Tuesday, January 5, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: We have received some predictions from one of our longtime fans who says he counts himself among our six readers. We don't necessarily agree with every prediction on the list, but post them for our other five readers to consider.)

1. Now that Gloria Rincones, David Sanchez, Linda Salazar, David Garza, Tony Yzaguirre, Elia Cornejo-Lopez, Eddie Lucio III, and Filemon Vela Jr.  have become literally "the only choice" in their respective races, we will go out on a limb and predict (unless there is a late-breaking indictment) that they will emerge victorious from their primary races. Rincones will have to face Rene De Coss in November for the 445th District Court race. The crystal ball range does not extend that far, so we will reserve our prediction on that one. With Cameron County well on its way to becoming a two-party county, this crystal ball may fog up on us.

2. Sometime this year, the Pentagon will lay the blame on the doorstep of the Brownsville Economic Development Council (BEDC) for the creation of ISIS after they are discovered (through a Freedom of Information Request) that CEO Jason Hilts and VP Gilbert Salinas had instituted a trade mission office in Aleppo, Syria and called it "Operation Crusader." That set off the radical Islamic jihadists against the infidels. Three Syrian nationals working the BEDC Syria office were the first beheading victims.

3. This year, a Columbian national from Bogota will file a paternity suit against one of the guests or personnel from Brownsville brought on one of the trips funded by the BEDC. He will be up to the hilt in legal and financial problems.

4. One of the trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District will be investigated for lining the backyard and his patio grass pockets with artificial turf sold to the district by vendor Paragon. We will later find out that the turf was installed as a payback for his support of their product in district middle schools.

5. A city commissioner will be back pedaling when it is learned that she has been receiving commissions for the uptick in bicycle sales in the Greater Brownsville Metroplex.

6. A member of a local animal protection group will file a landmark lawsuit against the manufacturers of fire truck sirens for damaging the hearing and causing great stress in local pets who live near the city's fire stations. It will give a cause to PAWS.

7. Trump or no trump, Hillary Clinton will get elected President of the United States after wiping out the opposition in her Democratic Party and later – in November –  the Republican candidate.

8. Closer to home, Sen. Eddie Lucio will get elected, but the votes will be closer than he wished, telling him his long-suffering constituency is telling him it's time to go home to his paradise island and retire. He is running in the primary against  Osbert G. Rodriguez Haro III.

9. Rep. Rene O. Oliveira will garner the Demo nomination and with no contender in the GOP ranks, will stay latched on to the public teat until the voters pry his cold stiff fingers off the public trough. Don De Leon will also draw more support than Oliveria would have guessed. After all after 30 years, the soup starts to get a little thin, if not the girth, of our partying rep.

10. Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio will also win in March over Gregorio Puente III. He will probably face former Indian Lake Chief of Police John Chambers who will emerge as the winner for the GOP banner despite his selective prosecution by DA Luis V. Saenz.. If the 86-year-old Omar is still with us in November, it will be tough for Chambers to pull it off, but stranger things have happened. Sorry Gus Reyna, but you will probably not get appointed if Omar moves on to the Great Beyond

11. Pct. 1 commissioner Sofie Benavides will end up in a runoff with Beatrice Rosenbaum. The two other candidates will pull enough votes from South Padre Island and the Southmost area to force the face-off between these two ladies. Joseph Cantu – with his anti-LNG stand and following in at South Padre Island – will take that precinct, and Pato Martinez in Southmost will prove to be a draw for dissatisfied voters. Cantu's military service and successful small-business experience might draw more than what most expect from a new candidate. Having the Sanchez brothers (Dan and Dave) in Sofie's corner will  prove to be a liability rather than a boon to her reelection. Our crystal ball is unclear but this much we can say, there will be blood on the streets of the barrio. In a runoff, who will Cantu and Martinez throw their votes behind?

12. Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez will get into a runoff with Pete Avila. Juan Torres and Silveiro "Silver" Cisneros will draw enough votes to send this election into extra innings.  Not even Cisneros' extended family on the county payroll will derail the two front runners. It could be Gomez by a few percentage points again.

