Monday, February 15, 2016


By Juan Montoya
The sins of these two men would fill volumes and we, recognizing modern man's short attention span, unfortunately don;t have the cyberspace to do it.
But if longevity is any measure, these two have long outlived their usefulness. Oliveria has been in office 30 years. Lucio is right behind with combined House and Senate years at 29.
They both say that they need "just one more term" to finish the job.
If poverty statistics in Oliveira's district (which is also within Lucio's senatorial district) they have are going to need a couple more decades before they put a dent in their constituents' needs.

Persons in poverty

62,983, District Percent, 39.1 percent compared to the state's 17.6 percent
Per capita income
$13,307 compared to the state's $26,019

Both claim credit for bringing in billionaire Elon Musk's SpaceX to Boca Chica. They can also claim that they each received a nice contribution from good ol' Elon even before the rocket man received his $25 million in state and local incentives.
In 2012, before the biennial legislative session, Musk and a trust in his name donated $1,000 to Representative Jim Pitts, a Republican who is chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, $1,000 to Oliveira and $3,000 to Lucio Jr.
Oliveira and Lucio both submitted letters of support for the Annova LNG project to the FERC.
“As a longtime legislator from the Brownsville area, I can assure you that the project has strong support from the local community and its leaders,” wrote Oliveira, chairman for the House committee on business and industry.
He forgot to mention that  Exelon Generation, the parent company of Annova LNG, had made a nice campaign contribution to his reelection campaign ($5,000 if we remember correctly.).
We haven't looked at Eddie's report, but we wouldn't be surprised if there was a nice chunk of change dropped into his hat either.
The Texas Tribune reports that: "Oliveira receives significant campaign funding from the Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee, and he also has numerous donors from the energy field. He sometimes files bills related to those areas, particularly real estate, and in his role as chairman of the Land & Resource Management Committee, he could play a key part in legislation that is of interest to energy companies, such as eminent domain. 
We could go on and on about outside PACs dominating these two men's campaign contributions, but as we said at the top, there just ain't enough space. 
These two outside-money financed perennials will probably win, but it would be nice to send them a message to get away from the feeding trough and go out to pasture.
So our advice to the voters this year is: HABLO: Hell, Anyone But Lucio or Oliveira.


Anonymous said...

Your so right Juan on these two dinasors ,however the voters of cameron county demand corruption that these two incumbents feed on.

Anonymous said...

Both need to be booted out, there are nothing but for ME-ME. They have sold out the community, region, and the state. both are bastards, to put it mildly. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on! Considering the education and experience Oliveira has over DeLeon how can anyone even suggest that?!! DeLeon has no business running for office. How can someone want a position so desperately as Cameron County Clerk & now wants to be in Senate! I say give Oliveira re-election and bug him to be accountable. Contact your candidate don't just sit back fat, dumb and happy thinking about electing someone fat, dumb and happy to that position. Be careful what you wish for: sometimes we get our wish but it doesn't turn out how we thought it would...

Anonymous said...

HABLO is well deserved. I'll borrow from Walter Kerr and say both are suffering from delusions of adequacy. Their votes on HB40 sealed it for me. I will not vote for either again.

Anonymous said...

Say NO to re-election!
Say NO to incumbents!
Vote new people in!

Anonymous said...

I say vote DeLeon and hold him accountable. If he hasn't done his job, vote him out. People these days want term limits. Isn't time we give someone else a chance?

Anonymous said...

Lucio is both a political whore and pimp. Just as Annie Lennox once sang, "some of them want to use you...some of them want to be abused by you..." this guy will sell you out and anybody else if it results in political and monetary gain. Lucio represents the worst of the worst in the political arena. He is all for personal gain. Vote this bastard out of office.

Anonymous said...

Get Lucio and Oliveira out..My friends and family are voting against them..Enough is Enough...Anybody but them.

Anonymous said...

@8:49pm how can you hold olivera accountable ,when he has lost touch and the only reason he's flooded the district 37 th with signs is because he's now concern that he will loose his cushy elected office and be compelled to work. He's a drunk,a cocaine addict, he try too pick up every woman he can at cobble heads. This guy's has to go. It's ashame but at this point even the dog catcher or the milkman is better than olivera.

Anonymous said...

Here here....or hear hear....who cares! You idiots get it.

Anonymous said...

Voters in this area have a choice. They can choose to vote for the establishment,or they can vote for change.

Anonymous said...

De Leon ta pendejo Juan!

Anonymous said...

Vote lucio EL SUCIO and oliveira LA VERGA out of office. It's better to deal with new PENDEJOS that OLD PENDEJOS MANOSOS QUE SON PURO PUTOS RATAS!!!!!

Unknown said...

Rene is here to stay his black book keeps him in a strong position, ok he screws whoever he can, he is like All men. Don is not the man to dethrone him

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to the Zetas
