The former longtime chief of staff for former Cameron County Judge Gilberto Hinojosa has been chosen as the interim Elections Administrator for the county in the wake of the resignation of office holder Chris Davis who will leave for Williamson County.

Only Frank Morris, the Republican party chair, registered the sole opposing vote in the 4-1 motion to select Garza.
The county was in a bind following Davis' resignation since the City of Brownsville elections are just around the corner in May.
Sources say that the appointment was offered to former elections administrator Roger Ortiz, but that Ortiz declined.
You remember Remi.
Before he left, Hinojosa tailored a position for him within the county administration, only to have incoming Republican County Judge Carlos Cascos abolish the post. He had been promised the county administrator position now held by Pete Sepulveda.
In 2006, Hinojosa created a new department and job for Remi Garza after losing his re-election bid.
But Garza’s job as “director of administrative services,” and the new department were quickly abolished after Cascos took office in January.
Remi Garza was placed in charge of documenting county properties, but resigned the post a short time later.
Coming from a prominent San Benito family (his late father Raul, a doctor, and mother Yolanda, an attorney), Remi was soundly defeated by David Garza for commissioner of Precinct 3 in the 2008 Democratic primary.
We understand that prominent among those who were supporting Garza's bid for elections administrator were former interim Democratic chairman Jarred Hockema, also an assistant under Hinojosa and acting city manager of Santa Rosa. Hockema and Garza are partners in the consulting firm Frontera Consultants RGV.
With so many Hinojos aunderlings and Democratic Party supporters reemerging in the wake of Cascos' departure for his new position as Texas Secretary of State, will it be only a matter of time before Gilberto himself appears on the scene to manipulate the political goings on in the county?
The election commission's recommendation will come before the Cameron County Commissioners Court for approval or disapproval in their next meeting.
Bola DE ratas!!!
Remi is a nice guy
remi is nice
but he is a puppet
and is easily manipulated
He is a competent administrator with years of service. Remi is as fair and honest as the day is long. Find anyone else in Cameron County as qualified.
He is a competent administrator and proven leader. Remi is as honest as the day is long and hot in South Texas. You will not find a finer man in Cameron County
I like remi we work together for many years he is a good guy good luck luck
A victory for the democRATA party gang sylvia, joe y gilberto , y que viva el PRI en cameron county bola de ratitas
I like Chris but leaving during an election was a dick move. What does that tell his new employer?
What are the qualifications for being an elections administrator or does it really matter when you are part of "The Machine"?
Congratulations Remi
wow.. now they can really rig the elections.....
Chris followed Cascos to the Austin area, as did other Cameron County Employees. Good luck Austin!
Lok at that rat face wow, can joe rivera apply? Might as well everything is already fixed and in order to have all these ratas back at the courthouse once again, thanks carlos you left the gate open and all the $ bola de ratas are coming back in.
This one doesn't even pass the SMELL test! Gilbert is orgasmic!
He does have a striking resemblance to Alfred E. Newman.
he is a gilbert Hinojosa puppet. Cascos will be looking at this very closely since he is new secretary of state. Should be somebody else to put in that position for awhile.
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