By now we're all acquainted with the plans and schemes by United Brownsville manipulators IBC President Fred Rusteberg, Mayor Tony Martinez, and of course, manipulator extraordinaire Carlos Marin.

Well, they're at it again, Ma!
This time it's a beast called the West Boulevard Planning and Engineering Study with a hefty $800,000 price tag to some lucky engineering firm. It is no secret that Marin would like to get his mitts on this one because ever since the Westside Parkway went down to inglorious defeat by a coaltion of neighborhood activists, his mouth has been watering at the thought of landing the alternative public-funded project.
In his vision, Marin sees a total re-engineering of the plan to include levee relocation and a host of other changes.
But there's a slight rub, and that rub is, as usual, the public money to pay for the study.
At Marin and Martinez's urging, city manager Charlie Cabler has sent out a letter to the various entities asking them to step to the plate and chip in to make Marin's project a reality, that is, to give him or his cohorts, the lucrative gig.

O) committee voted approval of an allocation of the $800,000 as a "collaborative effort" between the City of Brownsville, Cameron County and the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority.
The city, Cabler wrote, will provide 34 percent of the $800,000, Cameron County can come in with another 33 percent and the RMA with another 33 percent.
So far, to the county's credit, it has refused to bite the United Brownsville bait in the form of annual $25,000 "membership" dues which United Brownsville has acquired from at least eight publicly-funded entities.
Now, if the West Boulevard Planning and Engineering Study is put over these three entities, the money will be there for all to share.
The actual length of the project outlined so far are sections stretching from Palm Boulevard to U.S 281, from 281 to FM 802, from Fm 802 to FM 3248 and from FM 3248 to the Flea Market off I-69 (US 77-83).

Now, we all know the track record of the city in "conducting" studies, speculating in real estate, and in handing out plums to a select few.
Witness, for example, how the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, the Port of Brownsville and the Bronwsville Public Utilities Board paid nearly a half million dollars($454,592.08) for a plan for the industrial corridor, including the Port of Brownsville.
Here is an excerpt from our October 31, 2013 post: "Robin McCaffrey of Needham-McCaffrey and Associates, Inc. moderated the third leg of a slide show presentation to the GBIC on October 31, outlining an overall plan for a 22,000 acre industrial corridor including the Port of Brownsville. Earlier, the Port of Brownsville and Public Utilities Board heard the same proposal."

Want more examples?
The $1 million for Imagine Brownsville went to United Brownsville Carlos Marin's Ambiotec Group, the $454,492 went to Robin McCaffrey of Needham, McCaffrey and Associates and the local operations manager for Jacob's Engineering which got the $185,000 contract to identify funding to implement a part of part of that plan is none other than Oscar Garcia Jr., the son of United Brownsville's Coordinating Board member Juliet Garcia. Garcia Jr. used to be the operations manager for Su Clinic Familiar, a facility run by Marin's wife, a doctor.
With this new proposal by the city (read Marin, Martinez, Garcia Jr., etc) what makes you think that that same bunch won't self-deal themselves into the gravy and laugh at us all the way to the bank?
Why do all the putz' have some connection Kyle-fucking-Texas?, sounds like the revival of the West Loop Parkway idea ....
Bad news for birds feet bikes exercise safety .... so simple to use the eight miles for multiple uses - NOT vehicles ....
...hope B Herald works on this story
When the county had the project, the city and Mayor were against they want it and control project. Why? Smells fishy...especially coming from the Mayor and his ilk.
Shut the fuck up! Cris go buy some nice jeans.....Tad, go take a shower.
Again, what is Sadamn doing in this picture with Von Runsted ?
Ha ha .....another saddam line needed.
Pinche Saddam!!!!
Sad am is going to get you !
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