The Matamoros official who was in charge of Mayor Leticia Salazar's paramilitary force El Grupo Hercules – signaled in playing a major role in the murder of three U.S. citizens – is being pushed by her administration to replace her as mayor under the PAN banner.
(In the graphic at right, Vega is the man in paramilitary garb speaking at the podium while Salazar – also in fatigues – listens on.)
Raquel Alvarado said those responsible for the death of her children Alex,22, Jose Angel, 21, and Erica Alvarado Rivera, 26, have never been charged. She said that eyewitnesses last October 2014 told her and her husband that the last time they were seen was as they were carried away in the back a pickup truck in the custody of the Grupo Hercules.
Alvarado wrote Ricardo Anaya, president of the PAN's National Committee to protest the candidacy of Vega for the mayorship of the city of Matamoros.
Last year, Alvarado protested Salazar's participation in the Charro Days parade with a banner calling Salazar an "assassin" and demanding answers on the fate of her children.
This year she said she had refrained from staging a similar protest as an act of goodwill between the cities.
Instead of riding alone in a convertible, Salazar rose with Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez in a heavily guarded car surrounded by Brownsville Police Department officers.
Mexico continues to be a "basket case" and is much like Syria...where Mexican lives don't matter. Time to put lots of political pressure on Mexico to "grow a pair" and take their government back. In the Mexican Revolution the people took up arms against corrupt they just move to the US because they are not willing to fight for their country....except from this side of the fence.
That guy biasi is a resident of the United states he can't be mayor if he lives in brownsville
BIASI is not the one being pushed for much?
Corrupt Mexicans on both sides of the river. At least those on this side don't kill people, right....right?
That guy Vega is the brother of Jesus Vega (Dead) a well know corrupt Tamaulipas Governor Tomas Yarrington associate.
Es que esta en englich
Eye sorry
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