Who's on first?
Well, it's not Art Rendon at Transportation anymore.
Nor is it Judy Cuellar at Employee Benefits.
Come to think of it, it's not Ken Wittenmore at Warehouse either.
It's all of them, and none of the above.

For a long time, trustee Hector Chirinos and now-board president Minerva Chirinos have had their sights set on Rendon because when he took over the overtime-riddled department, he cut out the gravy to bus drivers, a major part of their constituency.
And an inventory of the department (previously run by Chirinos) found that $100,000s in materials had been wasted or had been "lost." In some cases, bus tires and other materials had to be thrown away because they were literally rotting on the shelves.
Peña had been courting the votes within the bus drivers union and had been screaming bloody murder when Rendon lowered the overtime for the group by some $2 million in as many years.
Now they have placed Hector Zamarripa, Assistant Principal at Burns Learning Academy, at the wheel of the Transportation Dept.
In the case of Cuellar, the burgeoning scandal involving the $3.3 million insurance contract with McGriff where that company had the market cornered to the detriment of the district may have prove to be her undoing. We understand that Cuellar has been moved to the position once held by Warehousing Director Ken Wittenmore and that he has been moved to Employee Benefits. Wittenmore was one of the district staff who had been part of the insurance evaluation committee with Cuellar, Payroll Administrator Kenneth Lieck, CFO Lucio Mendoza, Finance Coordinator Mark Alaniz, and Belia Rodriguez, a representative from the purchasing dept.
The three BISD board members who head the board's insurance committee are Cesar Lopez, Jose Chirinos and Carlos Elizondo.
The national college basketball tournament is not over yet. The March Madness continues.
Kent Whittemore has been in EB before. Dr Zemdejas has had negative experience with Rendon before
no changes on website on BISD. why is ms. zendejas listening to some of board members? this is not right at all. 2016 around corner and that means new board members too! lets see who comes up for re-election hector chirinos, Minerva pena, Otis power and caty presas-garcia. for sure 2 of them will not be re-elected and the politiquera system is getting in trouble too. People vote not politiqueras. Also , bisd election needs to be changed or moved again to May of next year than having it in NOVEMBER.
Rearranging them. Uuuyyy. That will show them . The problem isn't that they are in the wrong jobs, it's their there they are thieves.
This transfer nonsense is a long standing practice at BISD. If you are incompetent there is no need to worry about being fired. You'll just be be moved to a position where it is hoped your incompetence will result in less damage. Remarkably, some of these transfer result in the fuck up getting a higher paying job!
Another thing that needs to be addressed is the continual violation of governance regulations by board members. I think every board meeting should begin with a refresher course on the responsibilities of a board member since these dipshits can't get it through their thick skulls that they have no business sticking their noses into the day-to-day operations of the district.
Rendon, Guerrero, and Lerman do not belong in trasportation, they treat us, the drivers like trash. These three do not respect their own mother if she was under them!!!
How many educators are on the school board?
All departments have problems but the most corrupt departments in the district is HR! They have cost the district millions of dollars in lost talent to other districts. They take months to clear people for interviews and then months to give them the letter to report to work. Talented teachers and administrators have gone to other industries and school districts because of the compadrismo in this department.
March Madness is sure causing havoc at the Brownsville Independent School District. As a TAX PAYER, COMMUNITY LEADER, AND BISD SCHOLARSHIP DONOR, I am disturbed to hear that the Board Appointed Interim Superintendent, in less than a month, has already set a negative tone and the downward spiral direction for the District and its employees. The Interim should set her ultra-ego, century-old remembered habits, her narcissism and micromanaging style ASIDE. Mrs. Minerva Pena hailed that her Board Presidency term would be different. She promised to put the students and staff first. Unfortunately, the District is in more turmoil now than ever. More lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits and more funds for Attorney fees. The Interim is rumored to be scrutinizing every single line item and is the SOLE APPROVER OF ALL PURCHASING ITEMS. Folks, a dark cloud is over the Brownsville Independent School District.
We don't want Mr Hernandez to go anywhere. .. he has finally fixed do much mess left to him from Liz... Ms zendajas, please leave him at Porter, he is fair, firm, and we can all go talk to him... 100% positive change from previous administration. .. why do you pick on Porter... mess with hanna if u want, but u wont cuz those parents won't allow it..... stop bullieing us... kids, parents, teachers, like Mr hernandez. .. please do no change... we should walk out... .
The transportation administration treat their employees with no respect and there is a lot of favoritism going on. The Transportation Admins are never in their office, always traveling or out and about. Mr. Kent W. is one of the top Administrators that should be named Superintendent of the BISD or Assistant AA of Operations. C'mon folks his IQ is beyond those that are currently AA's, like Jimmie.
Hector Zamarripa AP @ BLA is the one moved to Transportation not Hector Hernandez from Porter.
Kent es buey y duerme tarde.
Is E DELEON still out of job? When you play with fire, you are going to get burned. He's lucky someone caught what he did before any contracts were awarded.
A contract was awarded to McGriff the company that BISD had sued!
Wasn't it Mr. Mendoza that signed for as a fiduciary for the school board?
you are correct but the problem starts with the secretaries. if you dont turn in your application with a box of chocolates they shred it or misplace it. same thung fir reference letters, if they know somwone applying for a certain position all the rest of the applicants' packets are "incomokete" these classiffied (uneducated) emoloyees have too much power.
what about the Atkinsons
they need to break up their mafia
moving administrators after spring break bad choice. don't you usually move them during summer before school starts again in August. TRUE it is on website either. Administrators at transportation do listen and do not show favoritism either. You got that wrong bud. Seems still like micro manage to me from board members to the Interim Superintendent. think board should have put one of AA's in as interim to save money. at this point it is a guessing game. morale is not good at all and they the board and everybody need to think and Believe in BISD as their motto.
office staff at transportation should be moved too . some of them have bad customer service skills. payroll, route office and monitor office ok. just the office staff where administrator office is. they can be rude some days.
Petra Ramirez is the snitch and a witch like Minerva Pena. Chirinos wanted Art out because he discovered the outrageous amount of supplies and parts he purchased and the overtime abuse by Chirinos.
That idiot Minerva supports Chirinos in all this.
The new board majority continue to you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. This is the worse board ever they're sickening and corrupt to the max.
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