Will this be the last time we see Brownsville Police Dept.'s Chief Orlando Rodriguez at the head of the local Boys in Blue?
Sources from inside the city tell us that Rodriguez has been champing at the bit to retire but has remained at the helm at the city administration's urgings that he remain to oversee the security and protection during the upcoming Charro Days, SombreroFest and Spring Break rush.

Rodriguez was appointed early December 2012 as interim chief to replace Carlos Garcia, who retired to take a job at the port of Brownsville.
A 34-year veteran of the force, Rodriguez took over Garcia's spot permanently July 24, 2012 after having served in various in various divisions within the department. He was appointed commander on August 2012.
The city will probably advertise nationwide for a new chief, but insiders say that Cmdr. Juan Hernandez may have the inside track. Like Rodriguez, Hernandez has worked his way up through the ranks and started out as a patrol officer and then worked his way up until being appointed police commander.
At the time of Rodriguez's appointment as chief, city manager Charlie Cabler said that department. He was appointed commander in August of this year.
"He’s (Rodriguez) been a police officer for many years, a sergeant, a lieutenant and now a commander, so he understands all the responsibilities of the divisions and we feel like he can handle, with the assistance of many supervisors, a well-established police department," Cabler said.
"He’s (Rodriguez) been a police officer for many years, a sergeant, a lieutenant and now a commander, so he understands all the responsibilities of the divisions and we feel like he can handle, with the assistance of many supervisors, a well-established police department," Cabler said.
But just as there have been successes for the department under Rodriguez, there have also been controversies.
The shooting of a teenager armed with a pellet gun at Cummings Middle School and the shootings of an unstable elderly man inside his house and most recently the shooting of man accused of taking part in a drive-by beer theft have brought harsh criticism to the department.
Add in the embarrassing disclosure that a police commander – since retired – was using his police-issued cell phone to send naked selfies to a girl friend from within the central police station and it has made for a wild ride.
SO if you see the chief riding by during Charros, wave him a big goodbye!
Looser with no education in police management. Time to demand future chief have minimum Master degree in education. SMH...just wait-nothing. Hows about posting credentials?
Lord help the Brownsville Police Department if Commander Hernandez takes over..Hernandez is a vindictive M/F and has been attempting to udermind Orlando Rodriguez since he was appointed again to the rank of commander. He attempted to undermine the old Chief Carlos Garcia but as soon as Chief Garcia realized what was going on, he was immediately demoted. As far as Commander Hernandez good side well, he loves the women and if you ladies give him the time of day he will put you in favorable spots within the department. Inside source's say he has a couple of female's now that do nothing all day. Hernandez is a self-serving guy and has aligned himself with one crazy Lt.Dietrich rumors around the department say both have attempted to make Mr. Cabler look bad by having Commander Hernandez Minions launch criminal investigation on city employees in hope that the City Commissioners would get rid of Cabler and promote his daughter from Assistant City Manager to City Manager. Good luck to the Boys in blue that remain behind when Rodriguez leaves.
last rodeo, Payton manning or what?
Oralle!!! Este BISD graduate!! "Loser", not "LOOSER".
Good Riddance!!! this Chief has been a great disappointment..His workers say that the Patrol division is out of control with a severe lack of personnel and on some days there are barley enough patrolman to get by putting officers in danger. Most of them are afraid to speak out since the Union President enjoys having his 3 days off and Chief Rodriguez allows the Union President to dictate what happens on patrol. Chief Rodriguez has also allowed Commander Hernandez to run all over him. He might as well sew a Welcome matt on his back, because he has also allowed "The womanizer" Commander Hernandez to place female's that he has had relations with, in favorable spots within the department and sends them to out of State trainings that most senior officers would die for... So good Riddance and thanks for the garbage you are leaving behind!!
Oh great we have a commander letting high paying officers sitting on there assess when they should be patrolling the dam streets and he wants to be chief.all because they wear ponytails no mames,are tax payers getting their monies worth?
Dude street cops aren't high paid. Check your facts.
Yea right you don't want the real facts to come out ,get them off there assess and hit the streets
Why do you think he never allowed his wife Lisa to work, period? She couldn't even have a gym membership anywhere. He bought her workout videos like Jane Fonda to stay home and do her workouts there at home. Hernandez didn't want his clueless wife to find out about his infidelities, so he always kept her at home. Why do you think he renewed his wedding vows and later deleted his Facebook account? His skeletons started to resurface. When he was just a regular patrol officer, he would drink and stay out late at night and stay outside because his wife would lock him out of the house. Once he became a Sgt/Commander/Lieutenant and then back down to Commander he changed and no longer hung out with his old patrol drinking buddies. And yes, many of these female officers that do him favors, he still keeps them close by doing nothing but sit on their ass and get away with a lot of shit that any other male officer would have been let go a long time ago. The legend of shitty, worthless, incompetent police chiefs continues. Thus will be the continuous in-house love/sexual affairs with all married personnel swapping spouses with each other. Chief Victor Rodriguez & Ben Reyna were the best. Those after that have been nothing but worthless scumbags. I feel for all those in that department.
Stop hating on my favorite hottie Hernandez. Women love men in power especially sexy, gorgeous men like him. It's not his fault that he's a very handsome man. Married or not he always gets all the ladies attention no matter where he goes, whether he's with his wife or not. He's aged gracefully and she has not, that's why he looks to us younger women. Sorry to be harsh but that's the real truth. Once a womanizer, always a womanizer.
You probably need glasses and are morally challenged ,not sorry for you
Things never change!!! The chief of police tries his best to get his little pals promoted. for the past 6 months his favorite Sgts, Felix Sauceda and Juan lopez have been pushed into a cushy little corner studying on duty for the LT exam. I guess it will be hard for these guys especially sauceda who is so popular with the girls who braggs that every woman in the pd is either his or wants some of him so you have a pretty boy and an idiota studying on duty cant wait to see the results
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