It appears that having a bunch of cyclists come and ride in a deserted downtown once a month is someone's idea of downtown revitalization.

Restaurants and bars owners watch as the cyclists come and go in front of their businesses and then leave while their customers stay away to avoid the event.
But it is what happens after dark that needs to be addressed if the planners and wellness boosters want to actually impact the revitalization of the city.
After dark, the city belongs to the crackheads, the burglars, and the prostitutes (both male and female) who are plying their wares through the darkened streets and alleys.
One or two legitimate businesses directed at the average city resident who still goes downtown remain open. The new Palm Lounge on Elizabeth Street offers a modern ambiance with live music on Thursdays and weekends. A block down, El Hueso del Fraile offers live international folk music laced with some Musica Nueva from Latin America. Down Adams, across from Market Square, the Kraken is an inviting refuge for Millenials into modern rock.
And the conjunto buffs will flock to La Carta Brava and La Movida on the weekends.
Those with a simple taste for beer and some karaoke will gather at El Capitan. Those content to listen to the juke box and to pay $ 1 for draft beer (un tarro) and $1.50 for bottled beer flock to the Sportsman Lounge.

Everywhere else, the area resembles one of the circles of hell.
On any one day, you will hear a downtown crack queen openly shouting that she needs three dolalrs to buy a rock (crack cocaine). Yet, she retains a sense of dignity saying she does not want charity but will perfom some kind of sexual favor for the cash.Name your poison.
The transvestites looking for a trick or panhandling will hover just out of the dome of the streetlights enticing the unwary and the maƱosos for a tumble in a dark alleyway or a store's backdoor: the street walkers bear with the john's lust for flesh for a few dollars to satisfy their urge to buy a shot of their favorite high.
Along the alleys, in recessed back doors of legitimate businesses, numerous cigarette lighters litter the ground. Those are the ones used by the crackheads to light their tubes. After covertly lighting them in the outside air, they run out of fuel or their flints wear out and break and are then discarded.
The police know this.
The downtown HEB got tired of having these haggard, desperate-looking visions of humanity come in and buy the disposable lighters amidst their customers and no longer sell them there. If they want to buy one, they have to go to the dollar stores when its daylight, or as far as the nearest convenience store on International when the stores downtown are closed.

The only other alternative to do your business is the Multimodal Terminal where there are public bathrooms.

Is it any wonder that the town reeks of excrement and urine during the day?
The city many years ago passed a bond issue to establish a homeless shelter where the Mothers of Perpetual Help used to be. Instead, the money was spent elsewhere and the homeless were encouraged to seek shelter miles away at the Ozanam Center on Minnesota Road. Without adequate mass transit, this was wishful thinking. Municipal and community neglect has resulted in what we see today.

"Look at us," said a business owner on Elizabeth. "We'be ben burgalrized twice, and they break in even when there is nothing to steal. The burglar bars make it seem like we're in a war zone, and we are. You never see the police patrol here during the day. At night, it's worse. At night, the city belongs to the walking dead of this town."
FUCK YOU, MONTOYA! Who made you the Fashion Police, pendejo? Look in the mirror, puto , and see yourself looking like a fucking wetback. GODDAMN YOU!!!
Hey Juan, who's that masotas?
Boy you pissed off one of your 7 readers, and you can't be doing that because now you only have 6 left!
Thanks Montoya for the report.
If you want to know the real Brownsville the only source is el rrun rrun
Ramiro, quit calling Juan a Puto, Pendejo, Wetback, your stupid downtown revitalization plan never worked, so much for you as head of downtown planning and revitalization
Pinche cyclobia
Half the riders are from Mexico and they don't spend one dollar downtown
Pero Chingos de overtime pa brownsville PD to close the streets
Dumb ass city leaders...
The Blog "The Voice " really sucks they never approve my opinion's...?
Speaking of the walking dead Juan....Pete (el ruco) Avila comes to disrespect is intended to the great Pete Avila Juan...NO SENOR!! Downtown was thriving when Pete was a public servant....todo estaba chignon Juan!!! When people of this god forsaken city saw Pete strolling the downtown area they felt safe....they knew that if danger was to present itself, Pete would fuck danger over....NOS SENTIAMOS SEGUROS, CON UNA CHINGADA JUAN!! Bring back Pete (el ruco que una vez fue pachuco) Avila....and downtown will flourish again. Not since Pancho Villa has there been a Mexican hero for the masses of the border. Arriba Pete Avila!! ARRIBA PUES!!
Listening to Tony Martinez and his "gang of clowns" is very much like listening to Julieta Garcia for many years.....just a lot of smoke and mirrors. Tony, Julieta and their "budz" seem to understand that the public is gullible (ignorant) and seldom engage in public discussions. "Revitalization" of downtown Brownsville is a dream. The owners of property downtown refuse to invest in their own property because they don't see positive improvment.....just more tax dollars going to waste....compliments of 'Da Mayor.
Downtown Browntown has become a cesspool of pedestrian low price shopping from Matamoros. The poor of Matamoros buy cheaper stuff here and schlep it back across the river for use or resale.
Retail business that cater to Brownsville residents have hauled ass for other parts. Nobody wants to go down to the cesspool to shop. The stench and filth drive people away.
So what is the answer? If the city polices the place and makes certain that all laws,ordinances and codes are obeyed the Mexican poor will drop in numbers. The result will be the trash businesses down and eventually go under. To that add the fact that because the taxpayers won't go there, nobody wants to pay the price for policing and law enforcement.
The "good folks" of Brownsville have written off downtown as a lost cause. If "revitalization" is ever going to be a reality, the good people must give a shit, pressure the politicos and be willing to pay the freight, none of which is likely to happen.
Downtown Browntown is just our little slice of inner city decay. The problems are the same as other places as are the solutions. What is lacking is the will of the majority to get er done. The needle just barely moves on our collective give-a-shit meter.
Fuck you Cris Valadez ! El maricon de Cascos! Ja!Ja!Ja! You stinky ,conniving , speckled - faced clown . ......Fuck You !
How many of you people that insult each other go to city comission meetings? How many of you actually give your opinions during those meetings? or are you just acussing and don't have what it takes to follow legal proceedings and follow-ups? Before somebody starts calling me names, insulting or naming someone that I AM NOT, I am just a regular citizen that votes, complaints to the proper authorities and accepts MY faults and responsibilities and I don't call people names or give them insults because I don't know anything else on how to approach a problem
We lost a major university
We lost a mall
Give it up
Downtown is down the drain
Parking garage? Shoot the ppl that work and shop there all take the bus
Mean mister brownsville ran that article last year
"Let it go let it go"
Downtown needs more chain stores
Like Rossi
Maybe a foot locker, an old Navy, a sporting goods store, a bealls/jc penny/ macys. Something that will bring higher class xicans and pochos to downtown. And chain restaurants not tacos and tex mex food
Downtown will never be anything as long as those piece of shit stores exist. They probably make $50 in sales daily from ppl who cross the bridge. It's sad to see just how shitty downtown is. Growing up it was the place to be. Now it's the complete opposite. The only reason someone goes downtown is because they 1) have to pass to go to classes at UTRGV 2) look for cheap blowjobs from hookers 3) drop off housekeepers and plumbers. The only good thing about downtown is Rutledge Burgers and Half Moon Saloon.
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