Thursday, January 7, 2016



Anonymous said...

Juan, that's ten times as many readers as Da Blimp has! Hijo de la chingada, dude. Da Blimp is an amateur compared to you. HE WAS LAST ON HE YZAGUIRE STORY! Ja ja ja jalea

Anonymous said...

It's alright, not too worthy.
pinche torta

Anonymous said...

Juan has chingos more readers, too bad most of them are sheeple who can not think for themselves and look at charts for the pretty colors.

Anonymous said...

The blimp says your numbers are wrong es sierto Pues! Ya el blimp dijo carajo! jajaja

Anonymous said...

Far more reliable info than the Brownsville Herald.....which is always a day late in reporting anything. Look forward to this blog in 2016 to bring us the "real news".

Anonymous said...

There are bullet proof statistics that support the fact that people hit the same site multiple times a day. If I were to apply the same hit rate to your site that applies to Facebook, I could make the case that the same 300 misguided, deranged, insatiably satisfied social network deviants hit your site with the ignorant intent of capturing some intelligent information.

Stop believing your own press clippings Juanito would be my advice.

And stop getting paid for the press. You're not that good and you're overpaid.
