Wednesday, August 26, 2015


(This driver has the green light and is attempting to turn right at the intersection of Boca Chica Blvd. and southbound Paredes Line Road but he was prevented from making the turn by drivers who ventured out to the middle of the intersection as they wait for the light to turn green at the corner of Frontage and Palm Blvd. This scene repeats itself daily for drivers attempting to turn right on Boca Chica. There is a restriction on making red light turns at this intersection, but unfortunately, it is the only time that traffic clears from the intersection for drivers to make an unobstructed right turn. We observed that exasperated motorists were ignoring the red-light turn prohibition after about two or three traffic light cycles and took their chances of getting a ticket.)


Anonymous said...

Como dice Facundo, cuidado con los pendejos, son muchos.

Anonymous said...

HEB and Luby's: So Mexican.

Anonymous said...

Limb and life are at stake when Nacos are driving in Brownsville .

Diego lee rot said...

i never give an inch. if others can't go let it be a lesson to them to go another way next time.

Anonymous said...

Where are those motorcycle cops that love to give tickets, when they are really needed? Oh yeah! They're hiding in the low income neighborhoods, and giving tickets to low income citizens.

Anonymous said...

HEB and Lubys so Red Neck Gringo in Oklahoma .

Anonymous said...

The pot-bellied motor-cycle cops are drinking coffee , eating doughnuts at their favorite joint .

Anonymous said...

Would you prefer them behind you?

Anonymous said...

I've said it for years. This problem area needs to be addressed. It is illegal to block intersections. But you would need to take a driving course and/or have a license to know that. But the rude drivers are everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder how all these idiots got their driver's license. And! This Boca Chica problem, like many others, is just another problem the city has chosen to ignore for years. As someone once told me, "Brownsville's solution to traffic is to just add another traffic light, instead of really taking care of the problem."

Anonymous said...

It's true , if they make themselves visible at those intersections. People wouldn't be blocking them period.
