For the past 10 years, the Cameron County jail commissary contract has gone to Snakre Vending, LLC of Brownsville.
Only within the last two has the county gone out for bids. Before that, it was up to the discretion of the Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio and his staff who decided who got it.
A report by the county auditor indicated that sales to inmates for fiscal year 2009 were $925,512, of which $765,732 were paid to the vendor. The owners of Snakre are attorney Rick Zayas and his partner Ruben Cortez. Both are former Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees.
In 2011, that amount was $781,542.

Cortez also happens to be the son of Justice of the Peace 2-1 Linda Salazar.
After the bids were considered, Snakre was again awarded the contract.
Fermin Leal, the sheriff's dept. commander in charge of recommending the award, is a longtime employee in the department and works under Lucio and his chief deputy.
For years, the families of inmates have complained that the commissary franchise holder has been "gouging" the prisoners,a veritable captive audience of some 1,200.
Many relatives and inmates say that the contract gives a free hand to the vendor to set prices for the prisoners, who are not allowed to bring in any supplies save prescription medicine, from the outside. A pair of plain white (the only color sold or allowed) boxer shorts will cost $4.50. A set of three shorts at Wal-Mart will cost about the same, or less.
And at wholesale, those same shorts probably cost less than $1.
A thermal top, a critical item inside where temperatures are kept very cold, is listed at $8.30, more than twice or three times the cost at a store on the outside. A woman's plain sport bra (no metal parts) will cost a female inmate $9.00. Panties are $2.70 each. A travel pack of Femtex Tampons cost $3.00
And a serving of Ramen or Maruchan noodles you can buy at HEB or Wal-Mart for 15 to 20 cents go for 65 cents apiece. A bag of off-brand tortilla chips that would cost less than $2 sells for $3.25.
The gouging doesn't stop there. Snakre sells phone card PIN numbers to the inmates and charges $2 off the top for themselves. Lets' say someone buys $20 in phone privileges for an inmate. Snakre takes $2 off the top and credits the inmate with $18. In Hidalgo County, the county keeps the $2 and it goes to the general fund. How the $2 is split is anyone's guess.
In other words, the commissary contract is a money maker to whoever gets it.
A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held Wednesday, Oct. 15 and the the request for proposals is posted on Cameron County’s website.
The proposals are due no later than 11 a.m. Oct. 28.
Any bets that Snakre will get it again for the next two years, the duration of Lucio's current term?
You don't have to be a nit-wit to figure it out. It's the heavy duty palm greasers who got the "bid" .
The prices are no different then the prices at special events in the Free World. These people are in prison, what do they expect? Seriously Juanio do you have a soft spot for this setting because you have been a tenant at this jail on several occasions?
The contract will go to someone who has given much support to Sheriff Lucio and will be another corrupt former-county official. Sheriff Lucio should retire now...or better yet; be indicted by the federal government for his corruption. Luis Saenz doesn't have the huevos to go up against the Dumbokratic Party and its culture of corruption.
A forensic audit of the entire sheriff's department should be conducted. Sheriff Lucio is no better than Conrado Cantu and perhaps they should be roommates in federal prison.
Of course you expect whoever gets the contract to make money, otherwise no one would bid. It costs the county to house and supervise these criminals much more than they spend. Maybe if they stayed out of jail there would be bitchin about prices.
The Commander has no say so in this Money Making Business. The Products they sell you can buy from the Dollar Tree for one dollar. but they sell them for 2 dollars. The Sheriff and Reynas do. like they say 10 for you 10 for you 10 for you and 20 for me. They call this Political Contribution.
Regardless of where you are, unfair price is unfair price.
Have Ruben Cortez and Rick Zayas been greasing Omar and Gus's hands?g
And LUCIO and REYNA's used to make fun of Conrado Cantu, pura verguenza its time for this 79 year sheriff to quit running, they should call him DOLORES LUCIO cause he is becoming a PAIN!!!
Get real..... Ruben Cortez(Judge Linda Salazar's Son) must have been making a killing for the last 10 years...... that must have financed his recent campaign.. and maybe that is how Reyna paid for the accident..mmmmm
Of course. Check their paws.
Get serious everyone! Prices are based on the ability to make money off a product. Who on this planet do you know buys an item to sell for profit and does not raise the price. Juanio Ya Basta, with your love affair with Rick & Ruben! Same boring story, OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
Back in the day Ruben and rick made alit if money by having slot of illegal gambling casinos.. Both of them are rats and need to be stopped...
Ruben Cortez is doing well for himself with his GED education. The perfect man to represent Brownsville. Corrupt and stupid. This is your culture.
The Envelope please .
Crooked courthouse dealings are not news. No sense and reporting on them anymore. It is like reporting on the rising and setting or the sun or the tides.
Rats will be Rats. It's their Nature.
Bahaaaaa...funny good one !!!!
Linda Salazar is a RAT along with her piece of shit son. She steals weddings from every other JP by greasing up the girls In The county clerks office. The woman is DRUNK. She has her sister working in her office. She lives with somebody that should registered as a sex offended and isn't. Linda makes a little over $45k plus her wedding money, yet drives a spiffy Cadillac, put in a 20 thousand dollar pool at her daughters house. She is building apartments next to her house she owns on boca chica blvd....the house she rents to her court administrator Sylvia Rodriguez. And seriously...she goes to vegas 3 to 5 times a year....must be nice linda...must be the money from that lucrative commissary contract.
"Kick backs," is the word I think of when certain players are given a lucrative contract??? Where are the Feds in this one??? No wonder Rick Zayas doesn't have to worry about representing clients and make money??? Omar Lucio is a rat just like the money he stole from the little league that he ran back in the day!!!
They call him "El Reumas"
Sure sounds like it ....
Its like the contract for the courthouse lunchroom / cafeteria. ..puro politics...the county could make money ..employee people and run a better cafeteria. where the prices would not needed ...
Linda is as dirty as they come. She is up to her eyeballs In the jail contract. Her own son is tired of her shit.
Linda Salazar is one of the most corrupt elected officials sitting on the bench. She should be indicted and forced to step down. It will never happen though, she is protected by Luis Saenz. She is a thief, gets kickbacks from the owners of the trucking companies and off the jail contract. She is related to the corrupt Reyna brothers....need I say more?
She is up to her Tits with shit !
The commander is ordered by Gus Reyna to give the contract to Zayas and his cousin Cortez. Hellooo
Z & C make a team.!
"You Dirty Rat" ! Jas. Cagney
Linda Salazar is a MORON on the bench. I know you don't like Erin Garcia Juanito, but believe me when I tell you. She sounds a hell of a lot better in court than that pendeja Linda Salazar. NOBODY at the court house likes her. Except of course Sylvia Rodriguez who caters to her judge hand and foot and the Erika de la Torre and company from the County Clerk's office...the girls whos palms she greases for the weddings.
Linda Salazar is going down. I heard she is retiring? Word around the courthouse is she in trouble. Her own son fesses up this allegation.
You all are idiots!
I love how the pieces of shits are "anonymous"!
So jealous = salty lmao
Thank you Mark for your candid and frank comments.
Who got the jail commissary contract? Answer: el que comió más Mierda ¡
Suck cock joto
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