Friday, May 1, 2015


By Juan Montoya
It's been just a little over a year (February 2014, to be exact) since former Cameron County District Attorney Armando R. Villalobos was sentenced to 13 years in federal prison for his role in a South Texas bribery and extortion scheme.
But now, in his first social media appearance, Villalobos has made his cameo through a social medium outlet provided to federal prisoners. In his comments, (see graphics), Mando yearns for fajitas and pico de gallo and thanks his pen pals for their support as he goes through "this phase" of his life.
And, in part of the cybermissive, he writes that he "is writing" down the various stories about my experiences, including the meeting of many colorful characters over the past year."
In May 2013, a federal jury convicted Villalobos of one count of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, one count of conspiracy to violate the RICO Act, and five counts of extortion. Jurors acquitted Villalobos of two counts of extortion. Federal judge Judge Hanen granted Villalobos' motion for acquittal on an extortion count (count three) before sentencing him to 156 months’ incarceration on each of the six remaining charges all to run concurrent.
In addition to the prison term, Hanen ordered that Villalobos pay $339,000 in restitution, pay a $30,000 fine, and be placed under supervised release for a period of three years after completing his prison term.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons lists Villalobos as Register Number: 12877-379, Age: 47, Race: White
Sex: Male, Located at: Ashland Federal Correction Institution, in Kyle, Texas, and lists a Release Date: 06/08/2025.
Well, apparently Mando has the ability to reach out and touch somebody from his cell and library in the Kyle and rekindle the bonds of friendship from within the belly of the federal beast. Unable to keep a Facebook page inside, he is able to receive emails which his brother Alex on the outside then posts on the FB for his friends to see.
His note includes an invitation for people to write him through an email address. You know what that address is? Would you believe (da?) He says he can't receive money, and says his supporters and friends have to send them to a central processing center in Iowa for him to receive their contributions.
When Mando went in, he deleted most of the content and photos from his FB page, except for a few, which held some sentimental value. Among those are those showing him getting sworn in his first term at the same time with the Sanchez brothers and former Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera and an identified pastor.
But that, as they say, was in better times. 


Former county employee said...

What is wrong with the people in Cameron County? People have been writing and sending money to this convicted felon? Unless you're family then you are a fucking idiot! This poor excuse for an elected official took the your political contributions and votes to commit corruption because he wanted to fill his pockets with money. It was brought out in court by his back stabbing crook friend in Oscar De La Fuente that Armando Villaoobos took money and then spent it on booze and bitches. Anyone who knew ARmando Villalobos knew that he liked to fuck around and the younger and prettier the better. His only mistake was fucking or allowing that big lipped Michelle Garcia to suck him off like a bunch others. To you idiots who send cards and money, you don't owe him anything even if you're his close good friend. Armando Villalobos misused that friendship and took advantage of gaining financially. Did he share it with you, probably? And if so, then you're just as crooked as him. Armando Villalobos, you made the bed and now you got to sleep in it. Don't tell us you miss the finer things in life and expect us to shed a tear. You're nothing but a crooked politician and got caught at it. You deserved more time than they gave you and that piece of shit in Oscar De La Fuente should be right there with you missing those fajitas, etc...
The ones I feel really sorry for is your beautiful wife, Yoli and the kids. She should have dumped your ass for putting her in that position that she is in now. I pray for them.

Anonymous said...

Too bad for Villalobos missing fajitas and pico de gallo. But prison does serve cock meat sandwiches. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Your wife had to of known of your corruption. She is the one who so eagerly spent that "extra" money.
Fuck that bitch. I hope she goes hungry. And as far as you Mando; twelve years left in prison will be more like one-hundred and twenty years. Time goes by slowly behind those walls. I hope you fucking rot in your cell. Stock up on those Ramen noodles fucker.

Anonymous said...

Only a Mexican - I miss my beans, rice, fajita's, and tacos. He probably misses ol' Espanol too although Bubba may like to hear him speak it when he has his two little "calabazas" on Villalobos' chin. It may remind Bubba of that cheap Mexican panocha. I think he's experiencing some "cultural adaptation" outside of the borderlands. Welcome to the United States, amigo.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, his wife won't go hungry. Cock is like Reese's Pieces to Valley Latinas - you can't have just one. She'll be getting her mouth full daily from multiple "sources".

Anonymous said...

Erin, start eating all the fajitas and pico while you still can. Learn from your fellow ratas.

Anonymous said...

Armando is a corrupt asshole who sold his soul to the Cameron County Dumbokratic Party and got caught. He is in prison because he was corrupt and abused his elected position....and got caught. There are others who got caught and some who didn't. Mando is a pathetic little man in jail and deserves to be their. Only idiots would communicate with him. His journal about his life will be just as pathetic as he is......13 years in jail.

Anonymous said...

There may not be any fajitas but I am sure he is getting plenty of sausage.

Anonymous said...

Look at that photo! It looks like a valley police lineup of crooks. In the valley, we all know the black guy did it.
