Saturday, September 5, 2015


By Juan Montoya
We stopped by the Cameron County Elections Office to see how many candidates have filed their appointment of treasurer to run for public office in the March 1 primaries.
There are 15 in all, including a group called Citizens for Law Enforcement which filed back in February 2014.
But of the 15, two are for Precinct 3 Constable (Joe Lopez and Roel Cavazos), another two (Abel Gomez and Silverio Cisneros) are vying for Constable of Pct. 2. And even though there is no treasurer filed for former constable Pete Avila, we have been told he will be running, too.
The only candidate for Constable Pct. 5 who has filed a campaign treasurer's appointment is Everardo Solis.
Precinct 1 commissioner Sofie Benavides has an opponent in Bear Rosenbaum, former commissioner Lucino Rosenbaum Jr.'s better half. The barrio is going to be split up on this one and there will be blood on the streets. It didn't help Benavides that she din't vote to give law enforcement the 10 percent raise that two other commissioners voted to give them. And cops are known to hold a grudge.
At County Court-at-Law 4, there are three appointments, including one for Trey Garza, although we've heard that he is no longer a candidate. However, former county court-at-law judge Daniel Robles is running against newcomer (and attorney) Carlos Monarrez.
Carlos Masso is challenging incumbent Luis V. Saenz for district attorney. Unless someone else steps forward, this might be a rematch from four years ago when Saenz ekked out a win over Masso. But so many things have chamged over those four eyars that Saenz is no longer guaranteed a win. Many people who supported Saenz now feel betrayed by his course of action overt the last four years.
It ws, after all, the outlying areas that pulled Saenz over Masso last time when he lost Brownsville. But the neutralizing effect of the Rosenbaum political machine in southeast Brownsville is no longer in Saenz's corner. Neither is Cameron Park, where discontent has been brewing against him like a festering sore.
It's the race for sheriff that is shaping up to be the preliminary fight before the Saenz-Masso main event.
We have John Chambers and Victor Cortez going hand to hand for the Republican nomination while on the Democratic side, one Robert Rodriguez is challenging Omar Lucio. That's who has signed up so far, although the period for filing is far from over. This year, the filing deadline is from November 14 to December 14. We'll know by then who jumps in the water.
All the noise that the "Trejo Team 2016" has been making over the candidacy of Justice of the Peace of Precinct 5, Place 3's has not translated into a treasurer appointment so far. Maybe it's because Trejo knows that if makes a public announcement that if he runs for a different public office with more than a year left in his term he will have to resign his office.
Now, as everyone knows, to run for a countywide office such as sheriff, it not only takes a bit of cash, you also have to dethrone the incumbent. Trejo seems to have the first requirement well in hand. He married the widow of the late Raymond Castañeda, who owned Raymond Wreckers. If you remember, the late Castañeda got himself into some trouble with the feds and turned informant helping them investigate the fixing of DWI cases at the DA's Office then headed by Luis V. Saenz.
As a result, the feds got an indictment and guilty plea from DA investigator Billy Weaver and info on then-sheriff Alex Perez.
The Castañedas then sold the towing service to the Peñas, who now operate it.
When cops run against cops, they have access to all kinds of little dirty secrets. It''ll be interesting to see emerges as the races progress to their inevitable end.


Anonymous said...

You ask for another person for da race... any suggestions???? Maybe the public could ask for someone to run...

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that Daniel Robles is running again. He has proven to be one of the most incompetent men ever elected in Cameron County. He probable wants to get back on the dole because he can't make a living on his own; or he is seeking more years as a state official for the retirement benefits. Daniel Robles is a pure dumbass and should not be allowed on the bench. A vote for him is a vote for our judicial system to take a step backwards...back to greater corruption and judicial favoritism.

Anonymous said...

Victor Cortez is the most competent man running for Sheriff. Whether Democrat or Republican...he is the most qualified. He has served with distinction and, unlike Omar "Senile" Lucio....he is a man of character and will be fair to all. Omar Lucio is a pawn to his staff and has indicated to the media that he gives "special favors" to those who support him. There is no honor in that and the votes see that he is not fair. Vote for Victor Cortez for Sheriff of Cameron County. Google him and find out about his distinguished service to this nation and to Texas.

No Corruption said...

