Wednesday, April 15, 2015


"...those expecting serious debate (from city mayor candidates) might have been disappointed..."
Brownsville Herald, April 15, 2015

"We are not perfect. Democracy is a messy business … Democracy depends on people getting and keeping involved … In our democracy, the government is not them; it is us." - 

John H. Glenn
U.S. Senator (Democrat, OH)
Retirement Speech, February 18, 1997

By Juan Montoya
With the incumbent mayor reportedly out of town on personal business, the debate at the Central Library turned into a tumultuous dispute between the candidates – particularly "Capt. Bob" Robert Sanchez and former mayor Pat Ahumada.
These former allies who were labeled "insurgents" by the local daily after they questioned the operations of the Brownsville Public Utility Board, now find themselves at odds as both seek a runoff spot after the May 9 election.
Although Republican Party Club president and moderator Morgan Graham said Tony Martinez's campaign had notified her that the mayor would not attend because he would be away in Houston at a memorial ceremony for his late son, this didn't stop candidates and those attending to question his absence.
This drew the wrath of Ahumada, who came to Martinez's defense having lost children himself.
But this did not stop Sanchez from saying that Martinez – or at least one of his representatives – should have had the courtesy of attending.
"This is an important event," he fumed.
By comparison, the rest of the candidates seemed tame, with Breda Joyas stating her opposition to bringing potentially polluting liquefied natural gas industry to the Port of Brownsville, and stating the city needed to raise more revenues because while the city had grown, the staff had not.
Mayoral candidate William Garza touted his experience in managing the city budget while he was a city commissioner, a claim that Ahumada questioned citing the deficit he inherited from the commission where Garza served.
And (as Gomer Pyle used to say) surprise! surprise! It now turns out that candidate Erasmo Castro, best known for his Cheezmeh's milking the likes of the Pink Ribbon Week and Walk For Life cancer fundraisers, is now a "specialist" in helping oncology cancer patients.
He has helped, he said, "six cancer patients" in some undisclosed manner. He's a cancer specialist now? No one asked him what company he works for where he treated these patients.
We have heard in the past that he has a degree in theology, that his family owns a tax company (it is, after all, April 15), also a notary public business which has been sued in federal court for operating a continuing criminal enterprise, and that he had not complied with probation on a felony forgery conviction. 
But as we approach the beginning of early voting ( April 27), can it be that he has also earned a cancer counseling certificate to engage in that profession. But we suspect that it's a campaign claim to complement his claim that the city is being eaten away by a cancer. He is, if anything, creative.
Like John Glenn said up top, democracy is a messy business.


Anonymous said...

You got the reportage wrong. It was Capt Bob who was a little "loose cannon".

Anonymous said...

Robert sanchez is a mad man...the first debate he talked about TRANSVESTITES
the aecond debate he seemed either drugged or unstable, he yelled at a woman to "shut her mouth" in front of everyone
And in this last debate he attacked and insulted tony martinez for not being there even after the moderator specifically asked everyone not to mention him and gave the reason for his absence...he is sick.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Erasmo and his family are specialist of is Con Artist and deceiving the people.

He actually thinks people are going to trust him with the city. I've heard of dreaming big but he should dream about losing weight and her sister of getting a face lift. Dude looks like a lady.

Anonymous said...

Anyone but Ahumada and Martinez!

RGV Vote said...

How can we get ahold of you?

Anonymous said...

So for which one of these illustrious clowns does one vote? Hate to see "real estate" mogul Martinez win by default, but it's starting to look that way.

Anonymous said...

1:02 pm Maybethe Captain was exposing some closet gays that are running for mayor, maybe the loud mouth bitch was being that disrespectful and loud, and the Captain was the only one to call Tony a spade for avoiding all debates?

Anonymous said...

The mayor had a valid excuse not going because he has to attend a memorial service for his son.

Anonymous said...

Not to be insensitive but didn't his son die a few months back.Mayor does have a track record of avoiding the hard questions from taxpayers,memer Casa De nylon you memer

Anonymous said...

If Robert Sanchez can't show sympathy for someone's loss, I doubt he will show any empathy for his constituents.

Pat Ahumada said...

