The recent appearance of broadsides and leaflets taking Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos to task for the delay of the West Rail Bridge has some political observers saying that indications are some county employees are angling for a position with a new administration if Cascos should lose.
That, of course, has yet to be seen. Cascos has won two hotly-contested races for county judge and acts like he has his ducks in order.

One of the slick fliers attacking Cascos is a letter drafted by the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority in 2010 bearing county administrator Pete Sepulveda as a contact under the county seal of the county judge's office announcing the breaking of ground to construct the West Rail Bridge about 15 miles upriver from Brownsville.
It is published under the Friends of Joe Rivera PAC.

The ads blame "Republican" Cascos for the delays and says "No More..Four Years of Waiting, 4 Years of Broken Promises."
It's unusual for any political contender to pull out the original letter in apparent pristine condition and some suspect that the copy of the letter came from where it originated – the county administrative offices.
But they say that it wasn't necessarily Sepulveda that might have distributed the letter, but rather someone with an ax to grind against Cascos.
Many point to county administrator office assistant David Garcia. Garcia, until the county commissioners pulled the plug, was the recipient of s $75,000 stipend from the CCRMA while at the same time getting some $115,000 a year from four or five different county departments. When people started complaining, the county entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the CCRMA to have the authority reimburse the county instead of paying Garcia. Overnight, Garcia lost access to the additional $75,000.
"In fact," said an insider, "it was Garcia who wrote the letter way back when."
Cascos supporters know how politics work and one of you underlings helping out an opponent in the hopes of bettering their lot is nothing new. They say that Garcia has been asking vendors for contributions for the Democratic Party nominee, Rivera, here and in Hidalgo County.
When one runs for office, one takes help from where ever one can get it. Rivera – or any other candidate – is not to blame for someone offering to help. That's why it's called a political campaign. You're fighting for votes and for your political life.
If you're at the mercy of the Powers That Be, however, it s a dangerous game to play, and if by some chance the chips don't fall where you expect them, there might be more than a $75,000 stipend to lose. You play the game, you take your chances.
The vast majority of county employees will vote for the Democratic Party. It is a fact that the Republican Party does nor represent the interests of the majority population. voter suppression, defunding public education. Denying public health services to people in need, Gerry -meandering voting districts to diminish your right to vote, watering down Social Security, etc....
Ha! This has got cris valadez written all over! The Mexican Pendejo strikes again!
This could have been Boca Chica!!!
David Garcia is scum. He needs to be terminated no matter who wins.
I voted for Carlos Cascos.. Hell if I am gonna Vite for a worthless man of Joe Riveria a puppet for Gilberto Hinojosa. Hell no.. Vote for Carlos at least he has everyone in check.
David Garcia is not Mexican. He is Australian....Australian Kangaroo
I suppose that HInahosa wants to bring back RAy Ramon,then things will reaaly be great.
david garcia has been and continues to be a good buddy to Joe Rivera, they eat out of the same spoon. it is understood that if joe wins ..god forbid... Garcia will have his high pay back...
Hey Dumbokrats! When the Truck and Rail Bridge was thought up and there was $22 Million to get things started. It was the Dumbokrats like Senator Lucio and others who got a piece of the pie and thus nothing accomplished. The Port Director in Biestero or whatever his fat ass name was stole the money along with the Port Board members back then. Then you had the Dumbokrat in DA Armando Villalobos investigate and hold grand jury investigations which led to a $1 Million pay out that someone pocketed. Remember Dumbokrats, you voted for this convicted crook who was supported by none other Gilberto "Capo" Hinojosa, who might or may have gotten some of that $22 Million? So Dumbokrats, if you're going to point fingers? Point them at yourself since you all allow this type of politicking!
Well former "LEO".... .where were you? If all this graft was going on, you could have made a difference.
Que Lío .? el qué te picó el Fundió ,!
Former LEO
What are you smoking son?
Whatever it is it ain't legal or good for you, let the addiction go. Did you smoke enough joints to believe his little political leaflet about his so called "accomplishments"? Not even Snoop Dog would believe on that crap and that man smokes like a chimney.
Anybody with a working brain knows that Cascos has been kicking the bucket of the West Rail Bridge project for ages. KRGV, Valley Central, KVEO and hell even the local FOX affiliate reported on the vast array of excuses Cascos has given about the project on multiple occasions.
The local republicans have turned into mindless, ignorant turds who can't even comprehend that Cascos is an incompetent idiot. Just like democrats can't comprehend that Lucio is self-serving jackass who only cares about his cozy job on Austin.
Vote against Joe Rivera
In NACO nomenclature, it's Lio , Pendejo aculturado.!!
Hopefully you'll get deported soon.
Sitting here reading all the crap people posted, and it's all stupidity and nonsense. You all saying things like you know what exactly is going on and it's not at all like that. Get your facts together you idiots before you speak because everything you all are posting is not true. bunch of losers
We've been deported since 1848 to the North of the Rio Bravo mi querido Pendejo.
Where's the "like" button? I agree.
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