Thursday, December 4, 2014


(Ed's Note: Like many other motorists passing by the Security First Credit Union on Price road next to Hanna High at about 11: 30 a.m. we craned our necks (and nearly caused an accident) when we saw the dark-colored car above at the entrance to the credit union. At first we thought that perhaps it was some kind of promotion for the financial institution, but the number of police units and fire engine there quickly made us realize that wasn't the case. Instead, when we stopped and asked a firefighter whether anyone had gotten hurt, he answered that there had. Apparently, an elderly motorist had accidentally crashed into one of the faux columns at the entrance of the union and had received an injury. Being that the accident happened at a financial facility, it's easy to see why the police responded in numbers. We don't know how serious the injuries were to the elderly woman, but we're hoping she fared better than the column.)

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