Remember how the fervor of prosecuting someone for the missing $21 million in the Port of Brownsville's Bridge Nowhere kind of died down after the demise of Port Director Raul Besteiro?
Inevitably, when the question arose over who had authorized the expenditures of millions to Mexican contractors or to pay $1 million "success" bonuses to Dannenbaum Engineering, the finger always seemed to turn towards the late port director.
In the end, it took the creatively criminal endeavors of convicted former Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos to strong-arm $1 million from Dannenbaum in exchange for a statement clearing them of any wrongdoing. Think what you want of Mando, but he made Dannenbaum fork over the million with that maneuver.

The latest twist involved the re-opened a case against Joanne Cisneros, 36. Investigators say that Cisneros stole more than $80,000 while working as the office administrator for the late Justice of the Peace Tony Torres.
They say that the thefts were committed December 2006 to March 2010.
According to the DA's website and police reports, a county audit revealed that monies were missing and that it was discovered that Cisneros was responsible for the daily bank deposits and had stolen payments made to that office.
"In 2010, the Brownsville Police Department handled the investigation and filed the case with the D.A.’s Office,” District Attorney Luis.V. Saenz said. "The prior administration rejected the case. We re-opened the case that led to the defendant being indicted. We did not want the defendant to think she had gotten away with stealing from the taxpayers."
That's interesting because we remember that there were more than one person involved in that case. Further, we also heard that Cisneros had at first agreed to cooperate with the investigators and owed up to the charges, but that she withdrew her cooperation when they tried to blame her for theft of the entire amount.
In the more recent case involving Liliana Cantu, the clerk for Erin Garcia Hernandez, the woman has said in the past that she intends to take some people down with her if she is blamed for all the allegations in the bribery and the tampering of a government document.
In fact, the bribery indictments state that Cantu was procuring the bribes on behalf of her boss on at least two occasions. That trial will be interesting to attend to see whether Erin will take the stand and blame the clerk for the malfeasance in her office.
We remember a former president who said "the buck stops here" and took responsibility for what went on in his office. Local office holders apparently don't believe in that dictum.
Local attorneys say that the "Dead Men Tell No Tales" defense could also work in the Cisneros case. They say that if Cisneros maintains that she did everything on the orders of the late Tony Torres, it will be difficult to prove otherwise. How would investigators and prosecutors impeach Cisneros' testimony, if she is allowed to testify from the stand? Torres is long gone.
The case is going on five years old and witnesses have a way of forgetting things over time. We have heard that there is a forgotten case involving the adopted son of an Asst. D.A. which was swept under the rug after he had been caught taking bribes to lower bonds, too. In that case, we hear that a district judge asked Villalobos to let him handle it "internally," and Mando acquiesced.
Will that case also be (as in the Tale of Two Cities) be brought "back to life" as well? Or will it be only the lowly clerks with no influential relatives who are prosecuted?
This is only another PR Move by Luis Saenz. Word of advise Luis...Quit making a fool out of yourself with all this facebook posts. We the tax payers know the difference between a good solid person who after elected keeps his promises and an elected official trying his best to make himself look like he actually cares about justice by self promoting himself a defender of the people. We know a smoke screen when we see one. Luis the air is clear and we are know seeing your true color and it is black.
Now that Bobby Wightman has turned on Luis Saenz, Melissa Zamora has leaned on Brownsville Cheezmeh to promote Luis. How pitiful is the DA that he would lie in bed with the same person who wanted to destroy his marriage, his children's reputation and everyone associated with Luis Saenz.
When a man does anything for a vote that man cannot be trusted. Remember this Quote Luis Saenz
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Hey Mr. DA read this and make sure you understand it because we the voters and tax payers will.
Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters”
― Albert Einstein
Is that why Besteiro, Torres and Escobedo misteriously died?
Take the case to trial and hell yea, JP Torres needs to be ordered
to court by Judge Nelson . . . .
after all ......... Judge Nelson has some special friends (gf) who is known to contact the dead for
a fee.
D/A Saenz find the money for the fee . . .. .
Judge Torres is not resting in peace until the truth comes out
on the missing $ 80,000 ! ! !
Only Lazarus can tell Tales.
Judge Torres was having an affair and apparently fathered a child with the infamous sister of the now indicted Liliana Cantu Villarreal. How about them apples
Not with Tony Torres u goof. Tony Yzaguirre. Ms Cantu worked there as well.
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