Tuesday, February 16, 2016


By Juan Montoya
This morning, at the third meeting to consider whether to merge the Brownsville Metropolitan Organization held at the Events Center, members listened politely as Mayor Tony Martinez siad the city needed more time to decide whether it will join other Valley MPOs in a valleywide MPO.
"You have to crawl before you walk and you have to walk before you can run." he told the officials including members of the other MPOs, city county and state officials as well as representatives of the Texas Department of Transportation.
Martinez's reluctnce to pitch in and pool the region's resources has been a sticking point with the merger talks because if the Brownsville MPO does not joint, it will substantially impact the leverage for transportation funds that the RGV MPO will be able to garner in Austin.
For some reason or other, Martinez said that the coity needed more time to "straighten some things out" before it can decide whether to join.
A metropolitan planning organization  is a federally mandated and federally funded transportation policy-making organization in the United States that is made up of representatives from local government and governmental transportation authorities.
Brownsville has one MPO that has three seats for cities, one for Cameron County, the Brownsville Independent School District, the Port of Brownsville, the Brownsville Chmaber of Commerce, the Brownsville Economic Development Council, the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority, the Brownsville-South Padre Island International Airport, and TxDOT.
The Harlingen MPO has 9 cities with seats, Cameron County, and TxDOT.
In contract, Hidalgo County has 22 cities with seats, Hidalgo County, the Hidalgo RMA, TexDOT and one transit agency.
Ideally, the combined clout of all the valley cities could significantly increase the political clout of the region in Austin.
However, the wet towel in the plan continues to be Da Mayor.
"I don't want to rain on anyone's parade," he quipped as he did just that.
"What is wrong with your mayor?" asked a state participant. "IS he a control freak that will lose potential dollars because he wants to retain total control as chair of the Brownsville MPO?"  
So far, the merger idea has been discussed three times without getting Martinez to budge.


I'm not a robot! said...

Just more moronic moves by "Da Mayor".

This reminds me of the moronic moves by da mayor's appointed (not elected) cronies over at the BEDC as documented by Senor Jim Barton @ "The Brownsville Observer:

Another Epic Failure by the BEDC and City of Brownsville with Economic Development

Anonymous said...

How can we have a Metro-plex if we do not have a unified effort? Here is the deal people, we need to get together and demand a recall of Tony Martinez. I have had it with this dude. No sacred cows people...no sacred cows!

Anonymous said...

The blimp is sick again dudes....if it is not his diaphragmic spasms,or his rectal polyps....or his shortness of breath from all the dominos Pizza he barfs down, the dude is a walking mess if you believe all his postings dudes...lol!

the gay blimp's blog has morphed into postings of his health and on how he cheats the system dudes....while veterans wait up to a year for one appointment...the hairy oddity makes weekly pilgrimages to the V.A. hospital. he loves to cheat the system dudes...lol!

The blimp also posts that the V.A. is not the only place he likes to get something for nothing dudes....he likes free Pizza too! He chronicles that he has several three topping pizzas waiting for him because he complained to corporate....he has to go pick them up now because pizza boys have complained that he answers the door naked...I know dudes...yuk!

When will the blimp realize that people could care less of his polyps dudes?

cantinflas said...

Power Power power, power corrupts, remember what they say about politicians and diapers, they need to be changed and very often.

Anonymous said...

When will you, Roman Perez , realize how annoying and juvenile your rants are?.You are so obsessed with Bobby that it has gone beyond sad. Give it a rest , stay away from his blog if it bothers you so much. Get your friend the Bishop to counsel you and help you with your sick obsession .

Anonymous said...

Stop defending your ex blimp Eduardo Paz Martinez! He wants nothing to do with you...you were dumped to the curb by the gay blogger...move on already...the blimp has! standing up for him on blogs anonymously will not make him bang you again dude....grow up!

Anonymous said...

I'm not Duardo, pendejo . Just someone who's tired of all your juvenile postings Roman. If the fake Bishop only knew of all the venom and hate you post on the blogs, he probably wouldn't want anything to do with you......stay away from the kids you sick bastard .

Anonymous said...

Pinche mayor ,He looks likes grandma

Anonymous said...

Pinche Anonymous , you sound like grandma
