Consider these facts:
Item on the Brownsville Independent School District Dec. 10, 2013 Agenda:
30. Discussion, consideration and possible action of an extension of board attorney contract.

Ayes: Otis Powers, Cesar Lopez, Minerva Peña, Jose Chirinos
Nays: Catalina Presas-Garcia, Luci Longoria
Result: Board counsel Baltazar Salazar's contract was extended and his $240,000 annual salary was increased by 10 percent to $264,000. He was also elevated from board counsel to General Counsel.

"General Counsel warrants that he has not given, nor does he intend to give, at any time hereafter, any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discounts, trips, favors, or service to a public servant in connection with the award of this agreement."
Clause in contract between BISD General Counsel Baltazar Salazar and the district
Fast forward to campaign for Nov. 4 General Election to the 30-Days Before Election Report filed by Cesar Lopez:
Baltazar gave:
*$2,500 to Lopez June 23
*$1,500 to Lopez again on July 18
*$0 to Luci Longoria
According to Salazar, his $4,000 in cash donations to Lopez – who voted to extend his contract and give him a raise – is not in any way connected to that public servant's aye vote for his contract or his raise.
“The reason ‘in connection with’ is so important because if you read the whole paragraph, the idea is that if somebody were to give a campaign contribution in exchange for a contract or exchange for an
extension then that would be illegal," Baltazar told News Central (Channel 4).
So how can he explain that he did not give money to Longoria who voted against him?
Does he really expect us to believe that there was no "connection" between their respective votes and his contributions?
The Shyster lawyer strikes again . !!!
The BISD Trustees hired a flawed attorney because they thought he would support their corruption and now he has repaid them by trying to support candidates who will preserve his job. All a bunch of DICKs!!!!
I wonder if he had donated to Lucy would she have taken it. Smart money says she would have.
Don't forget the Win Storm bribes,Shyster .
How can Mr. Salazar donate to Luci if she is suing him and BISD. Luci is nuts and a puppet to La Caty!
Smart money you are dead wrong, Luci has tried b to terminate this guy's contract since October. She's not stupid or corrupt like you.
Baltazar why don't tell the public why you donated to Cesar and Carlos Elizondo and not Luci? Could it be because she has been exposing all your crooked moved?
Cesar is just as bad as Baltazar. Come Cesar tell the public how you really are. Tell them how you tried to bribe your other opponent to drop from the race. I heard it all while you wined him and dined him at Los Camperos. Tell them how you threw a shitfit when he refused your offer.
Cesar also tell the public how you pushed several vendors to us when you worked in Purchasing. You are a liar and a total disappointment, your don't care about the students, all you care is filling your pockets and your buddies pockets. Go steal from someone else we don't want you here!
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