13. The Sanchez brothers take another hit in their support of Cesar R. Diaz for Pct. 5 Constable when he loses to Eddie Solis in the Democratic Primary.

14. Cameron County D.A. Luis Saenz will lose the March 1, 2016 primary election against nemesis Carlos Masso. Saenz may even have some tense moments when he hears rumbles from a Houston grand jury. Masso will face Jeremy Sorelle in November, and will probably win.

15. Commissioner for Pct. 4 candidate Basilio "Chino" Sanchez will win against Veterans Court attorney Gus Ruiz. Word has gotten out already that Ruiz is the hand-picked candidate of the Sanchez brothers who want to use him to control the commissioners court and county judiciary.

16. Former Brownsville Mayor Eddie Trevino will win against Dan Sanchez for the county judge nomination of the Democratic Party. People have gotten turned off on the fact that David Sanchez, his brother and a district judge, has violated the judicial code of ethics to openly campaign for a candidate. They also were turned off when Dan turned a Veterans Day celebration into an announcement for his candidacy. Sanchez is also known to be bullying every elected official to support him. He promised JPs a raise and didn't deliver, but did give raises to all district and county court-at-law employees, including those in his brother's district court. Not quite clear is the energetic effort of Brownsville attorney Liz Garza, a candidate who has earned the respect of those she comes into contact with. Steady in her anti-LNG and anti-corruption stands, she may draw enough independent votes to throw the race into a runoff or ven get into it against TreviƱo herslef, but things get cloudy from there on.

17. Judge David Sanchez, despite ample warning to cease and desist from campaigning for his brother, will get sanctioned by the Judicial Commission. Should the violations prove so overwhelming and brazen, the sanctions might go further than normal.

18. Another Sanchez candidate, Sonia Herrera, will fall despite the support of the Sanchez brothers. Herrera was set to run against David but was convinced that she should target Nelson with their help. Once the voters found out who was behind the candidacy, they fled her campaign in droves.


Anonymous said...

Dan has the money , Dan has made the deals , Dan has the County Judge race in the bag .

Anonymous said...

Is our choice only between Eddie Trevino and Dan Sanchez? Fuck. Where are the good people?

Anonymous said...

You are funny.

Anonymous said...

All depressing

Anonymous said...

What's the prediction for Judge Mike Trejo?

Anonymous said...

Vargas is getting full support from Diaz and his deputy's but at the end they will feel the full power Judge Mike Trejo has backing him he don't need Santamaria to Win this one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Judge Mike Trejo has enough support all over Cameron County to win a County wide race .

Anonymous said...

Yawn......I predict Carlos Cascos will eventually wise up and get rid of Cris Valadez . ..speckled - faced monkee is just a conniving chismosa , and, truly the town's clown. Doesn't he have something to do while on the taxpayers dime besides write predictions ? Is Carlos that stupid, he doesn't see him for the sad joke he is?

Anonymous said...

They honest people work for their living!!!!! Not like Linda, Erin, the Sanchez, Sucios, Hinojosas, Herbandez, Zayas, Cortez, Powers, Elizondos, Lopez, and the rest of the crooks that take bribes under the table, do special favors for their relatives and movidas?

Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez 15 years of continuously being paid by county taxpayer money and not doing anything for his precinct except serving himself.

Harlingen Insider said...

Judge Mike Trejo? He's nothing more than a JP which means Justice of Peace and not even recognized by the State as a Judgeship. Trejo has a lot of skeletons in his closet. Gossip and rumors are that he allowed his first ex-wife to take a fall for transporting narcotics? The other is that he is a wife beater and that there may be records on file with the Sheriff department or local agencies? There are complaints among us voters that he is nothing more than a bully, self-centered and thinks that his shit don't stink because of this position and his daddy, Alex who thinks he is a cop? there is rumor or gossip that Trejo abuses his towing business by placing signs of "No Parking" at certain businesses and then monitoring them to get a tow and get that fee for political purposes? there is rumor or gossip that Trejo brags about the unlimited money to campaign and that whoever runs against him, he'll break them. Then again, this is Cameron County where the Democrats love corrupted people in office.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Dan "The Man" Sanchez for Cameron County Judge !

