Saturday, September 5, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Would you pay someone $140,000 to designg that simplistic logo piggy-backing on the SpaceX cult by an Austin firm whose local connection is none other than State Rep. Rene Oliveira's cousin?
That's what the City of Brownsville has done.
The result? A plagiarized version of Elon Musk's SpaceX. Now, no one has ever accused Ronnie Oliveira of having a creative thought in the world and the logo will  not lead anyone to that erroneous conclusion.
But with city commissioner Deborah Portillo taking this – as she has carrying water for Tony and Tenaska and the LNG pollution barons – as her pet project as a mother hen would her baby chicks, the new logo remained hidden until commissioner Cesar de Leon demanded that the public be shown the results.
She had even instructed the city administration not to allow anyone to have a look-see at the design on pain of death. All that intrigue for that? Apparently, this, ahem, creation was to be unveiled during a city commission meeting with mariachis and dancing girls.
The effect on seeing the logo, so far, has been underwhelming. About the only one who is championing the simplistic "Igniting the Future of Texas" idea is Mexican Consul Rodolfo Quilantan, a lover of the avant garde art movement, we think.
Portillo and her allies on the city commission give the image of Romans fretting over trivialities while serious issues go by the wayside.
Someone likened them to Nero playing his harp while Rome burned.
In this case, they have been fiddling around with $140,000 of the public's money while Brownsville flooded.
"How can something ignite anything while its under 3 feet of water?," asked an incredulous city worker. "It is a Believe in United Brownsville miracle!"
This is the way that Oliveira's outfit got the $140,000 smackers.
Despite coming in a full 10 points behind the Atkins Group on the City of Brownsville criteria score sheet for its Branding and Marketing Services, Hahn Public Communications of Austin walked away with the $139,980 contract to come up with a catchy slogan and logo to sell the city.
With the evaluations ranging from a 90 to Atkins, an 80 to Hahn and a 77 to Brownsville's Breeden McCumber, the evaluating group put together by the city were apparently bowled over by the presentation put together by Hahn associate Ron Oliveira.
Yup, that's Oliveira as in State Rep. Rene Oliveira. In fact, they's cousins, a fact apparently not lost on the evaluators.
After the five firms were whittled down to three – Atkins, Hahn and Breeden McCumber – the ranking suddenly shifted and ended up with Breeden McCumber (3),  Atkins (2), and Hahn (1).
And so the evaluating team – Deputy City Manager Pete Gonzalez, Brownsville Chamber of Commerce CEO Maria C. Hall, Brownsville Community Incentives Corporation board member Ruben O’ Bell, Gilbert Salinas, Brownsville Economic Development Executive Vice-President, Michael Jones, Business Development Manager for the Brownsville Airport, Arvin Tucker, City Auditor, and Camilla Montoya, UTB- Director of Marketing – chose to award the contract to Hahn.
Oliveira is listed as part of the Hahn "team," but in fact runs a one-man operation as Oliveira Public Communications where he specializes in having a "deep anchorman voice and his deep roots deep in the heart of Texas and in deep South Texas, (which) makes him a natural at emceeing events, managing media relations and training his clients for TV interviews."
His specialty, according to his "associates" at Hahn's is "On-camera Storytelling. Media Training,  and Event Planning and Emcee."
They forgot to add that he was the state representative's cousin and that the majority of the members of the evaluation team have a longtime established relationship with the esteemed state rep.
Was it his sonorous voice, twinkling eyes, and boyish charm that bowled over the evaluating team? Hardly.
Gonzalez knows the city needs Rene to keep its hand in Austin. Hall, over at the Chamber known better than to go against Rene's Cuz. Ruben O'Bell is the assistant to Eddie Lucio III, Rene's fellow legislator. Salinas owes Rene for helping out with SpaceX. Jones, from the airport, was one of the denizens who brought in AeroMexico (who left after the incentives ran out), and Tucker, the city employee, went along because that's what city employees are supposed to do. Montoya (no relation to the writer) is under the tutelage of UTB President Julieta Garcia and Oliveira is one of her gang.
Funding for this contract will be derived through the BCIC in the amount of $25,000, BEDC in the amount of $25,000 and the General Fund account # 01-9110-876-292 in the amount of $89,980. That well never seems to dry up for these type of projects for the family, do they?
In fact, Hahn – maybe as a quid pro quo for the group giving Ronnie the gig – even gave the city a generous $10,000 discount.
Now, we have seen the kind of work that the Hahn (and Ronnie, we would assume) have done for another Texas city. In fact, they list only one other city in their portfolio, and that is Garland, Texas.
Now, quick, what do you remember Garland for?
Shame on you for not remembering.
According to the company's website, Hahn  came up with "The Garland Wheel logo, (a tribute to the firewheel, a wildflower native to the area) and the tagline 'Texas Made Here' (a nod to the manufacturing base the city has cultivated). Uniting the community’s successful heritage of industry with the beauty of nature, the new Garland brand tells a story that has impact and resonance for economic development, for reaching visitors and for communicating Garland pride."
Ooh! That send chills up our collective spine.
Let's see. What other slogans have been manufactured for our fair city. We had the "Crossroads of the Hemisphere," which wasn't all that bad. Then we had "On the Border, By the Sea," which was descriptive, if not that original. Then there's Speedy Bean Ayala's lame "WOW! Brownsville, Always a Fiesta."
This Igniting the Future of Texas is a little lame for so much dough. A better one to signify the $140,000 would be Brownsville Dough Goes Up in Smoke.


