After the 2016 Democratic Party primary results in the Cameron County Court-at-Law #5 race between three candidates came in giving former City of Brownsville commissioner Estela Chavez-Vasquez a majority of the vote, many local political observers were left scratching their heads.
"How in God's green earth did she get 11,168 votes compared to Noe Robles' 7,987 and Jesus "Chuy" Garcia's 8,266?"
Robles, for example, is a former county court-at-law judge and many thought he would draw a substantial number of votes from knowledgeable voters who recognized his name. Garcia, while a first comer to politics, is well known and respected in the legal community.
Shelia Garcia Bence is in a runoff with Dan Robles (no relation to Noe) for the other new court, County-Court-at -Law #4.
How was it that Chavez-Vasquez who has never tried a case, picked a jury, and had to resign from office after it was disclosed she didn't live in her district, and is generally held in low regard by seasoned attorneys get to be in the runoff?
Many point to the totals in the 138th District Court race between Arturo Cisneros Nelson and until this election, unknown Sonia Herrera as the key to the results in the Vasquez-Sanchez race.
"If you look at the totals, Herrera got 11,391 and Estela got 11,168," said a courthouse watcher. "Gloria Rincones, who was running unopposed, got 20,470."
Some candidates who were running in the same primary have commented that Rincones, Herrera, and Chavez-Vasquez were running together as a all-woman ticket, resulting in Chavez-Vasquez coming in by way of the other's apron strings.
"Rincones will deny it, of course," he said. "But the numbers don't lie. Now that Gloria is not in the runoff, and records are compared, it will be hard for Chavez-Vasquez to draw that many votes out on May 24."
Brownsville residents remember that Vasquez-Chavez resigned by proxy after it was disclosed that she was no longer living in the city. Although she told an interviewer earlier this month that she had "followed the law and I was still criticized for it. I did what the law required."
Not quite, say some city residents.
"She didn't even resign in person." said a local attorney. "In fact, she had commissioner Rose Gowen read her resignation for her. She was caught serving illegally and she knew it."
Chavez-Vasquez served as city commissioner from 2011 until she resigned in January 2015. She was supported in her bid for office by Mayor Tony Martinez, and locals remember that she consistently cast her vote for his proposals. Insiders say that it was Ambiotec's Carlos Marin (of United Brownsville) who convinced her to run so the group could have a sure vote on the city commission.
Locals remember her inane comments and questions for city staff during the telvised meetings of the commission. She showed city residents that independence wasn't her forte.
She, for example:
- Voted to commit the city and the PUB to build a $500 million, 800 MW natural gas-fueled power plant with private energy company Tenaska. The construction – scheduled for 2016 – has been delayed time and again because Tenaska has to find buyers for the 600 MWs left over after PUB claims its 200 MW share.
- At the time she voted for the Tenaska boondoggle, she also voted to increase utility rates to pay for the bonds that the city had to issue to pay for ites$325 million share of the cost. Those rates have been in effect since 2013 and are scheduled to keep on rising past 2017.
- As city commissioner, Vasquez-Chavez signed off on the city's RFP proposal to the University of Texas System to hand over Lincoln Park to the oil-and-gas wealthy university system for $6,1 million, a fraction of its appraised value of over $25 million.
- She also approved Martinez's purchase of the Casa del Nylon building for $2.3 million even though independent appraisers place its value at somewhere near $650,000.
But what may be more damning than anything else is that while she was a city commissioner, her voice was rarely heard in defense of her constituents.
"She didn't even attend the only debate that was held for the county court-at-law judges held at the Bernie Sanders headquarters on Boca Chica," said a person who attended the event. "I have nothing against women attorneys seeking office, but if it's going to be a blind vote versus an educated one, we're going to end up with someone with very little legal experience making decisions tat will affect people's lives."
I have been in CASA for sometime and her seen her acting as the attorney at the CPS children court hearings were she represented the children and she was a joke. Most of the children did even know her name and never have talked her and she represented them and could have careless about them. Good luck with her!
Pinche Changa traicionera, not all women are voting For her!
No way ! Estela did not need the women's vote . She has the best politiquero in south Texas . Mario Saenz will make sure Estela wins and wins BIG . Viva Team Saenz !
Never picked a jury, much less tried a case. As an attorney, she is clueless and refuses to crack a law book open. What a disgrace for the legal community.
Obviously she doesn't have any integrity
"How was it that Chavez Vasquez who has tried a case, picked a jury, and had to resign...."
I think you meant to say, "has NOT tried a case nor picked a jury" but you hit the nail on the head with "she is generally held in low regard by seasoned attorneys..."
And FYI I voted for Noe Robles. That is all.
Estela Chavez was a terrible commissioner, she will be a terrible judge, no experience no integrity
Estela chavez vasquez is an arrogant lady. We need honest judges
Honestly, I think this is the first picture I’ve ever seen of her where she actually looks like a normal human being. No crazy eyes or nothin’.
