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Via Facebook
Now would be the right time for our Cameron County commissioners to have a "could have had a V-8" moment and come back to reality, to open up the windows and let in some fresh air to the brain and realize what a STUPID idea all this is.
Where do you begin?
Who let this toxic Trojan Horse inside our paradise?
And why? Under what pretenses?
Why has it become necessary to have demonstrations protesting this?
How is it that we have come so far?
Our elected leaders, from Congressman Filemon Vela Jr. down to our port officials, must have been sniffing that LNG gas (oh wait, it's insidiously odorless, unless flared) to come up with the perverse notion that lining our port with LNG factories spewing smog and belching polluted water that would kill the South Padre Island tourism golden egg and our fishing waters; that all of this would be ok in exchange for 200-300 jobs.
So, what's the catch?
Why is our port director Eddie Campirano fawning like it was prom night, bending over (backwards) to appease and accommodate LNG pollution?
Where are our economic development gurus we pay half a million to bring in (relatively) clean industry. Hell, I'll even take call centers. Hell, I'll take nothing over these toxic smokestacks they're stuffing down our throat.
I understand we need jobs. But is this the best we can do?
Where is the imagination, the long range outlook we pay millions for? Is this the kind of legacy we want to leave?
There will come the time when we'll have to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and explain to them about the day when we let the polluting plants into town and ruined the air and beaches for them. Not only that, son, we paid them to come here. We gave them millions in tax breaks and the Brownsville Public Utility Board paid millions more to build the pipeline to choke us with.
[check out https://www.facebook.com/saveRGVfromLNG]
[check out https://www.facebook.com/saveRGVfromLNG]
WTF, they want 100% property tax abatement from the county for ten years for both real and personal properties.
FERC North American LNG Export Terminals Proposed
Read the Corpus Christi LNG Project EIS (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT by FERC)"Page 375 Chapter 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations"
"We conclude that construction and operation of the Corpus Christi LNG Project would
result in temporary and short-term impacts on numerous resources. However, the Project would
result in permanent impacts on wetlands, EFH, agricultural lands, and visual resources;and long-
term impacts on air quality."
Talk about the fox taking care of the chickens coop. State representative Rene Oliveira who is supposed to look out and protect Brownsville and South Padre Island gave them a letter of recommendation (http://www.fossil.energy.gov/programs/gasregulation/authorizations/Orders_Issued_2012/roliveira08_01_12.pdf) to build this crap here. I remember one time I called for a letter of recommendation for my son and they told me they get back to me. I guess I don't have the big bucks to wine and dine his fat ass.
Rogues Gallery.
Throw out the liquid gas and go for the real money, nuclear waste.
The LPG industry isn't coming here out of the goodness of their heart to bring employment to Cameron County. They are coming her because they think they can make money here. They are not a charity. They will be using our public utilities, our roads, our ship channel, our fire department, our emergency services, our law enforcement, our waste disposal and the list goes on. If they can't make money and pay their fair share for living in and using our community why do we want them? I don't want them at all but I know how our community leaders work and I know we will have all the dirty, unsightly, smelly, dangerous, environmentally damaging industry that wants to come to town. But it really pisses me off that they will get to do those things without carrying their fair share. As it stands now, the county is happy planning on regularly denying us access to Boca Chica Beach at the convenience of SpaceX. With two LPG plants on Highway 48 it's a good bet things will go wrong from time to time and the only way to Port Isabel and the Island will be through Los Fresnos when 48 is closed.
Also, as was the case with SpaceX, no local leader is suggesting that we reserve judgment until the impact statements are completed.
Check on the history of regular community disruption due to accidents at the petro-chemical plants along the Houston ship channel. So do you want that for our community? Also consider what will happen if there is an ignition in the storage area. If state tea party politicians believe what they say about terrorist crossing the border from Mexico this will give them a convenient and spectacular target.
You want Bro. to be a Beaumont-Texas City polluted area ? Tell them to take their crap elsewhere ! Thanks René. How much did you receive from the lobbyists ?
Man Tony Martinez has that retard look to him to be sure. Probably why he was elected as "Da Mayor". Nice.
"We conclude that construction and operation of the Corpus Christi LNG Project would
result in temporary and short-term impacts on numerous resources. However, the Project would
result in permanent impacts on wetlands, EFH, agricultural lands, and visual resources;and long-
term impacts on air quality."
"Visual Resources" is another word for TOURISM.
All of these "rogues" are looking out for themselves and not the citizens or the environment. We should not trust these assholes to protect public interests. They are trying to sell the public a false vision. LNG interests would harm the environment, benefit from tax abatements and make promises of jobs (Just as Titan Tire did) which are not likely to come true. These men are trying to take advantage of an ignorant electorate.... to once again, pull the wool over the eyes of this community.
fuck the jobs
gimme cheese
It would be so cool if Renewable Energy were coming to the valley instead of LNG. Why aren't they trying to get Industry like that down here instead? We have the wind and we have the sunshine. What we don't have are responsible officials.
As for LNG, it sounds like nobody else wants them around for the same reasons we don't. I'm a little bit curious to know why our Port Officials fell so hard and so fast for the bullshit. Something isn't right about that...
Who do port officials respond to???
It's time to send these mofos packing.....
Bola de mier......da coraje!!!!
Oh, you forgot E3. Maybe because he's Zarate's boss? C'mon Juanito.
Last time I saw that poster on facebook it just had three people on it. Looks like some new faces made the page... and there is still room for a few more, Oh NO!!
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