Thursday, January 7, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: After we posted the photos of county trucks parked at Dillards and handicapped parking spaces at the Dancy Building, we received several questioning the use of public vehicles at local shopping areas. This one was sent by one of our seven readers who said he took it the day after Christmas at a local Walmart. Was the PUB guy returning a gift, he asked. Or perhaps he was taking advantage of the day after Christmas specials. Well, a poor working stiff needs some time to walk through the shopping aisles, don't he?)


Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Transit System has GPS systems in their buses and the operations officer can see the location of buses at any time. Why doesn't the county, PUB and the city invest in this kind of system. We see many "Exempt" vehicles in places that they are not working.

Anonymous said...

Do you want to pay the extra money in taxes that it would take to pruchase, install, maintain, repair, and replace these GPS systems you think should be installed. The ones in the Brownsville Transit System are paid by the Federal Government, and since we are the poorist city in the United States, that means those rich dudes up north of the Nueceses river are paying those costs for your poor ass. How much do you get on your Lone Star card every month?

Anonymous said...

The person that took the picture is more likely a McDonald's employee simply jealous that he has a shitty job. I estimate the photographer at an age from 25 to 50 years old. Mad that he or she will not be retiring anytime soon JAJAJA !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your the person driving that PUB truck. Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

And you're still an idiot that's missing the point! Probably 25 to 50 years old, no friends,certainly no spouse and a stupid coward.

Anonymous said...

Yup its you!! Jajaja

Anonymous said...

The guys that use those PUB trucks se la pelan todo el dia. Por eso estan todos bofos y pansones!

Anonymous said...

Look and they still put the orange cone! What a fkn turd.

Anonymous said...

Nah I do not work for PUB but this just shows how much of an idiot all of you are by thinking "your" taxes pay it all !Lol
85 % of things such as city vehicles, computers, etc are obtained by Government grants. "Your" taxes will not even afford a PUB truck tire !

Anonymous said...

Why can't a PUB employee go to Walmart and buy something to eat or drink if it's on his or her lunch break. How about if the worker needed a pair of gloves, pliers, screwdriver, or maybe his/her glasses broke and needed a quick repair yo continue the days work. Bottom line if it's done on his/her lunch break, it should not be of any concern to the tax payers of Brownsville. Just saying!

Anonymous said...

LOL don't worry i do not work for PUB, if i did, i would be doing the same! This shows how stupid you all are. They get assigned a truck for the day and then go do the job needed for the day. So with that being said, when it comes to taking a lunch break etc they simply go in the "city truck" to take their break. Why do you see policemen, border patrol , state trooper vehicles etc at fast food restaurants? Think about it, a law enforcement officer having to leave the "streets" and go back to the station, pickup his personal vehicle, go eat lunch, then one hour later go back to the station and pick up the "city vehicle". Hmmm, no. Only an idiot would think that's the way to do it. It would be more fuel consumption on the city's side etc. Why don't these "tax payers" go protest about it ? Taxpayers go and complain about border patrol sitting in their vehicles for several hours by the border yet drugs still make it across, illegals still make it across etc. "your taxes" pay $55k to $80k to have someone sit in a vehicle along the border Lol. All of you act like you show up to your job and the minute you get there you, work work work work, like some slave. No! Lol so stop whining and just pay your taxes on time LOL

Anonymous said...

Ora! These PUB employees are on the defensive! Les quedo el saco! Lol

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up pendejo ! You're "Lol" is boring us to death.....please drop dead!

Anonymous said...

Calm down buddy Lol if you're bored then stop reading Lol
oh and make sure your taxes keep getting paid on time. Also your PUB on time if not make the proper payment arrangements before a "bofo y panson" goes unplug your light and shut off your H2O Lol

Anonymous said...

I only go with the best!! Puro CPL papa!

Anonymous said...

CPL? Te la estan metiendo hasta adentro buddy ! You must live in county limits. They have high rates (cents per kilo watt).
