Dear UTPA students, if you have time to protest an item as trivial as a nickname/mascot, then you must have time for some much more important matters such as:

- The soon-to-come increase in oil and gas fracking on both sides of the river; a protest at a drilling company?
- The United States' renewed military activities in the Near and Middle East; protest at a post office?
- Dramatically low voting in the recent election, a solution?
- Unfair United States' immigrtation policies, especially towards the millions of Mexicans who have been here for decades, and hundreds of thousands Central Americans who have been here for at least five to 10 years, protest at an INS office?
- Inadequate public transportaton in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, a solution?
- A public and private school system that stresses tests instead of connections, serious reading, a solution?
- Insufficient women's and children's basic healthcare in the Lower rio Grande Valley, especially for poor and lower-income families; protest at Republican federal and state legislators' offices?
So, UTPA students, expand your concerns, and quickly!
Many protests await you, as do solutions, all more essential than a nickname/mascot name. It would be wonderful if you could tell relatives and in 20 or so years what part you played in the endless struggle for a fairer civilization.
Eugene "Gene" Novogrodsky
- Unfair United States' immigrtation policies, especially towards the millions of Mexicans who have been here for decades, and hundreds of thousands Central Americans who have been here for at least five to 10 years, protest at an INS office?
- Inadequate public transportaton in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, a solution?
- A public and private school system that stresses tests instead of connections, serious reading, a solution?
- Insufficient women's and children's basic healthcare in the Lower rio Grande Valley, especially for poor and lower-income families; protest at Republican federal and state legislators' offices?
So, UTPA students, expand your concerns, and quickly!
Many protests await you, as do solutions, all more essential than a nickname/mascot name. It would be wonderful if you could tell relatives and in 20 or so years what part you played in the endless struggle for a fairer civilization.
Eugene "Gene" Novogrodsky
Wow. Talk about a condesecending load of crap. Civil engagement in all forms should be encouraged. Protesting is their right and duty as citizens. Kudos to the UTPA students for standing up for their beliefs.
The NACO Intelligence Service just release the following most recent news: 8-Liners and Ébola both have been exterminated in Cameron County. A Nobel scientist is credited with this historic discovery.
Agreed. (Mostly.)
The protest is not likely a student initiated activity....more likely based on faculty and administration prodding. Student organizations at UTB have sponsrs....either from the faculty or administration. This protest is likely based on staff and faculty frustrations. The students are like sheep and generally follow the lead of their "shephard". It also reflects that students have no focus on "real" issues, just things superficial.
When I was at that age in college, I was a Marist, . socialist, Leftist for several social causes., Saving Social Security. And Now Medicare. Medicaid , IRA's,saving our Environment, Public Education, etc. When I was interviewed by the Feds for a job they asked me if I was a Democrat. .....and off I went to South America. Being bi-lingual was a Proven asset. I retired from Public Service after 30 years fighting poverty. Currently I am at odds with our "friendly" city commission.
Open Letter to Eugene "the problem" Novogrodsky
Dear Gene,
I am sick and tired of constantly hearing that UTPA students do not care about "important matters". The fact is that you and your entourage have no idea what goes on at my university. So I highly recommend that you quit spreading your animosity. We have many students that are very passionate about all kinds of issues! The irony here, is that, it was your generation that caused most of these "concerns" you speak of.
It will be wonderful when I tell my children the part I played in these struggles. Although, I will be ashamed to tell them the ridicule we faced from our very own people. You had a chance to offer words of encouragement, yet you failed to do so. You could have used this situation as a launching pad to help enable more students to become active on many more of these issues! You failed us Gene, and as far as I'm concerned, you are part of the problem, not the solution. Don’t worry, my generation is slowly working to fix the problems you caused us!
David Hernandez
Semper Fidelis!
Observe what the generation of the 1920's produced in Jolly Germany.
You are definitely entitled to your opinion and/or ideas; by the same token others too. In one of our many meetings with the Reds, we agreed to disagree.
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