Wednesday, November 4, 2015


By Juan Montoya
A firefighter who scored higher on a captain's promotion exam than Carlos Elizondo has charged in district court that through political pressure and influence, the fireighters' union president and Brownsville Independent School District trustee forced the city to improve his score above his.
In a lawsuit filed in the 444th District Court Oct. 16, Sacramaneto Deosdado is asking the court to issue a temporary injunction and a temporary restraining order preventing the city from from filling any captain vacancies until the merits of his lawsuit have been finalized.
He has asked the court to issue a writ of mandamus to force the city to perform its ministerial duties and hold a meeting to review and appeal the promotional examination.
Named in the lawsuit as defendants are the city, the City of Brownsville's Firefighters and Police Officers Civil Service Commission, and Elizondo. Elizondo is currently president of the International Association of Firefighters-Local 970. He is also a trustee of the BISD.
According to Diosdado, he was one of the firefighters who – along with Elizondo – took the captain's promotion exam April 23, 2015.
"Initially, Elizondo earned a score of 69 and plaintiff earned a score of 71. (a minimum grade of 70 is required by the civil service to pass.)
"However, on May 1, Carlos Ayala Jr., Civil Service Service Director..., issued his certification of the exam scores wherein (Elizondo) was incorrectly reported to have scored 71 points, two (2) points more than his actual score."
When Diosdado asked for a review and appealed the promotional examination, Ayala scheduled one for June 12.
The, on June 12, "those participating in the review and appeal were present  table showing the scores for each person who took the exam. The table showed that (Elizondo) earned 69 points.
"At the hearing (Elizondo) was given credit for one wrong answer. That adjustment should have brought (his) score from a 69 to a 70. However, on June 16, when (Ayala) issued his second certification of the exam scores, Elizondo was shown to have a score of 72, three points higher than his score shown on the table provided during the appeal hearing."
Diosdado charges in his lawsuit that based on information and belief, by way of his position as (union president) and BISD trustee, (Elizondo) pressured Mr. Ayala into reporting an incorrect and inflated score for (his) benefit."
Diosdado charges that within five days of Ayala's second certification, he again exercised his right to review and appeal the promotional examination" and as of the date the lawsuit was filed, Ayala and the city "have refused to perform their ministerial and nondiscretionary act and hold a meeting" to review and appeal the promotional examination.
He then goes on to ask the court fir a writ of mandamus and states that "There are 12 people on the (promotion ) eligibility list. The top 5 persons on the list have already been promoted. The next highest score is a 73. Plaintiff has the second highest score, 71. (Elizondo) should be the third highest score, but (Ayala's) second certification incorrectly lists him as having a score of 72, thereby jumping him instead of (me.). Therefore, the court should enter an order declaring that Ayala has a score of 70 and that (I) am second on on the eligibility list."
Unless the court moves on his petition, Diosdado say, it will cause him a "probable, imminent, and irreparable injury in the interim."
Diosdado says that Fire Chief Lenny Perez's departure and an anticipated retirement of another officer in the department will create two captain vacancies.
He claims that Ayala's incorrect second certification effectively places Elizondo over him in line for promotion.
He asks the court to stop the process, issue an injunction and that the court order all defendants within 50 days of service of the request, the information or material requested.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Que Verguenza!!!!!!!!!!!!

They score 69 & 71. BAD!

Guess these guys would have had major trouble passing the High School Exit Exams. They should raise the score to 80. After all They are in charge of our safety.


NOVEMBER 4, 2015 AT 11:33 AM
Anonymous said...
elizondo es una rata pendeja~!

NOVEMBER 4, 2015 AT 11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Poor Cata, Carlos changes sides at BISD and now he is the bad guy, but yet he was your hero when he worked with you on the election. He was bad from the beginning. With any luck this lawsuit will prove Cata you align with the worst of the worst to get what you want.

NOVEMBER 4, 2015 AT 11:52 AM

Anonymous said...

On top of that, what are you doing about the short changing by the city in regards to the lawsuit settlement ,no mames guey

Anonymous said...

Acaso Carlos Elizondo no traiciono y engaño a todos?

Anonymous said...

pinche Elizondo se le olvido toda la gente que le ayudo.. orale pinche mammon. no vales madre.. a ver quien te va ayudar en tu campana??? no te creas muy chignon.

Anonymous said...

The law of gravity states, "everything that goes up.. must come down". that's for you Elizondo. The word out on the streets is.. you are a 1 time school trustee.

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather FUCK together lmfao
Ha ha ha ha uyuyuyuy cabrones!

Anonymous said...

And here we go again. Those in power continue to search for ways to get around ethical hiring practices; and like the teachers in BISD cheat for students, the powers that be in the city or in the fireman's union, are trying to do the same thing. This city cannot "Ignite the Future" of anything with so many liars, cheaters, unethical politicians and corrupt people making the rules. Maybe our city motto should be "Ignorance is Bliss" or "Show me the Money".

Anonymous said...

Ese pelon es bien tranza.
No tiene verguenza, y su familia ni se diga. If they make him fire chief the fbi needs to seriously get involved.

Anonymous said...

Carlos would do anything to "advance" his "political career" which includes sleeping with a senior citizen trustee, hahaha. Yikes!!

Anonymous said...

Hes already got two commissioners in his pocket pressuring the City manager to make him the new Fire Chief in exchange for giving up the unions contract .

