After two stormy past administrations where the Mr. Amigo Association drew pointed criticism for its extravagant ways and conspicuous consumption by the organization's presidents and sycophants, reports from Mexico City indicate that President Robert Avitia is trying to improve the group's image.

"Avitia was completely different," said one. "Once we go over the expenses I'm sure that we'll find out that Robert has really toned down the spending and protected the donors' money."
To judge by an Internet search of the
media coverage in Mexico City, virtually all the newspaper, news tabloids, and local broadcasters covered the invitation press conference, a marked contract to the presentations before under presidents Yesenia Patiño and hubby Miguel and later, Luigi Cristiano.
Among some of the expenditures that have raised eyebrows under Patiño were included $3,016 listed as "president's expenses" while on the trip to Mexico City to give Eduardo Yanez a lavish invite to come during the Charro Days events. We don't have an itemized invoice for Patiño, but we are told that the expense was racked up to purchase outfits for her and her hubby and kids. She and her sidekick, BISD's Sylvia Perez, were known for their reclusive and (and exclusive) by invitation-only gatherings.
And the short bus ride that took the Mr. Amigo entourage from their hotel in Mexico City to the U.S. embassy – 15 or 20 minutes away – cost $1,146.
In fact, the reception for Yanez cost $1,429, just $300 more than the short bus ride.
Cristiano didn't do much better. He didn't think twice about giving himself a presidential send off spending $1,000s to buy the liquor for the bash. What happened to the voluminous amount of booze after the party? Only Luigi knows.
Robert and Liz Avitia have done no such thing with the funds donated to the Mr. Amigo Association, we have been told. Observers hope that the tone at the Mexico City meet which was attended by the likes of Osorio, Carmen Salinas, Pablo Montero, Marylin Villanueva, and others we're not acquainted with will carry over to the Mr. Amigo Association events scheduled for Brownsville during Charro Days. Afer Patiño and Cristiano, it will be a welcome change.
Yesenia Patino le gusta el Pepino...y a Miguel Patino siempre tiene Dolores de cabesa por los cuernos que le pone Yesenia.
Let's make some comparison between this Mr. Amigo president and the other ones.
To begin with I believe that AVITIA is not making any changes he is just riding in what others have done before him.
The extravagant attitude is there the attitude is there the only thing is a makeup.
ALL OF THE BOARD has been tough to be like this if you want to be president that's the way you should act. I assume this because that's the way in this board act.
The Mr. Amigo association has his own name yes it's sad that maybe has been surpassed by border fest but in reality is the whole charro days concept is old and outdated and they refuse to change. and we the people of Brownsville when someone comes with a change we start criticizing the people. ok I agree don't overspend but in reality Borderfest pays for the people they bring and here they don't pay! That's why I believe they spend money trying to make this people feel good at least that's the minimum they can do for them I believe.
AVITIA is just going to the old way of Mr. Amigo he is not spending as much as before because the reality he is not bringing some that you will like to go and see at the parade. That's the plain truth!
Ok the ones before him maybe they were not the best but at least people were eager to see them for whatever reason.
Let be fair: they don't spend we get someone like Osorio.
They spend and we get a mediocre actor.
The truth I will like to see some "chichi" and the lady's some other things too.
Nothing is new here like my grandma used to say: " CHANGO VIEJO NO APRENDE MAROMA MUEVA!!
Si yo prefiero ir a ver chichis y nalga que haga algo bueno el marihuano de OSORIO y se traiga a la buenota de Niurka y que deje en México al buey de Pablo Montero que también es bien sodero
This MR. Amigo thing is boring to the max! I don't care if one past-president is messing around or not I would like to see where the money is going.
These clowns spend more than 15,000 on a walk of fame!!
Did you know that? Did they put up for bid this project? Where is this walk of shame? sorry walk of fame located?ho in the city approved this? the people of Brownsville was taken in consideration of were do they wanted this project ? Of course not this is a project for Jorge Flores and Jose Camacho out of this world Ego!!