Tony Y.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Garza is the next Cameron County Judge- Putos!!!

Anonymous said...

I endorse Dan "The Man " Sanchez

Your humble public servant ,
Tony Y .

Anonymous said...

Harlingen insider is a Dan Sanchez puppet . Dan , we will see you at the polls culero .

Anonymous said...

Judge Mike Trejo is a piece of shit!!!!! He is all hat & no cattle!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What about a Judge Pct.5 Place 3 that has 2 wrecker companies in the same place that he presides in. Also doing illegal private property tows from Koffee Klatch while the fans were supporting their high school football team.While the Judge was guest speaker at the game his son Primera Alderman was picking up cars along with the other company that is owned by The Judge and his wife. How can a person that claims to be supporting The Cardinals/ Hawks do that to the fans/parents of the kids he so called cares about. Talk about PATHETIC!!!!!! Also this Judge is NOT living in his precinct.... He lives in Brownsville.The VOTERS need to think twice about voting for this Judge again.Do you want a Judge that works part-time or a full time Judge????? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The rumor is Trejo thinks money put him where he's at instead of the people..hhhhhhmmmm Really?

Anonymous said...

trejo will beat the truck driver from santamaria wow wait that's where all the drugs are coming in thru and the constable is in charge of that area Diaz family is from just across the river from santamaria. You want corruption keep voting for it.

Anonymous said...

you can't make predictions like this all too soon when elections have not even taken place. Secretary of States office will be looking closely to this election and by Hillary will not be President of this Country. No back deals either. no wonder people don't go out and vote because of the way the democrats are they cheat and lie. People are getting tired of electing the same old people over and over again and they get in trouble by the law. The politiquera system has to stop too!!! No more buying votes either.

Anonymous said...

Rumor this , gossip that, this sounds like a bunch of B.S. ! If you go back and read old stories from El Rrun Rrun regarding Dan Sanchez , "Harlingen Insider" is always there to defend Dan Sanchez . Dan Sanchez has made it very clear that any elected official who does not support him will be under attack from both the Sanchez Brothers . So remember if you don't any trouble , Vote for Dan Sanchez.

Anonymous said...

Really once you vote no one know who u votes for and that's where they scare people they make them think they know who they voted for I have never voted for Dan and guess what he treats me like his best friend keep your enemy's close and in this race dan is not winning it.

Anonymous said...

Dear January 5 at 6;24pm. You did not pay the filing fee. You have to do that before you can get on the ballot so you can represent us, Mr. Honest!!

southmost kid said...

Juan how come your crystal ball girlfriend didn't see anything about tony the tiger getting popped at the tax office?

Mrs. Saldivar said...

Elizabeth (Liz) Garza for County Judge, if you all who are complaining about the others will vote for her, we will have change for the better. Otherwise, we will end up with recycled elected officials and incumbents.

Joseph Cantu is another NEW candidate who actually gives a damn about your voice and wants to do right by our county.

Do not vote for either incumbents or recycled candidates. You already know what they will do, give the NEW clean candidates a chance to prove themselves.

Without you, nothing will change. Please vote and help turn this county around from all the decades of corruption.

southmost kid said...

Mrs. Saldivar, I agree I am voting for new blood next election time, tired of the old 30 year old plague we have had in the past wit these democRATic party, dan sanchez, eddie Trevino gilberto hinojete, joe river, tony the tiger, juan magazine, linda la balona, crap crap crap, filth, filth, filth, si se puede, y ya basta. enough is enough of this party voting, time for a clean slate, new faces, new people, Go Liz Go, sk

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Saldivar has no business as a democratic precinct chair making comments or opinions about candidates in the democratic primary. She should be removed as a chair, she does this every election. I have actually contacted the secretary of states of office.