"Nobody gets that much free pussy in one lifetime."
Cameron needs Chuy Garcia as a judge, he has experienced
I wouldn't walk into the Bernie Sanders headquarters either. That socialist commie sore loser. You are missing the bigger picture here though, women are tired of being judged on looks and makeup and hair. Estelle is a smart lady, a lawyer and former city commissioner. Now she made some decisions i dont agree with. But your last post about her makeup was so offensive she immediately got 100% of my sympathy and support, just like hillary does. You remind me of those Bernie retards including Bernie himself moaning about how unqualified women candidates are, and their makeup and their clothes. Just keep it up this is why sanders is in the toilet and your pal Chuy who had those convicted felon politiqueros sticking up for him, doesnt impress much either.
What is wrong with women working together? Men do it all the time..jeez...slow day at the Rrun Rrun???
I find it somewhat odd for folks to be concerned about Judges without sufficient experience down here. It only becomes an issue when an outsider manages to sneak in under the tent. Very few of our sitting judges or candidates should be on the bench making decisions that effect people's lives. Why pick on this one woman?
I find it odd how "Team Saenz" or "Mario Saenz" (although we know the blessing came from Luis Saenz) is supporting Estela now, the woman who cast a vote to sell Lincoln Park....the same park that Luis Saenz filed a TRO on! Wow!! Must be his new puppet! How fast Saenz forgot about the TRO him and his puppet Kendall filed and the big stink he made about it in the TRO, only to now be backing up the woman that cast a vote in that sale. In his TRO he talks about how Gowen vote may have been an illegal vote because of the UT Health systems...he should have also mentioned how Estelas vote was also an illegal vote because by that time she was no longer living in Brownsville, but Los Fresnos. I voted for Saenz for DA, but that does not mean I will vote for her just to jump on his band wagon of groupies. Dissapointing Mr Saenz, dissapointing.
Don't believe all you read. ! Luis Saenz is much smarter than that he has NO band wagon for anyone but himself
Because she doesn't have integrity
She can even not SPEAKIT the englich correctly
That is an easy question to answer 'why pick on this woman'. It is done to offer support to the mad dog Chuy. Chuy is said to be a reputable lawyer ... Mudsling, name calling...sounds dubious in trying to win an election. We all agreed Noe Robles was qualified??? I wonder what his opinion is in regards to Vasquez vs Garcia.
Not one elected female politician in Cameron county has been convicted or is serving any prison sentence at this time. That's all I gotta to say about that. Case close
Bernie Sanders says it like he sees it. His remarks about Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with gender discrimination. Hillary Clinton "implied" he was
not qualified and Sanders responded appropriately by saying straight out why he believes she is not qualified to be president. Sanders does not hide behind the smoke and mirrors of innuendos like Clinton. As far as Vasquez-Chavez is concerned, I am not impressed with her voting record as a city commissioner, so my vote goes to Chuy Garcia.
this Chuy guy. Look who is backing him, Sylvia Garza Perez and Ernie Hernandez politiqueros, the ones who went to prison. Sanders' local burn outs too. Uh, no thanks. Voting for Estella.
Mud slinging Garcia is correct, you win the car.
Bernie Bernie Bernie, folks open your minds and eyes, Hillary Clinton is all about the benjamins (money), plain and simple nothing more, dont be a pepe, pepe. pendejo for those who don understand
I know estela chavez and i wouldnt vote for her. 1) she is not good as a legal professional, 2) she has no experience in business which is a minimum, 3) she is not honest - when asked about her address conflict she didnt own up and said it was because of reasons "beyond my control" 4) she lacks skills to pass a good job interview and hasn't been hired with a good salary anywhere. Public servants arent perfect but estela is a new low in quality candidates.
Jail is one thing Prison is another....get your facts straight! But I wouldn't expect for you to know the difference considering you can't even spell the name of the candidate your supporting!
She looks like she just finished competing in a hot wing eating contest in that picture.
Estela chavez
Estela Chavez Vasquez will win,this Garcia guy, claims he can all but walk on water,my vote is for the lady!.
Estela is an unprofessional, subpar, mediocre attorney at best. Has absolutely no knowledge of the law. No one, and I mean, no one truly likes her in the legal community. She will be a sitting embarrassment for Cameron County if she wins.
Estela Chavez hasn't any qualifications
Vote for the underdog. Vote for Chuy
Noe robles is a rat big giant rat I heard him take care of a case end up taking my money and then my case news against Accord for the only reason he said he would went on vacation which later on I found out that he was my money to run his campaign big ass rat by the way just in case my name is Joe Villarreal I don't want to hide as matter fact great he lost his campaign as I explained him there is a God after all by the way made me lose my house he didn't care anything about it he left my family on the street and I got proof
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