Cruz was actually born in Calgary, Canada to a Cuban father and a U.S. mother.
Cruz clashed with Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Tuesday night over whether the Texas senator would deport immigrants who came to the United States illegally if their children were born in the country.
There is no requirement of two "citizen-parents."
The CRS report took note of a federal court decision by the Northern District of California, which said that McCain would qualify as a citizen "at birth," and thus would be considered a "natural born" citizen, since he was born outside the United States to citizen parents.
The CRS did not look specifically at Cruz, and we can’t ask it to comment on him. The service works exclusively for Congress.
But Cruz, by being entitled to citizenship at birth because his mother was a U.S. citizen and by being in the U.S. for more than 14 years, would seem to qualify as a "natural born citizen" under the definition in the report.
When Kelly pressed the Texas senator on what he would do as president, Cruz said that he’s “not playing the game” and declined to answer the question.
“What would President Cruz do? Do American citizen children of two illegal immigrants, who are born here, the children, get deported under a President Cruz?” Kelly asked.
Donald Trump, she said, “has answered that question explicitly.”
“Megyn, I get that that’s the question you want to ask,” Cruz said. “That’s also the question every mainstream media liberal journalist wants to ask.”
Asked whether it is an unfair question, Cruz said that it is “a distraction” from solving the issue.
“You know, it’s also the question that Barack Obama wants to focus on,” Cruz retorted.
According to the NSA ((Naco Servivio Aduanal) Teodoro de la Cruz was smuggled into the U.S. by 5 coyotes cuddled in a Mexican sarape. He learned the ways of the Brown folks by eating Bush beans and chile con carne. While in MacAllen he learned basic English and sent to T.U.
I am Mexican / American and will 100% (hands down) vote for Donald Trump. I really hope he wins!!! We need to stop the illegals from coming in. We need to stop ladies wanting to come to the USA just to have their babies so their babies could be Americans. BS!!! Imagine, a lady on the river side of Mexico ready to POP. She says to herself, “Damn, I only need to swim 30 feet, collapse - baby pops out, and he or she will be a 100% US Citizen”. BS!! This needs to stop - and now!! I hate to see all the damn Mexican plates (cars) dropping off their kids at school in the mornings. I’m sorry, but US customs should not allow them to come in. If they want to go to school here, then they need to live here – parents to work here and pay their taxes like the rest of us. Also, come tax weekend, all you see at the stores is cars with Mexican plates. The bridges should completely close on tax free weekend. This is a little appreciation for us US citizens that pay taxes and live here. We work here, live here, and pay taxes. We can’t even enjoy tax free weekend because all the damn people from Mexico hog-up everything. I am so tired of this. I would say that Trump should just ignore the 11M illegals that are here already. He should screen them and allow them just to stay – don’t even waist time. Keep the good and send back the criminals. However, moving forward, no more!! If an illegal comes in, we will house him or her and send them back to their country with an invoice depicting all the housing charges. If these countries think we are going to house their people on US tax payer dollars, they are seriously mistaking. Also, I am sick and tired of people walking the bridge from Mexico to US to purchase groceries with LONE STAR – then they walk right back to Mexico. BS! US Customs should stand at the crossing when they are heading back to Mexico and check the receipts of the groceries purchased. If they paid with US or Mexican currency, no problem, but if they paid with LONE STAR, then they should immediately confiscate all the groceries and tell them that the groceries are being confiscated because they were purchased with LONE STAR and cannot leave the states.
Ah the dumbasses who support Trump (specially mexcicans americans) have absolutely no idea how economics work.
Let us play the Trump game shall we?
Let's assume that Trump wins the presidency (I know I know that is an icredibly far fetched idea but bear with me) and his first act is to deport those EEEEVVEEEELLL illegals. That's 11 million+ folks so keep those numbers in your mind. First we have to come up with the money to pay for the deportation of all them, we are looking at humbdreds of BILLIONS of dollars in resources and manpower in order to achieve this. And that's just an optimistic estimate. So how are we going to pay for all this? Is Trump going to take it out of the regular budget or is he going to raise taxes nationwide to pay for all this? Has any of you dumbass Trump supporters ever thought about this?
You think I am full of crap you say? Ok then let's use an example from a high profile case. Remember the two whack jobs who escaped that new york prison? Well the cost for their search and their eventual capture came out to over a million dollars a day. A DAY! For just two idiots!
Is that sinking in?
Ok then.
So how and where on earth are we going to keep all these EEEEEVVEEEEELLLL illegals?