It is a disservice to our community and all who participated to distort the truth as Ty Johnson did as a reporter to favor a candidate of his choice. I believe all candidates did well and the forum was welcomed by all attendees. The personal attacks launched by Robert Sanchez against our Mayor for not being present while attending a memorial service for his deceased son was very unfortunate. Although we were all informed of the situation prior to the forum, Robert attacked the Mayor twice, forcing the moderator to remind him why the Mayor was not present. Unfortunately, Robert persisted in attacking the Mayor, which compelled me to state that the attacks were inappropriate and that they should stop. I did this as a parent who grieves for my daughter Carolina and my son Mark. I did this, because I share the Mayor’s grief for his son and with any parent who must endure the same. It is our worst nightmare to endure. For the Herald reporter Ty Johnson to politicize my words and actions as negative was false. Ty Johnson through his article tries to create a free for all perception, which is false and no one was staring at Robert, particularly me. In my opinion all the candidates behaved appropriately, with the exception of Robert Sanchez. All the candidates answered the questions as best we could and not as Ty Johnson, reported. For my part, I did rebut William Garza’s past experience with budgets in responding to the question asked of us all and it is appropriate to do so in a forum. The Herald archives will show William voting to approve the 1990-1991 budget knowing there was a $2.0 million deficit, which I inherited and it required me to introduce tough initiatives to balance the budget, which was part of my response to the experience I have in balancing budgets. Ty Johnson failed to report other candidates proposals, including mine which calls for a voluntary buyout plan to help cut expenses, pave streets, meet public safety needs, to expand the Mitti Culture District and other proposals to meet our city’s present and future needs. It is important not to let a reporter define who we are as candidate, as citizen, as a city, or in which direction our city should take in electing a Mayor, but to report the news in a fair and balanced manner. The reporting should not be an opinion article to influence voters on how they should vote, which is what Ty Johnson was doing with his news article. We must have the courage as a city to Stand Up for Brownsville and to do what is right, as I did by speaking out when something inappropriate was taking place at a forum held to give voters a choice in their decision making.

Anonymous said...

We do hope that the Mayor attends the next debate on April 21 being sponsored by the chamber of commerce. This will give him the opportunity to not only defend himself of all this accusations but to present his plan for leading the city in next four years.

Anonymous said...

The Captain Bob guy is a big time bully and there is no way this guy can seriously think he is fit for mayor.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor always have "VALID" excuses for NOT attending any of the debates?
Pinche Ojete ya empino al pueblo y ahora quiere mas.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the mayor and his "valid" excuse ! LINCOLN PARK, UNITED BROWNSVILLE , CASA DE NYLON,....are all these deals "valid?"...Arrogant , greedy bastard needs to be voted out!

Anonymous said...

Capt. Boobs, like the Vikings. Will sail out to sea in search of Vahalla .

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first 2 comments. I didn't see you there Montoya, so either you are going based off of what the Herald wrote (which was erroneous), or you are sensationalizing what DIDNT happen. The only one attacking anyone was Robert Sanchez. He is mentally unstable and shouldn't be running for office. We shouldn't forget the time he got sued for defamation and settled for a large amount...crazy!

Anonymous said...

Valhalla......and,no, it wasn't out in sea.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was nore than once!

Teresa said...

Same old, same old campaign speeches with false smiles. Once they win that all ends.

Tacky and disrespectful of Cpt. Bob to slam the current mayor over his absence.

One promotes how his FB page is a useful tool to help the community, although his page is not open to the public. Getting on and staying on are at his discretion and if you don't agree with every thing, you are kicked out. I expect the same style of governing, so that is not happening period.

Citizens are tired of such mentalities and this guy perpetuates what he claims to not be a part of, but then he does exactly that. Pfft.

Only one person stood out from the rest of the panel to speak honestly about the negative impact of the LNG pipeline project ramrodded by the State into our county and that person is not asking for donations while all others were not embarrassed to state they will of course take your money to pursue their dreams of ruling over YOU.

We have unfortunately experienced one candidates previous reign of condescension displayed at every city meeting.

Do we really want to punish ourselves again by allowing a repeat performance. I certainly hope not my fellow citizens.

Brenda Joyas is a breath of fresh air with the intelligence needed to articulate the real needs of this city and perform the job according to those needs and not pet projects that keep the ties that bind compradism running amuck with our tax dollars. Imho, of course.

Repetition of what has not worked well the first time and expecting a different result is just dumb.

I hope people here are not set on inflicting more of the same onto the community.

Anonymous said...

A VERY SIMPLE solution to all of this is GO AND VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. Complaints and insults DO NOT count, numbers and votes COUNT. We can insult the mayor all we want to, we can call all other candidates incompetent, dumb, or whatever, but none of that is valid. VOTES count, nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Ahumada you just gained our vote for your honesty.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ahumada indeed had the compassion to address Mr. Martinez loss of his son passing away whereas the other candidates were rude and insolent in regard to this forum. Now, I will vote and support Mr. Ahumada in his campaign for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Brenda is nice, she is a welcome change but she isn't ready. I could not vote for her ,not now. with all that is at stake. She has also mentioned that she would like to in a sense help too much. Her platform seemed to require aid to business owners without making them put anything up, no skin in the game as it's said. Seems like bigger government just passing out handouts, it doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez has spent $122,000 on his campaign; it's not his money; Von Rustenberg. Cártel boy Marin, the smuggler Galonsky. United Brownsvill Pac, and Dark Money.

Anonymous said...

Just received the Mayor' s re-election propaganda. He was pictured in Space X ship launching off to Planet Pluto. He plans to open up a Casa de Nylon outlet.
