Tuesday, December 15, 2015


By Juan Montoya
More and more it seems to Cameron County political observers that County Judge Pete Sepulveda and Pct. 4 Dan Sanchez have cut a deal that will keep Sanchez in the commissioner's seat while at the same time he runs for county judge.
That may be well and good for the judge and commissioners, but for some Pct. 4 residents, this has resulted in a neglect of county roads that has spawned a rash of home invasions and burglaries.
At least two speakers – a former government instructor at Texas Southmost College and a former county commissioner – said that Sanchez's continuing to seat while he is on the campaign trail has resulted in less representation and neglect for that area.
"We have a need out there," said Desi Martinez, a former TSC civics professor. "These people matter. (Texas) law says that vacancies should be filled until the next general election. Judge, you just wen through this process, having been appointed yourself."
There has been a growing controversy about Sanchez's announcement that he will seek the Democratic Party county judge's nomination while at the same time staying as a holdover on the seat to which he was just reelected last November.
Critics say that stating on as commissioner with salary and the amenities such as a car allowance and an opportunity to showcase his eloquence on the county's live feed broadcast during meetings in effect has the county paying for part of his political campaign.
Former Pct. 4 county commissioner Tivie Valencia urged Sepulveda to step into the void left by Sanchez as he runs for the countywide office since efforts to have the commissioner address the problems that are crying for answers in the rural area.
"We ask you to do something for the people in that area,"" Valencia told Sepulveda pointedly. "I don;t think the commissioner (Sanchez) is going to do something now that he is running for county judge."
As a stone-faced Sanchez remained silent, Valencia outlined the crime problems that were compounded by the condition of the road and overgrown ditches.
"We've already had several robberies by people who have used the overgrown ditches to enter people's houses," he said. "We've called commissioner Dan a number of times and he has never answered any of our calls. One of the persons who was robbed was beaten with a crowbar that the robber used to break into his house and hit him in the shoulder and he had to go to the hospital."
Martinez was even more direct, asking Sepulveda to appoint someone to replace Sanchez so that the precinct's needs can be addressed in Sanchez's absence.
"People out there have needs, You yourself should make the right decision. Let's get to the people's business."
While Sanchez did not address the speakers directly, he was not so circumspect when the speakers were gone.
"We can always pave more roads and buy more shredders and that will reduce crime," he mocked them.
Some county observers say that Sanchez and Sepulveda may have cut a deal on specific issues coming before the court and can count on his vote on issues he cares about, among them a move to approve the entire county as a Transportation Reinvestment Zone which would put more money into the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority (CCRMA).
Sepulveda is the CEO of the CCRMA at a $230,000 salary and does not get paid by the county's general fund.


Anonymous said...

On the bright side. It looks like Dirty Dan Sanchez is NOT pissing anybody off. And it looks like he IS making new friends.

Anonymous said...

Sanchez is the ugliest and fattest public office holder Cameron County has ever seen! Sepulveda needs to be fired, he has no BALLS and is just another puppet. This is so sad for Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Sepulveda is covering his own ass and protecting his beloved Dumbokratic Party, nesting place of corruption and greed.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Dan Sanchez listed as a County Judge candidate on the Sec of State website? Did he screw up his filing and miss the boat?


Anonymous said...

Fuck you too Pete Sepulveda! You dirty, halfwitted mule of a puppet, choke on your over-inflated, corrupt salary.

Anonymous said...

A revolution is in progress and Dan and David Sanchez will not fair well. Pete sepulveda will be a casualty...

Pig pen said...

folks its called navigation, Sepulveda knows why bite the hand that feeds you right pistol pete? so what I will let the big fat pig stay in office anyway who cares? Any way so what if anybody complains its just a complaint and no one or any one can do a damn thing about it. Pura caca doodle doo. it stinks. Just as long as I can navigate the political river and stay in my nice cushion job that pays me over $200k who cares right pistol pete?

Chief Cool Arrow said...

Juan just an observation the Hidalgo County RMA Exe Director Pilar Rodriguez who is an ENGINEER has a salary of $200,000.00, while here in Cameron County Pete Sepulveda is not an ENGINEER just an ex city manager and a Rasquache mind you and he makes $225,000.00 plus do I see something wrong here or am I blind? CCA
