetings of the board to once a month.
Only trustees Longoria and Presas-Garcia objected to the speed with which the selection was made and to the fact that Salazar's firm had less experience in defending school district than at least five others.
Still, the lure of lower legal fees apparently won over the majority.
If you look at the bottom graphic closely, you will see that just in defending the lawsuit that Presas-Garcia and Longoria filed against the board majority and the administration for depriving them of their First Amendment rights when they voted to "censure" (or was it censor?) them, the BISD – at Salzar's urging – has paid Colvin, Chaney, Saenz and Rodriguez LLP $193,053 through an open purchase order so far in the last seven months. Even more outrageous is the $192,759 paid to Williams, Birnberg and Anderson – again, through an open purchase order – for acting as a "pair of second eyes" for Colvin and Chaney so they won't miss anything important in their defense.
It's also instructive that the "Rodriguez" in the name of the local firm belongs to none other than to Tony Rodriguez, the son of former BISD A.D. Joe Rodriguez, now a candidate for the board of the BISD. The older Rodriguez was also embroiled in a lawsuit against Defenbaugh and Associates for their publication of a forensic audit which showed that he had received favored treatment as a vendor in the sale of athletic equipment totalling $100,000s.
So far, no other trustee has supported the agenda item request by both women to evaluate Salazar's performance and he has remained at the trough. It takes three trustee signatures to place an item on the agenda and bring the issue before the board. Neither Otis Powers, Minerva Peña, Jose Chirinos nor Cesar Lopez have found it necessary to review the lawyer's performance, even in light of these legal extravagance.
It is also instructive that the firm that Salazar replaced – Thompson and Horton – have been tagged to represent the district because Salazar's firm does not have the experience or expertise to perform those legal duties for the district. So far, the discarded law firm has billed the BISD for $88,673 at Salzar's referral.
It is abundantly clear that Salazar's promises to the board that he would keep legal costs down have not materialized. Now, with a growing number of legal issues facing the board, it is apparent that the continuing farming out of cases to outside counsel may continue to keep the cash registers ringing across the state. And if he has anything to say about the upcoming elections for trustees, we'd be willing to bet we know on what horses he'd lay down his wagers.
Look at the agenda for tonight's meeting.
E. Recommend approval of the following Bid(s)/Proposal(s)/Purchase(s):
29. Recommend awarding RFQ
If what existed in the district before Salazar got the nod from the board majority was "chaos," as he called it, shall we call what is happening now "pandemonium," a wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos? Or as John Milton called it, the capital of Hell?


Anonymous said...

Rumors are that a local blogger is threatening the district with a lawsuit for a large amount of money. Rumors has it that he is willing to settle for a smaller amount of money. The lawsuit is based over an encounter between the blogger and district personnel. More money on legal issues at the expense of the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

It is apparent we have a vast spectrum of corruption permeating within BISD. A citizen has no-where to go and or to complain; since you don't know if he/she is dirty. This includes all facets of purchasing, etc... This is what occurs when the people don't vote. Get it Teachers !

Anonymous said...

BISD- Bafoons Instigating $hame & Disgust

Anonymous said...

You'll in Brownsville will never change. It's crabbucketville.

Anonymous said...

I think a more apt description of what is happening is rape. Raping the school kids this money should be spent on.

That name Saenz, as in Colvin, Chaney, SAENZ and Rodriguez..where have I heard that name before? Ah, yes, isn't that our esteemed DA? I guess that's one way to keep law enforcement from snooping into BISD's questionable affairs. Pour money into the DA's firm to ensure these crooks operate with impunity.

el monkey shines said...

MO MO MO of course BISD is a cash cow, just there are many types of pie that need to be cut here and there, where else can you make $800k plus each year just being a bull shitter? And the board of trustees are doing a great job taking care of our finances, keep all cost including legal expenses very very very low? yea right. puro pedo, its all about the benjamins, that's why they all run for this nice elected jobs, just ask joe rod and any other candidate, why are they running? pos por al lana brother nothing else, y los huercos? who cares? adios. this wild spending never stops. just ask all of your board members? How much is the annual BISD budget? Millions and Millions of us dolares and that's the ticket. adios amigos.

Anonymous said...

