Tuesday, December 9, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Well, it seems that BBQ is not the only thing being dished out at Ernie and Norma Hernandez's new BBQ joint next to Fiesta  Graphics.
It seems that Ernie is also feeding local blogger (it's spelled misanthrope, Babosa) Wightman warmed over gossip.
Some folks baited a few hooks to see whether Ernie would pass on the bait to Wightman and sure enough, the stuff appeared as hot insider political gossip on his blog.
There is no one pushing the weir dam, Babosa. That was the worm and you bit on it. Same goes for Cascos not accepting the Secretary of State appointment by Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott. Those warmed over morsels were thrown out to Ernie to see where they would reappear. Bingo, they got you!
The talk about county administrator Pete Sepulveda being appointed to head a caretaker county judgeship was the only germ of truth that made the rest plausible.
If they do, Sepulveda would serve at his current $220,000 salary without the additional $85,000 that would put him over the $300,000 ceiling.
That breast beating about needing someone "engaged" in the new bridge and weir dam is simply unconvincing. The bridge has been in the works for years, if not decades. The only new span is the second causeway to South Padre Island.
Some people are just easy, and the repetition of the bait by Wightman is proof positive that he remains joined at the hip to the Hernandez vote-harvesting machine. Since when has Ernie been a repository of truth, Wightman? You've been had, child.


Anonymous said...

The round mound of ass pound does it again dudes......he bypasses his document driven bullshit and writes diarrhea...lol!

The sex starved gay blogger, rumored to talk to pizza delivery boys naked on the phone, writes to him millions of readers that social media is "Big Brother". That cowards use social media to bully and destroy people's lives. Helloooooo....does this not sound like you blimp?

The grotesque ball of gayness has his moments of peacefulness and puts up a soothing song and tells his army of readers to enjoy life and be happy....but then one of the dark voices in his head goes ape shit, and proceeds to get a colonoscopy and bash anyone that is within a thirty mile radius.....poor blimp....he is tormented dudes...lol!

The blubbery ball of lies says that his readership is ten thousand a day strong...and I believe him dudes......there must be at least that many voices living in his head.....and I am certain he believes they all read his blog......no more brisket for you blimp....lol!

Anonymous said...

How did Ernie and Norma get an occupancy permit for the new BBQ joint when they really have no parking available?

Anonymous said...

I read different blogs, and don't know any of these bloggers personally, but for you to call him a bully and throw out anti-gay slurs doesn't make you sound any better with your ranting raves. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. You don't have to insult to disagree or make a point. It's not a crime to be white, black, straight, gay, mexican . The list goes on.......Whether he writes lies or not, do all bloggers say the truth ? They all throw out their opinion . Do all judges say the truth? NOT.
It takes all kinds to make this world go round. Weren't you taught that? However,it is wrong when an official lies, and gives or gets special treatment. Peace....

Anonymous said...

The blimp got caught with his panties down. Good job Juan, way to expose the hot air filled blimp. The moron try's to cover his lies by saying that he has talked about the weir for months, so he did not have to talk to Anyone. He says that Austin and the County are actively looking at weir, but does not mention any names from Austin or County ....because there are none. The guy is a known Bozo by everyone and has no "sources" .... People in your head don't count as sources.... Mr. Snuffleupugus!

Anonymous said...

Yawn.Drop the "dudes" , "lol", and the gay bashing if you want to be taken seriously. For all your venom on Bobby, you sure are up to date on all his postings....talk about being tormented! Grow up and get help; you are embarrassing your family.

Anonymous said...

Bobby wants the weir to be built so he can work as a ferry. He has always know that he is a ferry. Kids at school would yell, look at Bobby the ferry!

The river's low levels will not support the blimp, there is not enough water to make him buoyant.

The weir will allow Bobby's dream of being a ferry, to become reality. He will back paddle the banks of the river, ferrying illegals to this country on his belly safely.

Anonymous said...

The BBQ sucks,,, I will stick to the Texas long horn cattle...

Anonymous said...

These are quotes from the Blimp on his post today- I shit you not!

"Not everyone lives their lives trying to settle scores. Some of us are actually emotionally healthy."
Every day you post something trying to settle scores. Didn't you say you were going to bring Otis Powers down, if it was the last thing you did? that sounds like wanting to settle a score, you wacko.

"I am the type person who can try a case with you on Tuesday and lose and then treat you to a drink if you conducted yourself in a professional manner - nothing is personal to me"

Another lie. You are crazy. You are a liar. You are vindictive. You are a hateful person. You are a blimp.

"Life for me is about working with people when I can and working against them when my moral compass directs me to do so."

If by working with people you mean suing them to get your crazy point of view across. If it means To bash them on your blog and print lies to try and ruin people...then you do work with people. You and your moral compass are nuts! You are a delusional sick, man that needs to change medications.

Anonymous said...

Many of the points made here are true but when you make it about his sexual orientation it says more about you then it does about him. Same for comments about his weight. By his own admission, he was discharged from the army due to mental health issues and they seem to be ongoing. The mental health issues matter because it allows us to put his comments in perspective. I hope he gets well soon. He is a bully but I don't think that is a mental health problem. I think it is just him being a dick.

Anonymous said...

Babosa is soooooo annoying. One day he likes someone and the next day he hates that person. I can never understand his venom. He needs to take a stance and stick to it. So wishy-washy on everything.

Former county employee said...

Ernie is a pig! I would venture to say that the Brownsville Healt department needs to visit this establishment. Anyone ever see how Ernie and Norma lived? And they have a restaurant?

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up cris! You are the last person to be casting stones! You are running scared now that you and cascos are being exposed for the conniving scum you both are.
