Friday, January 15, 2016


By Robert Sanchez
By now, through newspaper reports and social media, you have doubtless heard about the impending divorce between me and my spouse Lorrie.
Unfortunately, the accounts that I have seen have been misleading, inaccurate, or otherwise inflated to discredit our character and otherwise paint us in the most unfavorable light. This has hurt both of us, and most importantly, our four precious children.
Such is social media and as a person who has sought political office or held positions on municipal boards, I am aware that my expectations of privacy have been diminished.
Nonetheless, since I am a public person, I feel I must address some of these issues and clarify the situation.
Until October 16, when I was served with Lorrie's petition for divorce – and she, subsequently, was served with my counter divorce petition – life had been just like that of any normal couple and young family. We had differences, discussions, and as time went on, severe, and now irreconcilable, differences.
I am not proud to say that both of us have broken our marriage vows and engaged in a spiraling tit-for-tat that hasn't been conducive to a healthy family environment. And, as a gleeful local blogger, has stated, both of us throughout that time consumed illegal substances like rock stars. That didn't help either. Rather than dey it and impede the road to recovery, I have learned that it is better to face the facts square on.
But that was then. Since then, reality has set in and both of us have been court ordered to submit to drug testing. It has been a blessing in disguise, and I am proud to tell you that the results will show that I have been clean and sober and registered negative in all subsequent analysis. (Click on graphics to see the proof.)
Both of us have also had to undergo mental and psychological evaluations overseen by a Court Amicus Gabriella Garcia. I have already had mine done and my former spouse still has to comply with that order.
As is usually the case in this matters, the only ones profiting from this ordeal have been the lawyers and the court system. Everything, it seems, has a cost. Legal fees for both of us will total more than $70,000. My mate's first lawyer cut and ran when he was not paid his $5,000 fee as did her second one who racked up close to $30,000. I don't even want to think what her third lawyer will charge her and if he expects it will be easy to get paid. In my case, I will not divulge the cost other than to say that my longtime friend Ernesto Gamez and his talented lawyer daughter Erin have extended every kind consideration and I am much appreciative and grateful to have such a fine team of advocates on my behalf.
This holiday season was painful to me as I was prevented from seeing my children due to a fabricated incident involving my former father-in-law Joe V. Garza. Since then, the situation surrounding that incident has been explained and I can honestly say that I did not assault anyone or committed any criminal acts. As in most divorces, sometimes people from the outside intruding into the private matters of a couple only make things worse. The photo at right was taken when I was driving my mother to her house, which is only one property removed from my residence. When we passed by, my ex-father-in-law signalled his contempt for my mom and me by throwing us the finger. The thug sitting next to him also yelled out to us that he knew where I lived and that he could find me. We didn't even know the man and felt threatened by his statements.
We sail though life through fair weather and storms and somehow manage to come out at the other end a little bit older and, hopefully, a little bit wiser.
I am deeply appreciative of the kind words and support that have been extended to me by longtime friends and family. This is one of the reasons I have always loved Brownsville and chose to make it my home. I can only ask that you take what is written about us with a grain of salt. Some people, especially social media, like to use the tragedy of others to to awe and titillate their readers regardless of who it hurts. The separation of our family is painful and excruciating enough to those of us involved in it without having to see fanciful tales spread around social media by some purveyors of gossip who seek to spread their misery.
I pray to God that Lorrie will find peace and pray for our children and ask Him to touch the hearts of my former in-laws that they, too, will see beyond themselves and extend their love to their grandchildren.
And I ask for your prayers that we can survive this ordeal and emerge better persons who will continue contributing to the progress and prosperity of our community. God bless all of you.


Unknown said...

Bob that is the price of fame, the problem is clear, every one thinks they are better than you. But they are the ones have skelingtons in their closet, I wish you and Lorie all the best in sorting out your personal probl

Anonymous said...

Bravo! God bless you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Why so much hate. Remember your children. You never mention GOD. Listen to him !!!! He will guild you and your ex spouse. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Robert, I have never met you, but know who you are. I have heard unpleasant things about you with regards to how you are. Is it true or not, who knows, because again, I don’t know you directly. However, I am sorry to hear what you are going thru and this letter speaks, I think, good of your character; it sounds genuine and real; therefore, I wanted to tell you to maintain strong for your children and for yourself. I hope to never experience such a brutal situation and pray that everything works out in a speedy fashion so you could find peace and move on quickly into a new phase of your life. Trust me, periodically take moments for yourself in a silent place and deeply and strongly pray to God in a genuine and real way like this letter and you will see results. Not in your time, but in His – just be patient. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Bob I know you're not perfect but get your shit straight be strong for your kids,take your losses keep your chin up and keep trucking. Things will get better if you focus on jesus and your kids I guarantee it.Only a fool thinks he can do it by themselves reach out and good luck to both

Anonymous said...

Lmao he didn't write this letter Jerry Mchale his friend did. The people that really know Robert know he can't write a letter like that.. He should of payed more attention to his wife and kids instead of his girlfriend..

Anonymous said...

you are a straight up asshole and spoiled brat. anyone who knows you knows what an entitled little Prince you are and the fact that you have to air out your dirty laundry in public is proof of how goddam immature you and your dirty cronies are. grow up and act like a man. own your actions, don't explain them.

Anonymous said...

Why do ppl envy Robert Sanchez so much hey if he has it that good but ur the strait up asshole ur probably jealous cause you know Robert can have any women he chooses move on Mr. Sanchez and be all the women Sanchos the hell with it the envy you anyway....We stand by you Mr. Sanchez.........

Anonymous said...

Lol to the people that are saying we are jealous of Robert Sanchez you all don't know Robert like we do.. How long have u all known Robert for. We are not jealous of him Robert doesn't care for anyone but himself..

blogger said...

I just want to give a quick advise to any one out there that is having difficulty in his or her relationship to contact Dr.Agbazara because he is the only one that is capable to bring back broken relationship or broken marriages within time limit of 48 hours. You can contact Dr.Agbazara by calling him on his mobile +2348104102662 or write him through his email at ( )

Ben said...

Hello, is good I inform all the men and guys out there, that sometime we all make mistakes in our relationship and made our relationship to be broken and is also our responsibility to make it work by seeking for solution to it, I'm very happy today to tell you little of my relationship problem, i cheated once on my wife and she caught me and she was ready to end our marriage because i truly love her i quickly seek for solution to stop her that is when i came across Dr.Ekpen temple who has help so many people restore their broken marriage and relationship i also contact him today my marriage is restored, I'm going to drop his contact so that does having the same issues can contact him for solution on ( or +2347050270218.

Anonymous said...

What happened to you? You have not aged well! Mala vida!

Anonymous said...

I want to thank Dr.Agbazara for his job in my family, this is man who left me and the kids for another woman without any good reasons, i was pain and confuse,till one day when i saw Dr.Agbazara contact, then i contacted him and he help me cast a reunion spell that help my situation with 48hours, since I then the situation has changed, everything is moving well, my husband who left me is now back to his family. reach DR.AGBAZARA TEMPLE via email if you have any problem at:
( )
OR whatsapp or call him on +2348104102662