Anonymous said...

Senior citizen, but Minnie is only 39 ( in her Porter Belle mind), she and the rest of the trustee must believe in " el que no hace tranza no avanza"?

Anonymous said...

I remember back in the day, when the gringos ran Brownsville. That changed and now the Mexicans run Brownsville. Nothing has improved from the bad old gringo days, today poverty and ignorance is as bad as it every was, everything the Mexican touches is corrupted by dishonest and crookedness.

So have things improved from the bad old old gringo controlled days? If it has, I am not seeing it!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Carlos, haven't you learn anything?? You might of won as BISD Trustee . But I think if you were to be a candidate once again for another term you will not win, you turned your back on everyone who helped you, and trusted you . And all you have done is created enemy's... This is an embaresmesnt to you your family and your Peirce and to the community. Man up and step down, let the smarter man who did score higher take his place as cheif of the firefighters.

Anonymous said...

There setting you up and don't even no it tonto

Anonymous said...

Honestly, this just shows the stupidity and jealousy of the core troublemakers in the union. I hope Carlos files a defamation suit against this sore loser. Or better yet, becomes his boss!

Anonymous said...

Carlitos give it up... Your the sore loser, just wonder if you walked into that office with out permission, hmmmm and if you did so. The question is will you lose your position as a Brownsville firefighter and get fired, now what would you do, go back to nursing that's a better position for you, now I am wondering what will Cindy do now, words out that your trying to make her the super attendance for the BISD . NOW IS THAT TRUE? JUST A CONCERN CITIZEN IN BROWNSVILLE THAT IS TIRED OF ALL THE CORRUPTION IN CAMERON COUNTY.. YOU SIR ARE A PERFECT EXAMPLE ..

Anonymous said...

Carlos use to be the representative of all the firemen, representing their employment rights. Now we know, that not only is he a cheater, he is the rubber stamp of Joe Rod and Zendejas, against BISD employees. We also find out that he is a self-service crook, bent on getting his wife promoted at BISD at any cost. How can this piece of cheating shit be promoted to captain, much less fire chief.

Anonymous said...

for 1:11PM , stop using your the tax payers money to write your commentwe know it is you.... no mames pinche Mr. Clean. ya nomas falta que quiera corer para Mayor... ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at us all a favor and keep your racist comments to yourself. You ask a question , then answer yourself? Your ignorance is showing .

Anonymous said...

The core has always been the real union !

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

If you dont cheat your not trying. Is that not what you did? You intimidated that pussy Carlos Ayala to give you the test and answer sheet thinking no one would see you. is this why Carlos Ayala quit as civil service director? The truth will come out and once again because of people like you, the public will continue to lose trust in public safety and public servants.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! Fucking moron!!! EL PINCHE SUPER "ATTENDANCE"!!! Point proven about you assholes being stupid.

Anonymous said...

Wrong. He knew how to play, that's why he is who he is, and you are where you are.

Anonymous said...

These comments are a prime example of why our police officers and superior to our fire department. Instead of being proud of one of their own, they rip him apart for becoming something. I'd hate to be one of your children.

Anonymous said...

Shit P.D is worse at least we don't sleap with each others wives

Anonymous said...

Be careful Mr superior you all have wayyy more skeletons in your closets,should we open?

Anonymous said...

Yup but not a cheater, that's what he is.

Anonymous said...

Elizondo already made a deal with Comm. Ricardo Longoria. The other rat.

Anonymous said...

Matthew 7:1-5

Anonymous said...

What a joke! The BISD Board Member could not study hard, the honest way, and pass the test. Shit at least 70%, but of course he is now toooo important he don't need too. Shit, cheat the system and away he goes to the top. I knew it, never trust anyone saying that they are running for office to help the teachers and be fair. They are in it for themselves and their spouses. This is what you get when you vote desperate wannabes that feel too important in Brownsville.

Wake up Brownsville!!

Anonymous said...

Just leave the poor soul alone , he knows what he did and he knows he did wrong, let him leave with the guilt, and knowing half of the residence of Brownsville know what type of man he is , on word a "CHEATER"

Anonymous said...

Bisd is the hotbed for cheating remember dr Cantu? Two of em actually and dr escobedo, rip and those .mail in votes for Cesar now carlitosb is a cheater too.
starts at the top what an example forn our students
oh wait the coaches cheat too
all those athletes that aren't even zoned forbthe high schools and they let them play
que mugrero

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Este dude lo bautizaron con agua de batería.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for Carlos.1st he has lost his friends, 2nd he is married to a witch, 3rd, this is a one time election he will win!! (Like a one hit wonder).. 4th he is a CHEATER (FAILING AN EXAM AND HE CALLS HIM SELF A BISD BOARD MEMBER) 5TH HIS RESTURANT SUCKS, 6TH HIS GET ALONG GANG IS USING HIM, 7TH HIS WIFE IS HATED AT RIVERIA HIGH SCHOOL, 8TH CARLOS IS HATED AS A FIREFIGHTER, 9THHE IS A DISAPPOINTMENT TO THE COMMINITY AND FINALLY ,10th he and his wife are losers, cheater, haters and not liked from their community, pierces, and so call friends.

Anonymous said...

The greatest prison people live in..Is the fear of what other people think.

Anonymous said...

And I am sure he and his family are worried of what people think of them