Google him and u see a man who served his nation but he is not fit for being a sheriff. He has a corrupt DA support and is using Melissa Landin as his campaign manager. Who is also managing the DA campaign. He clearly has stated that he has shown no distinction that he is a fit candidate by joining political forces with Luis Saenz. Not fit to be sheriff the other candidates will blow him out of the water because he is politically connected with the wrong people. He has never been in any type of leadership role that compares to being a county sheriff. I appreciate his service but no thanks . If the man can't even run on one party who flips party to try and gain votes Republicans and Democrats see it. He should have ran independent. Why Google a man captured for violating DEA protocol by going to visit an informant by himself ? Multiple DEA agents have reported that he knew that you always need to have a partner or witness when meeting with informants!!

Anonymous said...

I think John Chambers has a good shot at becoming our Sheriff. The other candidates have never shown enough ambition to keep the momentum going. Victor Cortez is begging for campaign money on his Facebook !! Luis Saenz hasn't donated enough to his Puppet. We already have a puppet sheriff for the Reynas why do we need another puppet in office.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Masso 2016!! No one is above the Law!!!! Pffffttt tell that to Luis Saenz who used 8 liner cash contributions and never reported them!!! If nobody is above the Law Victor Cortez why didn't u investigate ur boss!!!

Anonymous said...

John chamber's is under indictments awaiting court dates . Another former governor Rick Perry. He's wasting his time and the money. And giving his small very small supporter a delusional expectations.

Anonymous said...

John Chambers is the best candidate we have. He is not connected to ANY OF THE CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS CURRENTLY IN OFFICE !

Anonymous said...

The indictment against John Chambers tell us he is the best man for the Job. The criminals are the Reyna Brothers, and Luis Saenz through his puppet Victor Cortez. They constantly file bogus charges against Chambers' to try and get him out of the way. These charges are blatantly political. If they weren't they would have a special prosecutor on the case and a Judge who isn't in Saenz pocket. Cortez is running WITH Saenz and the current sheriff. Cortez only ran republican to try and have two shots at knocking out Chambers. Remember John Chambers is the only official running that stood up to Gilbert Hijinosa and signed his name to get the Texas Rangers to stop the election rigging that Hijinosa was behind. Its no wonder the corrupt democratic party is attacking him with a vengeance.

Anonymous said...

Please....if he ran independent your beloved Chambers would bite the dust if he made it through the primaries. Have a clue?

Anonymous said...

And Chambers is ruffling knock off purses and spreading lies about why he got caught screwing with documents.

Anonymous said...

Please believe that Victor Cortez has no shot. Not a family man why trust a guy who can't even stand up for his political beliefs? Why is he seen hanging around democrat Luis V Saenz buddies what ever is left with them. Most of the polictial people have jumped off Saenz bandwagon . Nobody wants to be seen with the guy or be around the SOB who sells justice and back door deals with attorneys. All the bondsman don't want him the current sheriff don't want him in office. Lucio has seen how Saenz is a back stabbed him when he introduced him his puppet Victor Cortez run for sheriff. We need a candidate who is able to stand on their own two feet instead of relying on political buddies for support. And I don't even know why Saenz is even introducing Cortez to the politics of the Democratic Party. They won't be able to vote for him when it comes to the primary. They have to vote in Deocratic primary to vote for Saenz or Masso. Victor needs to see that the being captured means nothing when it comes to politics. Because he was captured by the cartel that makes him make better administrative decisions? That being involved in a corrupt DA public Integrity Unit that goes after political opponents makes him a better candidate? That being a low key DEA investigator makes him understands budgets of departments? The qualities we need in a candidate are not found within Cortez. If he wants to continue being an investigator than he should continue that position but if he doesn't know about how a department is ran than why even run???

Anonymous said...

Knock off purses???? I pretty sure you wouldn't even know that people can tell what is authentic and what's not? Lol it seems you are some white connected in a scheme to frame documents On John.

Anonymous said...

well, it looks like the savior to us all is now gone (Chambers), he now has 14 felony convictions and he's not able to run for office. With Cortez falling all over Saenz, this will be a race between Watkins and Rodriguez. Watkins has the experience and leadership to run this department and make it what it should be. I worked for him, he is a hands on type of man, but he leads from the front and rewards hard work.

Anonymous said...

why are you wasting a vote on a criminal, why not give it to someone who can truly change this county, Watkins has no ties to anyone currently in or out of office, he will make a cleam sweep if we put him in charge.

Anonymous said...

Cortez is all about himself, look at his facebook posting, its his weightlifting, my awards, my I love me wall etc etc, I was kidnapped, if you put him in office you deserve what you get, another Lucio that does not do anything. Also, Cortez has never even supervised anyone as a DEA agent, he never worked or setup a budget, he was a DEA agent, he never even supervised anyone while in the DEA, he only worked drugs, our next sheriff needs more knowledge of law enforcement as a whole.
