Thursday, April 30, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Did you happen to walk in downtown Browntown today?
If you did – and some people did – then you probably saw Da Mayor with a crew of city workers trimming the palm fronds along Washington, Adams and Elizabeth streets.
You got that right. Along with expensive litigation, real-estate speculation, giving away chunks of the people's real estate to mega-wealthy universities, and gagging the opinions of the public, Tony also does palms.
No, we don't mean grease palms. We meant trimming palms.
Doubtless that some of those palm fronds might appear in future television and/or newspaper ads. After all, he is already using the city channel to spread his for-invitation-only state of the city address at the Brownsville Events Center.
Martinez supporters used to say that their greatest selling point for his candidacy was that he was already a millionaire and that he would not steal from the city unlike others. Well, the other side of that coin is that millionaires just can't get enough, especially when they have a city commission that is clueless to the manipulative machinations of millionaires.
A downtown businessman who heard about the mayor supervising the palm trimming had a suggestion:
"Why doesn't he trim the palm trees from the railroad tracks on Palm Boulevard all the way to Boca Chica Boulevard? That street is a mess. That way we can keep an eye on him."


Anonymous said...

i don't really know why people keep planting Palm trees, its really hard to keep trimming year after year. A reall hazard for those who tackle the job.

Anonymous said...

Yeah tell him to trim our Famous Palm Blvd! Looks like shit! Any time we get some wind or rain old dry branches fall on Palm Blvd and we have to dodge them or drive around them. Lack of maintenance on our Historic Palm Blvd! If you look at the Palms they have a bunch of dry branches ready to fall. I drive through there everyday so don't tell me no Mr. MAYOR!

Anonymous said...

He was disguised as a Frog. He was the frog-foreman at work.

Anonymous said...

Triming hazzardous palms costs too much. Money is better spent of useless, overpriced real estate.

Anonymous said...

The city should do away with the ordinance of requiring new businesses to plant Palm trees. They are now Palm trees all over the city, it's very hard to keep up with the trimming as you can see around countless of unkept Palm trees. They looked very ugly.

Anonymous said...

Las pinches palmas ni Dan sombra.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Montoya how about an update on this story. I still pass through Palm Blvd everyday and no maintenance on the palms. Only palm trees I see nicely trimmed are the ones in front of Palm Village Center and Sharp Elementary. Other than that you can drive from Amigoland all the way to Boca Chica and all the palms have bunches of dry branches ready to fall. What's up with our Historic Palm Blvd?
