(Ed.'s Note: Let's see. Cameron County District Attorney gave former (indicted) Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez a free ride and allowing him to plea to deferred adjudication on one count and dropping eight official misconduct charges.
He then declined to prosecute Ernie's daughter Erin, then JP 2-2, on various issues including openly campaigning out of her office, selling bogus waivers to the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period before a marriage could be performed and pocketing the money, and gives his political niece and nephew a get-out-of-jail free card, twice for the nephew).
Then he runs an ad where he makes it appear (lies?) that he has the full trust of the FBI director endorsing him, a n act the director cannot make under the Hatrch Act..
He then sells eight-liner machines and pockets the $100,000 for this forfeiture fund which he uses to reward his favorites at the DA's Office as did his predecessor(convicted) DA Armando Villalobos.
He then allows his former chief of Public Integrity Unit to work on an investigation to discredit a Republican (John Chambers) sheriff candidate to give his buddy (Victor Cortez) the upper hand in that primary. It's enough to make one go "ape."

Then, on top of that, it is alleged that he tried to tries to set up the current Sheriff (Omar Lucio) prior to his raid of the Tax Assessor-Collector (Tony Yzaguirre) to make the headlines for his reelection. Talk about being selective and discriminate.
If desperate times call for desperate measures, what else is in store for those unlucky candidates who don't see eye to eye with him or his cabal?
Yeah, that does sound pretty desperate to us.)
With all his scandals from his administration, I just don't understand the voters of this county. If Conran Cantu was released from federal prison the chances of him getting reelected look pretty good,I think.
Yes Luis , desperate times are upon you and you're making desperate moves . Will you have your brother dress up like you again and try to pull a fast one on the voters of Cameron County ? Well let me tell you something BROTHER , we the people of Cameron County aren't getting fooled this time around . MassoMania is firing on all cylinders and we will not be stopped !
Better than Carlos Masso, Erasmo Castro, Danny Robles, Sonia Herrera!
Start twisting those ugly long BIGOTES Luisito......
Yes Luis Saenz like the desperate move you made to help out you nephews is going to hunt you for the rest of your life, I don't think your nephews ever even appreciated what you did when they won't even want to go change your dippers at the adult day care!!
We are so not voting for Luis Saenz ever again! During Super Bowl weekend, we all decided he wasn't the proper candidate anymore. We voted for him the 1st time but sorry, not anymore...He is his worst enemy.
Victor is calling the zoo. So they can release all the monkeys and send them straight to the polls.
I am so cracking up with this....... Hahahah VOTE NO FOR THAT CRAZY APE!!!!
A DWI is a very serious offense; however, should not the punishment fit the crime. Why must a person convicted of a DWI get drug tested by Avertest if there are no drug charges? An alcohol test, I can see-- but having to call everyday without fail to check whether you need to come in for a drug test-- what does that have to do with a DWI? The Avertest program was instituted under this DA. Who is benefiting from it financially? that's the question.
Really explain if Cortez is a republican you dumb fuck !!!!
Cortez is no republican, he is a democrat, he is only a candidate as a republican because he would not hold a chance as a democratic candidate to run a strong campaign against Lucio,.. And yes you dumb fuck, go into the CAMERON COUNTY VAN LIST CHECK HIS STATUS FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS HE HAS VOTED AS A DEMOCRAT NOT A REPUBLICAN... YOU STUPID ASS.
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