Wednesday, November 4, 2015


By Juan Montoya
The Cameron County Ccommissioners Court – aware that Distrit Attonrey Luis V. Saenz was in a political contest for the Democratic Party nomination in the primary – hesitantly approved the expenditure of $25,000 for three billboards on domestic abuse.
Their concern was that the large shield pictured prominently in the ad with the DA's seal and name would amount to a taxpayer-funded political advertisement for his relection.
So when they approved the expenditure, they made sure the DA understood that only the office of the district attonrey would be named on the three billboards, not that of Saenz.\
In the past few months, Sanez and his reelction campaign team has found ways to thrust his name befor ethe voters as the March 1 Democratic primary approaches.
If you go to the county building on Harrison Street, a picture of a domestic violence victim meets you as you approach the coutny's administrative wing.
If you look in the parking lot, you will see a DA vehicle featuring the same theme with Saenz's name emblazoned on all four sides of the vehicle.
And now, our readers tell us, there are bumper stickers on police cars in San Benito featuring a message against driving and drinking or get your blood drawn by court order on patrol cars of that juridiction.
"Is this legal?" asked one of our three readers who sent us the photo.
Whether it's legal or not is for legal eagles at the county to decide, although we doubt that anyone is too eager to ask Saenz for the authority to splash his name across every available surface within view of a potential voter.
So far, Saenz has one decalred opponent, his former rival Carlos Masso, who is also a commissioner wiht the Brownsville Navigation District.
Some attonrneys of defendants on probation have told us that they are required to place the bumper stickers on their cars by the folks over at the probation office.
The media splashes have ncluded Operation Bishop against eight liners, the return of fugitive murderer Amit Livingston, the domestic violence capaign and now, the don't-drink-and-drive-or-we'll-draw-your-blood campaign.
It's as if Saenz was making voters an offer they cannot refuse, even if they don;t want to see the traveling ads compliments of the county taxpayer.


Anonymous said...

He is the district attorney!!! Elected by us what is the problem an incumbent always has an advantage suck it up

Anonymous said...

OMG this guy is crazy, whats next putting bumper stickers on all GMS trash containers and Trucks so every time we throw away our trash we can remember his name!

Anonymous said...

Hey Luis Saenz you should be ashamed of your self the word out there is that you want to put your advertising stickers on every light and water meters from PUB. I know where you can Go put them up, on the old ladies cars at the BINGO on price rd where the old sams used to be at, the owners must be the only ones that love u since u closed all the eight liners that weren't contributing to u......

Anonymous said...

Luis stop fooling yourself...You are done and gone soon. People are saying..anybody but Luis in the DA's Office. Your time has run out.

Anonymous said...

The Dumbokratic Party is back. Luis Saenz is part of the old party, many of whom are in jail or lost their positions. Of course, Luis and his "professional mistress" Melissa Zamora Landin are trying to milk the system to its fullest for his campaign. Without him, she won't have a job. Most of us know that Luis failed once as DA because he was a womanizer and used his position to get his girls. Now, he would have us believe he has changed...NO WAY. Everyday that Luis uses his position to advertise himself, the more people are looking at other candidates....Masso, or anyone.

Anonymous said...

No mames Juan. That is a photo of a DWI sticker on the police car....not domestic violence!

Anonymous said...

"Trim off his BIGOTES, so you can see who he really is"
