Friday, October 30, 2015


(We spend millions buying useless properties from political buddies, dish out money to get named All-American city, to entice billionaires to build their spaceport here, to emulate Austin with bike trials, etc., but why can't we take care of something as basic as a good drainage system? This is no hurricane, thank goodness, but if it was we'd be up the proverbial creek paddles notwithstanding. Maybe Ronnie Oliveria could put a snorkel on his new Brownsville logo. But then again, if you try to ignite anything under three feet of water, it might prove a bit difficult. Meanwhile, Rose Gowen and Tony Martinez have announced several changes to accommodate our chroonic hydrological events. We will change Cyclobia to Subclobia, and St. Charles St. to Lake Chalres. And the city commission will consider a resolution making us sister cities with Venice, Italy. See, very cloud has a silver lining.)


Anonymous said...

Brownsville, Tx
Splash Town USA!
Water World USA!
On the Border, Under the Water!
Man if this flooding keeps up soon we will evolve into having gills.

Southmost kid said...

Brownsville a great Waterworld Ignitor.

Anonymous said...

And both valley TV station's continue to ignore our weather events.

Doesn't anybody likes us anymore.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if we get a hurricane!!!

Anonymous said...

Good drainage isn't important to "da mayor" and his flunkies....there is no money in good drainage. Tony was "screwed" by Julieta and as a result the city has lots of vacant real estate...paid for by tax payers. This item surely demonstrates that we have elected, again, the wrong person. Tony Martinez is an elitist DICK!

Anonymous said...

There is no money for drainage. Everyone wants money to get funneled to pet projects so that the commissioners can be front and center on trips, media events, and social gatherings. If all the tax payer money goes to what the city really needs, and is top PRIORITY, then there is no money for the wants of commissioners. A few minutes of STEADY rain and the whole city is underwater, property damage, vehicle loss, etc. Then comes the mosquito infestation. Mayors have come and gone, and nothing has been done!!! Oh, but we are the ALL AMERICAN CITY.

Anonymous said...

Where is Emergency Management Boss Odee Leal to be informing us on the weather events? That bitch is hard to work with cuz she thinks she knows it all. All she does is stuff her employees with free food paid for by her department budget. To top it of, her department is located inside the Public Library with one of the kings of tranzas Jerry Hedecock.

Anonymous said...

This is caused by lack if IQ in city engineer's office. Ditto pot holes, traffic management, etc.

Anonymous said...

"Ignite the Future of Texas" my ass! Until this city can keep water out of homes and streets; until there is some leadership that can effect a recycling program citywide; until this city has an effective public school system; and until the elected officials understand that there is more to the city than the old downtown area, we won't be able to Ignite shit. We are swirling down the toilet while other Valley cities soar.

Anonymous said...

Juan, don't be an ignorant fool. Brownsville wasn't the only city to get flooded. Any city with that amount of rain in that short amount of time would flood. Water just has nowhere to go and it takes time to recede. Could drainage use some improvement? Of course but even with 12" lines the city would've flooded with yesterday's storm. Calm down, bro.

Anonymous said...

Our "leaders" have been studying flooding in Ole Bro. By now they should have Ph.d's in geology.

Anonymous said...

Juan is no fool, pendejo.

Our flooding is caused by the same people who are responsible for our unnecessary traffic jams by a lack of sychronizing our red lights, far too many left turn lights, far too many red lights in general, like the unneeded ones on Palm Blvd, our pot holed streets, etc. It's our city engineers, pendejo.

Viva el sistema compadre.

Anonymous said...

The preceding comment by Tony "Tranza" Martinez.

Anonymous said...

"Even with 12 inch lines. ..." THAT is the problem! The place is full of 12" lines and ANYONE who has lived here for more than two years knows that you need to get rid if water AT THE RATE IT COMES IN! "Waiting for it to go down" is something you do with a hurricane, not a simple storm or two.

Anonymous said...

Laguna Brownsville

Anonymous said...

Da mayor should make Atlantis our sister city . Bro and Atlantis.