Let's hear the school board candidates call for his removal.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same Salazar you were quoting and using as a source to bash Magallanes and make Garcia the golden boy for the race for the 357th? Apparently, your source is not trustworthy or you wouldn't be bashing him yourself! A little more homework on Salazar would have been good before making him out to be someone with integrity.

Anonymous said...

No doubt BISD is one of the crappiest school districts in Texas, if not the country. The infrastructure is terrible, I mean, many of the schools just look like hell. A half-billion dollar budget and an army of workers and we can't get stuff painted? Seriously? There's no money for markers or brackets to hold up projectors? Seriously? Many classrooms look like trash. A HALF-BILLION DOLLARS. Where is this money going????

Anonymous said...

Open purchase order? That's a completely irresponsible business practice. You can see the consequences of it already.

Anonymous said...

Instead of babbling on; tell us something we don't already know.

Anonymous said...

The source is BISD . The documents. Black and white. Dollars out. Open purchase order. No internal oversight. Inevitable corruption.

Anonymous said...

Who is the blogger who is threatening to file a lawsuit against the district? Is it Doc or the Blimp? The district has become a cash cow for everybody who is willing to file a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but BISD has Early College High Schools (eventhough TSC doesnt know what to do within their own education system), ah, but BISD has people in the main offices making over 100,000 that barely made it with a Master's and people with Ph.D's working as Dean's or assistant principals knowing they will never make that salary because they will never be taken into account when a vacancy occurs. BISD needs to "bribe"its students to raise attendance and yet just check the mall, the walmarts and HEB between 9:30 am and 2:00 pm during school week and you will see from 5 year olds to teenagers not in school .(who is manipulating the attendance numbers?)I wonder if IDEA or Harmony have to give their students a car or a tablet to attend school. Get rid of the "education mercenaries" who use the system to live off the system and you will save MILLIONS.
There are teachers in middle schools that still have the old portable buildings as classrooms. These classrooms have old student desks from 20 to 30 years ago and no access to internet. I know of a high school whose student desks have not been changed since the school opened almost 30 years ago, ah, but it's an early college.

Dick said...

MMM I wonder who's fault all of this corruption is? is it us the voters, the common folks or the public? we vote them in and we can vote them out, but we must all go out to vote and if you don't vote then don't be complaining. later gator

Anonymous said...

Otis has a giant callous on his left Paw from receiving "finders fees" from some special Vendors. Another hunting trip awaits him .

Anonymous said...

The botón líne Salazar has found a WAYNE ti SCREW BISD once again.. I watch the meetings and Salazar acts as if he is a Board Member and clearly knows he has the backing from Pena The Pig, Cesar Lopez The Mini Me Clone to Escobedo, Powers Chicken Shit, Hector Chirinos Pappa Smurf who doesn't question SHIT!!

Citizens enough of the let it be.....

The Majority want to continue with The ABUSE OF POWER!

So if we vote against their candidates change is for The Better!

Anonymous said...

The botón líne Salazar has found a WAYNE ti SCREW BISD once again.. I watch the meetings and Salazar acts as if he is a Board Member and clearly knows he has the backing from Pena The Pig, Cesar Lopez The Mini Me Clone to Escobedo, Powers Chicken Shit, Hector Chirinos Pappa Smurf who doesn't question SHIT!!

Citizens enough of the let it be.....

The Majority want to continue with The ABUSE OF POWER!

So if we vote against their candidates change is for The Better!

Anonymous said...

Bola de Ratas!! Ya tienen DIENTES I will Vote FOR The Candidates who will protect us from Attornys who are ABUSIVE AND ASS HOLES.....

I'm a TAX PAYER & It makes me sick......

Southmost kid said...

is there an opening for a purchasing director or as an assistonto at BISD, I would love that job, pura lana baby, tacos y donuts. good day.

Anonymous said...

This is why we need Mery Rey.
"LA Mimmi"

Anonymous said...

Vote for Mary Rey!!!

Anonymous said...

Vote vote vote these as holes out

Anonymous said...

Salazar , the shyster lawyer, will be behind the cage. It's a matter of time. Oops, Some of the board squirts too.

El monkey shines said...

Half a $$$$$$ Billion dollar budget, things that make you go HUM?

Anonymous said...

The criminal enterprise at the local college finally came to an end.