Anonymous said...

Ronnie Oliveira continues to be a world-class pendejo. Vato inutil! As hated as anyone else in Browntown. No tiene huevbos, ese puto!

Anonymous said...

Pinche "palo" portillo, pura tranza, por eso brownsville no avanza.

Anonymous said...

Hey Montoya, I saw this comment on Facebook:
Apparently the city's longtime slogan "On the Border By the Sea" wasn't good enough anymore and buffoon Mariano "Bean" Ayala's allusion to endless fiestas was just plain hackneyed. So the City of Brownsville pays $90,000 (or $140,000?) to an Austin marketing firm, which in turn hires State Rep. Rene Oliveira's kin, Ron Oliveira, to help them "re-brand the city's image" and come up with a marketing plan and a slogan. And what do the consultants and Ron Oliveira come up with as the new city slogan? According to the Herald: IGNITING THE FUTURE OF SOUTH TEXAS. If this was a thinly veiled reference to the flares from the LNGs attack on the RGV then it shouldn't really come as a big surprise. After all, both Oliveiras are pushing this economic and environmental disaster, one of them in the legislature and the other one as a PR hack for a San Antonio marketing firm, LMG Communications ( paid to promote Annova LNG pollution on their hometown. So it makes sense that city leaders, feeling the heat (pun intended) did not want to vote on the slogan until after the May elections. (One would think that if they thought LNG was such a great bonanza, they would have run on that platform). So, will the city commission continue to dish out more taxpayers money to fund the branding of Brownsville as the "Beaumont of South Texas"? Is this "an identity more complex than its proximity to other attractions"? Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Her area is the most prominent piece of town and it goes underwater. she never answers her phone and doesnt give a damn if main road of our country club has craters like the moon. Now we know that she's too busy cutting deals and leading our town astray! Who is going to run against this deadbeat?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rutile Potifolio is now collecting her fees for being on city commish. Not bad for a bimbo .

Anonymous said...

What's Portillo smoking in the pic ?

311Local said...

No one likes it! Can we get a refund?

Anonymous said...

I like, On the Border, By the Sea.

Why waste money, and change that?

Diego lee rot said...

It's actually pretty hard to think up a good slogan. All I could think of was " Brownsville, TX Smoke em if you got em!"

Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez, the City Commissioners and the city administration surely have proven that they know how to spend tax dollars....but they have yet shown any ability to get investment dollars locked in for the city; to relieve the tax burden on the tax payers. I have heard old sayings like "It takes money to make money" or "We need to prime the pump", but Brownsville is a poor city and this administration has put the city into debt big time. We have millions of dollars worth of real estate that Tony Martinez hope to give to Queen Julieta Garcia and UT System. We now sit on empty buildings and UTRGV has made Brownsville a "Junior" partner in the new university. So, the city keeps going into on a stupid, copied logo (How many logos has the city had in recent years). It also seems that Tony's "special friends" end up on the receiving end of that money. This time an Oliviera...a slimy bunch.

Anonymous said...

Ratas ratas ratas. Eso nos merecemos y mas por brutos. We keep electing them.

Anonymous said...

First of all: why the Orange? Not everyone here is a Texas Ex, jeez. UT folded on us, anyway. What gives with that?
Secondly, why not use the I for the rocket ship, instead of the V, which points downward. What is the symbolism of the colors, anyway? Besides the obvious Orange colors, whats with the other colors. The V may "kind of" fit in with the outline of Texas, but it's really a stretch. The angles don't do it, for me.
I know Ronnie and Rene went to UT, but isn't this a bit overboard?
A logo is supposed to symbolize. This one doesn't get there.
It will be interesting to see which ad agency is involved in Portillo's next campaign, though.
Typical BS.

Logo critic.

Anonymous said...

Why not keep the business in Brownsville, and ignite the local economy?

Anonymous said...

Debbie PORTILLO is a PENDEJA Juan. She reads notes that Carlos Marin writes for her at meetings. She was a secretary for Imafine Brownsville for God's sake! What the hell does she know about city business?

Anonymous said...

She is used as a front patsie. A bimbo.