Bad bad Mr. Amigo
Pura gente de la "high society"
Let's see Pablo Montero a non grata person in the United States why? 2 convictions drug related and to top it off no show on a court what happened his passaport got revoked!
Maliyn Villanueva she was married and got pregnant from Eduardo Santamarina while filming a telenovela
Carmen Salinas she is facing the I.R.S in Mexico for not paying her taxes and many cases of not paying her co actors because she is also a producer
No pos Si señor Avita se "codea" con pura gente de mucha "categoría"
Was this story written by AVITIA to make himself look good? It´s not working because the concept I have about the Mr. Amigo Association as a whole sucks balls anyways!! They are all a bunch of egocentric assholes that like to stand out instead of bringing good values to the community, bringing a rehabed drug addict is actually changing everything? Think again before you write to elevate youre fat ass, it´s not working!!!!
Pura cuacha esos del Mr.Amigo!!!
Que chingen a su madre todos!!!!!
Esta ruca o vato si sabe spellear
The difference between Mr. Amigo and Borderfest is the following:
Mr. Amigo has been in existence for more than 50yrs they were part of the chamber of commerce as many other organizations.
Mr. Amigo Association, an organization that works for the friendly relationship with Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico and Brownsville, Texas, United States and to preserve the Charro Days and Sombrero Festival celebrations, became a part of Charro Days in 1967.
And just recently started a scholarship of $1,000 and that's it nothing else! Let's compare to Borderfest:
Borderfest started in 1976 as a committee of the Hidalgo Chamber of Commerce to promote cultural, international and community spirit. The initial event was a small community festival lasting one day and drawing some 500 people. Today, the festival has grown.
Annually the festival Donates $40,000 to $50,000 for local scholarships.
Borderfest’s mission is dedicated to cultural enrichment, arts education and heritage preservation in South Texas. BorderFest celebrates the diverse cultures that make the Rio Grande Valley unique and is an opportunity to share, preserve and showcase South Texas heritage through education, music, dance, cultural activities, and family fun.
Yes, let's continue to compare charro days to Borderfest.
There is nothing to compare. Like putting charro days carnival against disney world. Brownsville is so firkin proud of charro days. What a joke.
Attention mr amigo members and president. Stop driving around brownsville with your very unnecessary police escorts. It is very dangerous you are going to get some one hurt. Either a cop or citizen. There is no traffic in this town and beleave me, you are not important. You could not even get a vip to come here. I encourage citizens to document and film this dangerous practice just so some in this community can feel important for a couple of hours.
Lol next to Borderfest los mr. amigos son pira cuacha con todo y su presidente!
On my way to Borderfest! fuck mr. amigo! fuck charro days fuck sombrero fest! And beer fest too!!
La ruca Carmen Salinas is hotter than Liz avitia.
Como dijo el Viejo Paulino:
No pos ta cabron!
Going to Borderfest fuck charro days ant the Mr. Amigo cuachas.
Get going pendejo !
Yes we can compare Borderfest vs Mr. Amigo
Mr. Amigo 50+ yrs of existence and what we get in return?
Nothing just a bunch of clowns with a police escort speeding thru our streets look at the designated Mr. Amigo a drug addict does he represents good values for our kids?
Como dijo la Grandma: apenas ta el agua(Osorio) pa el marrano( Avita).
Borderfest 39 yrs of existence vs Mr. Amigo 51
Y los vatos del Borderfest way ahead of this people they should have learned something no?
Yes we are proud of the charro days concept the downfall is they don't want to change bring something new.
Do u know that in charro days inc the same presidents go around and around no opportunity for new people, new ideas why? Is all about the money there too.
yesenia patino, ugh..
BOYCOTT MR. AMIGO ASSociation!!!!!!
Sounds like backdoor shit that Tony "Dirty Deals" Martinez does.
Hey zeke silva!
Don't defend this people
they got rid of you they don like you!
Juan Naco will be the next Mr. amigo.
Para Charros en Jalisco! Charro Days is just a MAMADA!
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