Thursday, December 4, 2014


By Juan Montoya
In case you are wondering who is going to determine the direction the Brownsville Independent School District is going to take in the administration of its $524 million budget with its 7,000 employees and 40,000 students, let's take a gander at the board committee assignments.
Board president Otis (I haven't met a deer I won't shoot) Powers, assigned Hector Chirinos as chairman of the budget committee, Cesar Lopez and "Coach" Joe Rodriguez as members.
Chirinos, of course, is the same guy who while head of the BISD Transportation Dept. racked up more than $2 million in unjustified overtime for his bus drivers, bought surplus inventory which rotted on the racks to the tune of $100,000s and who bought so much more than his department needed from vendors that the stuff was stacked up to the rafters in the bus warehouses.
In fact, there was so much surplus that stuff went missing and he never knew it. He will be in charge of how the $524 million is spent.
Of course, we know how Lopez got to be a trustee on the BISD. He was handpicked by the late Enrique Escobedo to replace Christina Saavedra after Lopez assisted his brother's firm – American Surveillance – in procuring a lucrative surveillance equipment contract worth $100,000s for the Mercedes ISD when he was the purchasing agent there. Minutes from the meeting at the Mercedes ISD indicate that members of that board wanted equipment with other capabilities than that which American Surveillance had provided, but were talked into buying the stuff by Escobedo's brother and business partner Jaime and Lopez.
One good turn deserves another.
He is, if anything accommodating. He is now a member of the Buy Board – in which BISD is a member – and will be able to steer some of the district's business to vendors of his (and the rest of the board's) choice.
As far as "coach" Joe, we all know that after he left the BISD in a $90,000 golden parachute to keep him from suing the district for having the temerity to turn over uncomplimentary audits of his performance to the public, he embarked on a merry binge of being a vendor for a sports outfit that was favored by then-AD Tom Chavez to provide athletic equipment to the tune of nearly 1/2 million with a hefty commission for good ol' coach.
These foxes are the ones Powers put in charge of keeping an eye on the BISD cash henhouse.
It doesn't stop there.
The lucrative insurance contract was up for grabs after Johnny Cavazos died and this resulted in a free-for-all for the multi-million contracts to insure the district's 7,000-plus employees. So who did Powers decide who would be on that body? How about Lopez, Chirinos, and newbie Carlos Elizondo? Can the longtime firefighter and labor friend Elizondo be a moderating influence on these two? We wouldn't count on it, but who knows? Hope springs eternal.
We would venture to guess that more than half of the stuffed deer heads hanging on Powers' financial consultant's office are a direct result of the free trips to deer leases compliments of people who do business with the BISD, including the insurance guys. He may have to rent more space.
And there to direct Policy is Lopez (again), Elizondo and good ol' "Coach" Rodriguez.
Of course, with all the money changing hands through Budget, Insurance and Policy, you need an Audit committee, so who better to place as chair there than former Texas Department of Public Safety employee Minerva Peña, Chirinos, and the good ol' "coach" Rodriguez to keep an eye on the exchange?
Peña, who doesn't waste an opportunity to let everyone know of her DPS background, nonetheless scoffed at the results of several audits that showed both Chirinos and Rodriguez skirting the laws and in some case rolling right over it when they were district employees. If Budget (with Chirinos as chair) and Policy (with Lopez as chair) want to do their thing, what better Audit chair to have than than near-sighted Porter Belle Peña?
To make things even more ridiculous, guess who Powers put as chair of the Legislative Committee to hobnob and buttonhole legislators in Austin? Would you believe Minnie the Pooh (Peña)? That same towering intellect and Brainiac who can't even get her microphone to work right at meetings is also chair of the Technology committee.
Hang on for the ride, guys!


Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that during BISD board meetings, you can only see one hand of any of the trustees....because each always has one hand "under the table". BISD Board should have to undergo a forensic audit to determine waste, fraud and abuse of the tax payers money by this "gaggle" of incompetent people that were elected by our community. Remember, BISD voters don't accept corruption, they demand corruption when the choose trustees.

Anonymous said...

Juan, who do you recommend for the budget committee? Cats? With her lawsuit against the district? Her past issues with the law for pocketing money from the aquatic center and real state clients of her? Or perhaps Elizondo with his 10M lawsuit against the city? Nice options!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Guys get over it someone must be jealous of Presas-Garcia or envious of the woman! The real thief's are Chirinos, Joe Rodriguez, Cesar Lopez with their deals that will get lined up.... Powers his hunting trips and Pena fat Pig full of Lard forgets why her husband was forced to resign from the Police Dept... I am so sick of the abuse of power... Thought only the County was Corrupt but it turns out BISD has Board Members that run for fame and glory or self interst... Don't know Elizondo nor Presas-Garcia but let tell the Community I worked with Pena and she is the BIGGEST IDIOT AND EMBARRASEMENT..
Joe Rodriguez was not the Greatest for BISD as a Coach nor a Good Administrator worthless SOB and A Snake to Screw the System every time he gets a chance... Know first hand information of employees who saw Joe Rodriguez take equipment from BISD Purchase Orders... Chirinos was an Imbesel when he ran Porter as a Parent I couldn't believe he was placed as a Principal worthless and couldn't hold his staff accountable... Cesar Lopez saw him with the So Called Doctor who never was and proclaimed to be a DOCTOR Enrique Escobedo who his Brother Jaime Escobedo should blame himself for wanting his baby brother to get all the deals sincehe had the power...
Guys you can't fool all Law Enforcement Officers... I'm retired Law Enforcement and guess what sooner or later the corrupted Elected Officials will get caught... Eyes are on the Majority Always ... I remembre Joe Rodríguez Law Suite Coors what an Idiot !!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha....yeah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, do you and your readers think now is a good time to bring back the GGL? You remember The Good Government League? These people used to keep the politicians in line by exposing their chingaderas. I really think we need them back to keep our elected officials in line and accountable.

Anonymous said...

Very well said and put!! When is this Community going to realize those who have propaganda and spend lot's of money on Elections is because they owe those people who gave them the cash & or checks to pay for their Campaign. The Vendors have their selected Candidates that will promise the Contracts/BIDS and when the time comes they recover their money they invested in the Candidate and more. Sad to say some of the Elected Board Members proclaim to be for the Students, Employees and Citizen of BISD. Let me tell you they are in it for themselves and no one else. Our culture of accepting the abuse is our own fault. Stand up and let's not paint a pretty picture bottom line we have corruption!!

Anonymous said...

Post December 4, 2014 at 7:57 PM sounds like you are a disgruntled forced to retire law enforcement officer!!!! It is evident in your hatred towards BISD board members. You say you do not know Presas-Garcia and you are from the area? You lie because you have a mouth!!! Pitiful, is what you appear to be!

Anonymous said...

The "retired" law enforcer must be a pot- belly jerk who took his bribes with glee and merriment.

Gilberto H. said...

Once again. Reason number 2,856 why I sacrifice and send my children to private school.
