Saturday, February 13, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: Passersby near Capt. Bob's Restaurant on Price Road recently took this photo of the restaurant's namesake (AKA Robert Sanchez) and sent it to us to try to determine what exactly Robert was doing outside with his index finger in the air.
As far as we can tell, he is either pointing to Mr. Shrimp trying to get out from under the political campaign sign or he has found religion and is giving the God's Up There sign popular with many athletes in the end zone. On the other hand he may be saying that he is now single since his messy divorce has plagued him and his former significant other since last October. Then we looked at the white brace he is sporting and determined it's not one of those things they place on dogs so they won't scratch themselves after surgery. A local wag said it was a flea collar, but you know how people talk.
Later we found out that it really is a neck brace that he was wearing (probably on the advice of his able legal counselor) and that he is wearing it as a result of getting rear-ended while he drove his car recently. But not just by any car, the Cap tells us. It was a young woman driving a brand new Cadillac, he told us, and mentioned in passing that he was driving his new Jeep, too. For a while there, we thought he had found Jesus. It never is too late, Cap!)


Anonymous said...

The captain is the most eligible
Bachoulour in Brownsville..... He has been seen with beautiful women all over town.... He is the luckiest guy in town.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Capt Bob

Anonymous said...

Capt. Bob Sanchez is not a captain and he has not been seen with any women all over town. He is the saddest dude in Brownsville, a broken-down old sawhorse soon to appear at the highway fleamarket. Sanchez is what they point to when people want to show you a lot of fucking energy moving backwards. He got what he deserved, left behind.

Anonymous said...

You are a pendejo
Captain Boob. Go away, BABOSO!

Anonymous said...

This guy has alot of nice looking women after him I have seen it and young women too one lucky dude don't know him personally but he is that one person with all the nice cars and all the fancy women.....So tie up your chickens cause this rooster might jus end up being SANCHO...

Anonymous said...

Juan, some people live only to tear other people down, anon 9:46, is a good example.

Anonymous said...

Robert Sanchez has been single since he got out of high school..who's the the dumbass now Robert and lol what the hell are u trying to pull now with that neckbrace now..lmao you found GOD..hahaha.

Gilberto said...

Well it is good to see that Cap'n is off those nasty illegal drugs. Now he can get some good scrip medicine for that neck! Just don't drive Bob!

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up please ! Try using a comma or a period and stop worrying about chickens .

Anonymous said...

God bless you captain. You are a champion of the poor. Your seafood is better than New Orleans. If you run for mayor again, I will vote for you. You are a visionary and can make Brownsville great again.

Anonymous said...

I have seen El Capitan with some pretty good looking gals, single, with money, nice rides, solitas se los vajan. LOl!!!

Anonymous said...

HELLO!! He is supporting Amber Medina the sign!

Anonymous said...

Captain Bobs? more like captain robs. pinche vato feo robs all the pretty girls aka boys

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wtf lol he isn't of drugs haha...That dude is such a dumbass can't even keep his girlfriend happy..

Anonymous said...

