By Juan Montoya
Doesn't it burn you up when someone abuses their position, or uses a special status to get over on the rest of us?

That's why some students who attend Texas Southmost College are complaining to the college Rent-a-Cops over the use of a handicapped parking space by a teacher who they know is not handicapped but is using a handicapped tag to park her Monster Truck in a special spot near their class so she won't have to walk like everyone else.

The students say that the her truck has a huge lift and tires and you have to be physically fit to climb onto to the Monster truck. Look at the pictures and the full-size truck next to her truck is clearly lower than hers. Her truck is so much taller it covers the car next to her. The truck tailgate is taller than the lady walking next to it. (see graphic at left).
The upset students have complained to the TSC police to no avail. They have been told that as long as a handicapped tag is displayed they can do nothing about the matter.
The students are complaining that the handicapped spaces should be available for someone who is really handicapped and not someone who happens to have a family member that is handicapped, or has acquired a tag from a friend at the cop shop. They claim that she is using the tag to park close to her classroom to avoid parking far away and walking like everyone else.
It's not often that you can get students riled up about something (elections, for example), but at TSC where parking spaces are at a premium, it should be the adult in the room who should lead by example.
How about it TSC honchos? Are you going to do something about this? The student body is watching and waiting.
Montoya, they need to take the license plate and tag number if they can get it and report it to the vehicle registration office or go online and file a complaint.
That is the same problem with the handicap spaces at the Cameron County Courthouse. You have that one old lady from the district clerks office who parks her Lincoln and walks without any problem to work. The other is from the county clerks office, she is big butt but has no problem walking to work.
Verification is so stupid!
Key that bitch!
She's a piece of shit.
Actually, the handicap,placards have the initials of the person that is supposed to use it. The police have a right to check the placard, the initials & compare it to the Drivers license. If they don't match, they can get a ticket.
As much as we despise such abuse, one does not have to be visibly handicapped. If you or your loved one were in such a position, would you like to be questioned about your handicap? Would it be anyone's business? Should you have to explain your medical issues with a complete stranger?.....So thank God for your blessings and your health.....and let wish others the same.
That tinstructor must be part of the local culture of people who use a family member's handicapped tag or blue placard for simplly so they don't have to move their lazy asses too far. If we look carefully, those blue handicap placards are every where. Most seem to have the same handicap.....being obese/grossly fat. The very people who need the exercise of walking......are too vain to walk. TSC should require faculty and staff to park in lots designated for them; not in student spaces.
Vieja abusiva. No respect for the Handicap people.
The are people that walk fine and seem to not have anything wrong with them....but they are internally cancer. Do not be quick to judge.
You have to be mentally handicap to work at TSC.
Anonymous said...
You have to be mentally handicap to work at TSC.
Is that how you plan to prove a point? By insulting other people that are probably hard working and trying their best with what very little resources they have?
Why do people that want something good for Brownsville, "care" about Brownsville spend most of their time insulting, cursing, making up stories, pulling hair and throwing stones instead of being in the front lines DOING SOMETHING positive in that same community that they so much insult? Even if you dont work for TSC, if you LIVE or RESIDE in Brownsville or Cameron County YOU ARE part of that community that you so much insult so you are one of those.
The state should do away with windshield placards, there is so much abuse going on. The state should only issue license plates for the handicapped. You can liiterally go to any commercial parking lot and see how able body people abuse those placards.
Thanks for sharing!
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