Tuesday, September 8, 2015


By Juan Montoya
This Thursday the Cameron County Commissioners Court will consider an agenda item to grant tax abatements to the Annova LNG for their proposed plant at the port of Brownsville.
Even though they say that the plant is still in the application stages, this hasn't stopped them from asking the county for the tax breaks.
Unfortunately for them, (or perhaps fortunately for those against it), the political timing could not have been worse. Already, the City of South Padre island and the Laguna Vista city commission have come out against the construction of the plant on the Port of Brownsville Ship Channel.
Carlos Masso, a Port of Brownsville commissioner is running for Cameron County District Attorney and has not come out for or against the construction of the Annova plant, or the other three being proposed. And neither Pct. 1 commissioner Sofie Benavides nor challenger Bea Rosenbaum have publicly come out for or against the issue, Rosenbaum is the director of leasing properties at the port and that entity has already leased Annova a 650-acre tract where they plan to build their facility.
On Thursday, a anti-Annova group will be attending in force to ask that the commissioners do not grant the abatements. Already, a petition is being circulated online through the
On its FB page, Annova – through LMG Communications – states that "We need your help to make the Annova LNG transfer facility a reality so we can focus on creating #ABetter Brownsville through the creation of jobs and the support of tax revenue."
Apparently, someone named Alfred Rios disagrees with Annova's Lisa Marie Gomez and points out that the company only promises only 10 jobs on its tax-break application.
Similarly, Citizens Against Voter Abuse and a hiost of others have circulated the petition where they disclaim the jobs-creation assertions by Annova and its public relations mavens, including Ronnie Oliveira, Rene's cousin, who is also on board the LNG gravy train.
They state: "According to Annova LNG, the value of their Port of Brownsville facility will be 2.9 billion dollars. At .39 on 100. valuation, this would generate $11,310,000. yearly tax. Annova wishes to cap the value of their facility at 25 million. That would yield a yearly tax of $97,500.
If they do get FERC clearance to build here then we will need every tax dollar owed at the full value of their facility. The county would need the money to ensure that we are equipped to deal with any hazard their company would create. This billion dollar company should not be given 11,212,500. of our money each and every year.
The cities of Port Isabel, Laguna Vista, South Padre Island along with the South Padre Island EDC, the South Padre Island Business Owners Association and the Laguna Madre Water district, the Surfrider foundation and Sea Turtle Inc. have all adopted resolutions opposing the LNG plants at the Port of Brownsville."
The petition states that: The following residents of Cameron County vehemently oppose the installation of any LNG plants at the Port of Brownsville and demand our Cameron County Commissioners Court to deny any and all tax abatements to Annova LNG as listed on item J., Chapter 381 abatement agreement of the September 10th, 2015 agenda of the Cameron County commissioners court."
To sign the petition online, click on link: https://www.change.org/p/cameron-county-judge-pete-sepulveda-jr-cameron-county-commissioner-pct-1-sofia-c-benavides-cameron-county-commissioner-pct-2-alex-dominguez-cameron-county-commissioner-pct-3-david-a-tell-our-cameron-county-commissioners-court-to-vote-no-to-tax-abatem?recruiter=8650013&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_page&utm_term=mob-md-share_petition-custom_msg


Anonymous said...

Who is lying? Everybody is lying! All sides have an agenda to push and fairly and honestly representing their own position and that of the others side is not part of it.

If you are searching for the truth, it is not to be found in the propaganda of either side.

Anonymous said...

If you’ve been noticing a slightly odd smell coming from your tap water in recent weeks, you’re not alone. And you’re not crazy.

So, first off, don't freak out — there’s nothing wrong. Brownsville’s water is as safe and refreshing and definitely not poisonous as it’s always been. People who buy bottled water instead of using the stuff from the tap remain money-wasting fools. It's all good.

But the smell you may or may not have noticed — depending on how sensitive your nose is — is a slight boost in the chlorine levels. A few of us around the office have noticed it, but so have others — especially Southmost residents.

The increased chlorine levels are part of a more or less routine adjustment made each year during the warmer months, according to an official at the city's Department of Environmental Protection who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Chlorine functions as a disinfectant, he said, and as the weather gets hotter, and the water in reservoirs becomes warmer, "it can breed more things that we don’t want to be drinking." A little extra helps keep the water supply free of assorted microbial nastiness. The chlorine that’s added also tends to evaporate more readily in warmer water, so to ensure there’s enough to make it from treatment facilities to taps all over the city, a boost is required.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:00 AM - take your meds. Three cities and one water district have voted to issue anti LNG resolutions for the good of their residents. The public voice is not one of deception. The public wants to keep the environment clean and safe for future generations. Let the LNG factories locate in a pre existing industrial corridor. No one is making any money opposing this disaster in the making. The only ones profiting financially are the ones speaking in favor of LNG. The Cameron County Commission should do the right thing and vote no to any tax abatement. The public is speaking loud and clear.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the navigation district board have to approve the lease or demi-lease or pre-lease or whatever they are calling it? If so, Masso and everyone else on that board who voted has declared themselves for or against LPG.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Corporations are people. People lie .

Anonymous said...

Sepulveda and Benavides letters of support for Rio Grande LNG posted on saveRGVfromLNG.com

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @2PM... https://youtu.be/bp8Gv2G2gHM

Anonymous said...

b Rosenbaum supports it . dah, she works for the Port of Brownsville
