Monday, November 3, 2014


Why is Minerva Pendeja Pena tell Elizabeth (Dierlam) to stay out of the BISD election and threatening with her job?
Who the hell does she think she is? Glad these two ladies are suing her ass! Big bully!!
Anonymous commenter

"Ms. Elizabeth Dierlam shared another odd interchange she says took place at a political event at Cobbleheads. Dierlam states that she was approached by BISD Trustee Minverva Pena and told to "stay out of BISD elections or she would risk losing her job." Deirlam found the threat especially weird since she is not supporting any current candidates for BISD Trustee.
"I have no idea what she was talking about," said Dierlam. Ms. Dierlam works at the BISD Transportation Department under Transportation Director Art Rendon."
Jim Barton in MeanMisterBrownsville

Elizabeth is a wonderful person. Everyone has the right to vote for who ever they want. And yes Pena did say that to Elizabeth, because I heard her tell her that. Pena your a bitter person...

The fact that Minerva Peña is backing Cesar Lopez, Coach Joe Rodriguez and Robert Rodriguez in the vote for BISD board places. She leaves Mary Rey to break the women vote and left out of the bus carrying only men. Minerva Pea should be ashamed for using Mary Rey to help her candidates and in return vote her as.the next President of the BISD board, be careful Otis Powers she is coming after you next.

Minerva Pena is a mean, evil wicked witch. Her day is coming up really soon. Also, a bully, a big fat liar, and an ugly tub of lard.
Liz don't let her get away with this.

By Juan Montoya
And so a season of mean has descended upon the Brownsville Independent School District board of trustees elections.
As those comments above reflect, there the wicked are filled intense passion as they strive to load the board for their own interests.
It is no secret, as one of the comments states, that Peña has coveted the presidency of the board for a long time and she sees her chance to grab the brass ring by backing the three candidates who are running together as a de facto ticket: Joe Rodriguez, Roberto Rodriguez and Cesar Lopez. 
More than one commenter has confirmed that Peña actually did say to Dierlam that supporting the wrong candidates could cost her her job with the district.
That is not all.
A supporter of Luci Longoria reports that a Lopez supporter (and local businessman) had texted him that their friendship was over because he saw a picture on the internet where he was at a Longoria function because Longoria was "an evil woman."
And, of course, the vitriol of the last days of the campaign was evident in the campaign ads that appeared in the local newspaper as candidates tried to be the last to gain the advantage of the last word to point out something negative about their opponents sometimes using couched words (sometimes not) to score the last thrust into their opponent.
Some 29,500 voters cast their ballots in the BISD elections in 2012. At the pace these elections are going (there were 20,733 early votes cast by last Friday, the last day), the pace appears to duplicate the elections two years ago. Every vote, as the candidates say, counts.
Let's hope that the level of hate and vituperation will dissipate after the results come in on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to here Robert Rodriguez is running in a slate w/Joe Rodriguez and Cesar. They have a plan and it's not a good one. They are going to corrupt Robert Rodriguez and he seems to be a good man. That's so sad. Go with the women instead,what do we have to loose. This guys are crooks, they always have been. Go women!!!

Anonymous said...

Get rid of Miss Piggy and Baltazar Salazar.How much are the citizens of your community to endure. He was convicted of several felonies. Why is there no uproar. It's not their fault, it's your's because you don't cause an uproar, your community sucks, they don't have the guts to stand up to this guys because, they are all related somehow.Shame on Brownsville citizens. We feel so sad for all of you down there but, it's your fault, you keep electing this kind of creepy characters. It's so sad, really sad.

Former county employee said...

Minerva Pena is nothing more than a worthless CUNT who supports and speaks for sexual predators in court and while she was a DPS officer! DPS was glad to see this CUNT leave! I just cannot believe that this CUNT found enough dummies to vote for her in the first place!

Anonymous said...

Dierlam is not too smart, but she has always been honest.

Anonymous said...

According to the NACO intelligence service it has been revealed thru genetic studies that Ms. Minerva Peña is related to Petunia Pigg. The resemblance is freighting . Evolution is indeed a fact.

Anonymous said...

Let's vote for those that will support Cata as a board member. Let's vote for Lucy Longoria, Carlos Elizondo and Shirly La Bowman. Together the future of BISD will depend on them.

Anonymous said...

MP is to stupid to be mean.

Anonymous said...

Post 5:21 PM sounds like DA Hammerman From Willacy County. You got away with tempering with witnesses in Cameron county but just keep pushing and you will have to answer to your underhanded way of fabricating evidence and witnesses. Keep it up and you will reveal your unlawful manner of operating.

Anonymous said...

Guess we know why the "former county employee" is no longer a county employee. LOL

Anonymous said...

So the fat Mexican thinks she's big shit in a little shit town nobody cares about huh? Guess what Pena, I hear about something like this again and I'll be at every board meeting on live TV telling you how things are done on this side of the border. Shut your uneducated third-world mouth.

Former LEO said...

@November 3, 2014 at 11:48 P.M.

You dumbass, the sexual predator got found guilty by a "jury of his peers." That's the American way, pendejo or pendeja! Remember, the sexual predator was in the witness protection program but got kicked out when he was arrested for committing other criminal acts including the sexual abuse on that minor child. If you were in court then, you would have heard the testimony, pendejo or pendeja! Anyway, Minerva Pena, you dumb bitch! Anonymous won't hide your identity! Oh, former county employee, yep! Retired pendejo or pendeja!

Anonymous said...

From Austin TX,I wonder how my former beloved community keeps electing people like Ms Pena to a position she knows nothing about. She's former DPS w/no background or the inticacies of education. What's wrong with you folks,wake up, can't you see through her,she's a nobody and you got her elected. WHY? Then they hire a General Counsel with FELONIES, what's wrong with you guys down there.STAND UP FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN,OPEN YOUR EYES.

Anonymous said...

So guess everyone commenting here about being overweight are in tip top shape. Guess that overweight lady must be a really good person if her weight is the only thing you can talk about. Wonder how many of your relatives are overweight and you hate! Must suck for you to have overweight relatives!

Anonymous said...

Ms Pigg is the poster gal for Piggo WeighWatchers .

Anonymous said...

What is the Love for Minerva Pena that you people have. It is evident that those who post so much hate towards her must of been arrested by her or unfriended. Either way get over your hate and move on with your life. Especially that former county employee!

Anonymous said...

Unfriended? Shit bitch nobody cares to be friends with this nobody.

Anonymous said...

2016 around the corner for elections. lets see who decides to run then. heard the bisd may decide to go back to having their election in may. that would a better time than running it w/ the presidential election.

Anonymous said...

It is more cost effective to run the elections in November. Why spend more money just because. Only those that are not liked by the citizens want the elections in May. Not good to spend money without need. Sure do wish more people would vote. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

It is so obvious that the hate post against Minerva Pena are coming from none other than Caty Presas-Garcia. Caty you are fooling no one but yourself! Give it a rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