You smell that? I smell something folks. The foul stench of an disgusting regime but this time instead of jewish people we will put mexicans on concentration camps all over the nation. If you though the FEMA camps were a horrible idea you have not fully grasped at the scope of Trump's Hitler-like version of america.
And that would be just the very tip of the iceberg. If Trump wins you better take that 401k out before it sinks to the buttom faster that Eddie Murphy's Pluto Nash.
I can see it now, thiusands of corporations and businesses losing trillions of dollars on all those investments they put in Mexico because president Trump obliterated all diplomatic relationships.
I know some of you will be stupid enough to stay behind that circus clown but remember, the smat voters doesn't vote among party lines and doesn't listen to stupid remarks from a wannabe politician like Trump.
The serape that Teodoro de La Cruz was wrapped was made in China .
Wait till a green bus arrives at you house at 3 in the morning, and the goon tells you to get your Ass on it . (Even though you are a U.S. Citizen ).
This is for "Anonymous The Pissed Off Conservative".
So what your saying is that everything in the United States is good? Obviously not! We are 21.694 trillion dollars in the rear (literaly). TRUMP has the best interest of the United States not only as a businessman but as an American Citizen. He is not a politician (we know that) and he doesn't pretend to be. If things don't change soon, you and I will both think back and wish that someone like TRUMP was elected long ago for the good of the working class people.
Reason #1: Wait till they take away our Social Security away because we are going to be so in debt that their will be no more money for it.
Reason #2: Our military is not going to be as strong as others and we will be open game for others to challenge us.
Reason #3: Who's children gets all the free education and benifits? Not the working class American!!
And by the way I am HISPANIC.........
Yes to TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What an ignorant posting......
To: Comment on August 27, 2015 at 1:10 PM
Where in my post did I say to find, catch, and deport all 11m people?!? Please re-read my post. I said that Trump should just leave these people alone. Keep the good and get the bad out of here. I know this will take a lot of money and time to do. This is why I am saying to leave them alone. Who is the DUMBASS now?!? Also, let me ask you a question? How much money are you worth? A couple of hundred, thousands, tens of thousands, millions, or billions. Let me guess, none of the 5 that I mentioned. If you tell me that you are a billionaire, then I will keep my comments to myself and re-evaluate my thoughts on who I should be going for. But chances are that you are a just worth a couple of dollars or pesos. A real dead-beat! So unless you are as successful as Mr. Trump - go sit on a stick. lol
To: August 27, 2015 at 9:57 PM
Thank you for your support - I posted commment August 26, 2015 at 7:04 PM. Trump is the answer!
That s' what the Herr told the citizens again and again. If you repeat the lie several times, you will believe it . !!!!
Hey Anon at 9:57PM, you must be one dumb ass Hispanic. Not even Trump will tell you how would he accomplish all those promises because he knows that he is talking GARBAGE. There is no way on earth that he would make any of promises a reality without destroying the US economy in the process.
Trump's doesn't have the best interest for this nation and you know it. His objective is to bring crazies and coconuts (brown on the outside white on the inside just like you) out in the open. For a man who has been bankrupt over three times, done business with mobsters and criminal organizations (see Atlantic City) and a looooong standing history of racists comments from the 80's and 90s (If you were smart you would of known this by now). Listening to this guy would be like hiring a Dalmatian as your financial advisor.
And for the record if you are seeking investment advice from a mediocre real estate turd you must have a lot of disposable income. Trump has no idea how markets work, his sole ability is to lie, cheat and steal. But I gotta give it to him, he knows how to sell shit quite well. Only Trumop can make unelectable domestic and foreign policies look tantalizing.
And try not to use that 21.6 Trillion dollar deficit out in public because you'll look like a bigger idiot than you already are. It's 18.6 Trillion as of today with GDP. But don't worry I expect the debt to climb to nearly 26 Trillion in the first term if that circus clown is ever elected.
Oh and one more thing, if you rent and have kids you are using my tax dollars to educate your kids since renters do not pay property taxes. I hope that your kids aren't as dumb as you.
Remember an old episode of the Simpsons where homer becomes the sanitation director and tells lisa. "daddy made a lot of crrraaaazy promises" I assume that's how that orangutan would feel.
I know I left a couple of things out in the open but the reasoning sounded so stupid, it would be a waste of my time trying to explain it to you.
I totally agree "What an ignorant posting" (August 27, at 1:10 pm).....
The people believed all the lies and BS the Herr told them .
Opinions vary putito. ...
Opinions vary big putito; from putito.
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