Saturday, October 31, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Well, that is exactly what sorta happened yesterday when that thunderstorm erupted over South Texas.
If you are a Cameron County Public Works employee, you know there are some areas and colonias where a dog peeing will case immediate flooding and send water invading people's homes.
In Precinct 1, it used to be Valle Escondido and the areas in the city Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) where the streets have no gutters and the water runoff from the city's asphalt-covered surface area just kind of finds its own level. If the water is left standing for longer periods, there is the further problem of spillover from septic tanks and all the associated health hazards that result.
In Precinct 2, Laguna Seca and parts of Olmito are problem points. Precinct 3 has Green Valley Farms, and Precinct 4 has its own headaches out toward Los Indios and El Ranchito. Combes and Santa Rosa also know the impact of a good cloud burst.
When a flooding event like yesterday's breaks, the Emergency Management Department under new coordinator Tom Hushen has to stay on top of the situation to monitor the situation and man the phones to direct the work crews to assist the affected residents.
But what if Hushen picked up his county-paid phone and called his trusty underlings Chuck Hoskins and Nat Flores to jump into action and got no response?
These two also worked under former EMC director Humberto Barrera and Hushen inherited the pair.
Hoskins is assistant EMC and is raking in $56,000 with auto allowance included and Flores is Hushen's Administrative Asst. and makes $39,000. The department is under County Judge Pete Sepulveda.
Miffed that two of this trusted aides could not be reached to perform their 24-7 assignments, Hushen is said to have issued a written reprimand to the pair for not showing up. There is no monetary penalty associated with the reprimand as far as we could gather.
Well, even though Hushen was short-handed, he is about to be rewarded for his troubles. In this year's budget, Hushen's salary is listed at $60,235 with a $960 phone allowance. He is also listed on the salary schedule as an ESD consultant with an additional $5,082 thrown in for his troubles.
In Tuesday's agenda, the commissioners will consider an item to discuss and take possible action regarding Hushen's duties and responsibilities and "adjusting" his salary by and additional $5,000.
For Hushen, who's just come on board, the rewards – like Friday's rains – when it rains, it pours.
Imagine if we had had a hurricane. The man would be a millionaire in no time.


Anonymous said...

Tony Martinez finally responds to flood: "It sucks", said he.

Anonymous said...

If this "not available for duty" failed to respond to their boss and they all work for Sepulvada; the he should take action. Be cause they are in emergency management, perhaps someone shoul be fired... not just a letter. Make a real statement that will support Hushen.
