Thursday, November 12, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Still glowing in the aura of victory after JP 2-1 Linda Salazar allowed him to legally victimize a woman and her daughter in his quest to get $3,000 in damages to his nephew's Harley, disbarred lawyer Robert Wightman has injected himself into the legal system which ejected him for numerous ethical violations in Dallas.
Wightman got Salazar to issue a subpoena against the father of a young mother who was involved in a fender bender with his nephew Emilio Montes. Both sides dispute each other's version of the incident, with Montes said the woman car struck him while making an illegal turn while she and her mother maintained that he actually struck the rear bumper of her car because he had admitted to them that he had been drinking. The accident took place at about 3 a.m.
There was no police report taken at the time because the women said Montes had asked them not to call them on numerous occasions and he claims that the woman did not call them because she had no license and was facing a criminal mischief charge. The women said Montes had bloodshot eyes and was stumbling at the time he left the scene of the accident.
All through the narrative, both Montes and Wightman say that as long as she (or her father) provide them with the insurance information so they can file their claim, they might just forget about the case.
Although disbarred, Wightman has found a backdoor way to represent his nephew in court. Texas law on non-lawyer representation passed in 2013, allows defendants and plaintiffs in small claims cases to be assisted by "a family member or other individual who is not being compensated.
A justice of the peace like Salazar can "with good cause" approve non-lawyer representation at her discretion.
Montes filed a motion in Salazar's court "to allow  my uncle (Wightman) to assist in explaining the purpose of my motion."
In the motion he stated he needed UnK because "I am not familiar with all the process of the court and my uncle if allowed to assist can explain the purpose of this motion and why the production of insurance information is so important. It will go faster if my uncle is allowed to assist. Otherwise it will be reduced to issue having nothing to do with this motion thereby disrupting the court and leaving this court distracted from the only issue before the court – the defendant producing the insurance information."
This is the same Montes who (if we are to believe Wightman) filed complaints with the Texas  Chief Disciplinary Counsel of the Texas State Bar alleging, among other things, that court-appointed attorney Louis Sorola's and Asst. D.A. Gus Garza violated legal ethics when the state dismissed a felony criminal mischief charge against one Hector Negrete who Montes charged had damaged his Harley during an altercation at a local downtown bar.
When the state dismissed the charge, the damages claim by Montes – coincidentally another $3,000 – went up in smoke. Undaunted, Montes filed an appeal to the dismissal of the complaint by the state bar. And he claims he "is not familiar" with the legal process and needs his uncle to guide him through the morass?
Montes' motion instructs Salazar that if the defendant's father "fails to appear I ask the court produce a capias (warrant) to bring the father before the court with the insurance information and if he fails to produce the insurance information, hold him in contempt and jail until such time as he produces the insurance information.
Once the insurance information is produces, he then instructs her to "abate this matter for two months to allow the adjuster to make a decision. If the adjuster turns down the claim, the insurance company will assign the defendant an attorney thereby making this matter easier for the court and all concerned. The evidence will show that this case has become a circus because the defendant has met with a well known convicted drunk by the name of Juan Montoya who has been using the internet to trash this court, your plaintiff (Montes) and his uncle (poor Wightman) with verifiable lies."
The motion that Wightman be allowed to represent Montes was filed on the afternoon before the case was heard Nov. 10. Salazar, at her discretion, allowed Montes' motion complete with its colorful description of El Rrun-rrun's editor.
In the past, Wightman has characterized his style as different than a pit bull because, unlike the lovable pooch, he "never lets go."
The duo has apparently been trying mightily to get their hands on the insurance to file their $3,000 claim, triple damages for negligence, and "expenses."
In a section called the "certificate of conference," Montes told the court that "past conversations with the father who holds the insurance have been hostile and the police directed me to never call the home again...I asking that the father simply produce the insurance information without the necessity of a hearing, and I will cancel the hearing once the claim is filed."

Coming: Part Two: Wightman instructs judge: Indict D.A. and special prosecutor.


Anonymous said...

Well, Linda is moron. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Linda Salazar is a DICK! She uses her position to enhance her power. She is threat to effective judicial proceedings in Cameron County. She and her pathetic son have abused their positions to benefit themselves and they should be voted OUT.

charlie brown said...

Linda is all about money not justice she is for sale and everyone knows it. Cb

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda and bobby are two PENDEJAS.

Anonymous said...

Why why is she still there in the court house... We need new candidate's... Someone please run against her.. I am sick of seeing her at the court house ya mamo muncho chiche.
