Well, it's not everyday that anyone tells me that I've made the columns of the local daily.
This morning a few friends called me to tell me I had.
I bit the bait and bought a copy of the lean offerings in the Tuesday Brownsville Herald. Sure enough, in one of the eight new pages (Section A), was a letter by one of our local gadflies, the Rev. Alex Resendez.

In his letter to the editor, the good reverend let loose on the lack of security and the general misbehavior by some library patrons. Young girls dressed revealingly, homeless off their meds causing a scene, babies crying, and students discussing some topics a bit too loud for his liking.
In fact, he said that a "man possessed by evil spirits attacked him as he walked next to one of the library managers."
This holy man – as is their calling – "had to stop and rebuke his evil spirits in Jesus' mighty name and then report it to the security man in charge of the library."
Well, to make the long story short, the police got there too late after the demon-possessed homeless man wandered off into the desert-like heat off Central Boulevard.
My part came in where he railed against "a man running an online newspaper business; he should be told that the computers are not for any moneymaking scheme...but not for a cheap newspaper that abuses and insults people."
Many people use the library computers for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they don't have a computer at home and want to buy something off E-bay, pay a fine from the state online, sell some item in the pulga online, etc. In fact, you can get sell or buy anything on line by doing business from a computer.
If you're a researcher, a writer, or an author, there is no better place to find the resources to finesse your work. We thought that was what libraries were for. That's what Benjamin Franklin felt.
I am somewhat flattered that Alex is reading this blog. In fact, he has been the subject of some stories in the past and he may have felt insulted by his characterization.
We wouldn't mind, however, if the reverend could tell us how this blog is raking in the cash hand over foot.
We'd hate to see the institution of a surveillance policy to make sure everyone who uses a Facebook account there doesn't post anything offensive to anyone in the cyberworld. Good luck.
But going back to the subject of security at the library. There is no security guard in the morning there because the city turned down the bids for a private security company to keep order there and in other city facilities after some city commissioners objected to the low bidder (American Surveillance).
Instead, they directed the city administration to create an in-house security force and use police academy students and pay them instead. Predictably, the public-funded security ended up costing more than would have the private companies, but isn't that the way things usually work out when government competes with the private sector?
My friend Alex sounds like a Calvinist, the religious sect whose adherents were against card-playing, showy dress (or undress), and boisterous speech. But today's libraries aren't your grandma's libraries anymore. If you can get a kid near a book or a PC where he can do his homework, so what if they're a little noisy? Babies will be babies and cry. Even Alex's Lord Jesus rebuked those who complained they were loud and told the disciples to "Let the children come on to me."
Now, with early voting going on, it might get a little noisy because that's the way democracy is, a bit noisy and messy.

But maybe the good reverend will do his part and stop using the public space there to proselytize to the infidels and unbelievers. And maybe he should also stop using the library's computers to write his book (which he hopes to sell) where he lays out the thesis that – according to his reading of the bible – Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ incarnate.
Alex had asked me to look at his electronic manuscript and see if I could suggest some edits. Then he became concerned that I might steal his work and publish it myself and take the credit for his novel idea. I eased his fears by returning the email with the attachment.
If he ever does finish his book, I might be tempted to contribute to his efforts by plunking down my coin to buy one and contribute to his money-making scheme. After all, isn't that what the library is for?
As reader/fan/editorial contributor #6, I want my cut from the "boat-load of $$$$ your are raking in" from El Rrun Rrun.
Please make my check out to "I'm Not A Robot".
Pay him no mind, he just wants attention.
The blimp said;
"Mike Hernandez will expand the port and there is no stopping it. Those claiming he is in it for the money, so what? - that is what business does - it makes money. But he is not in it for the money. To date he has funded his entire operation.
There is amazing news around the corner. It is killing me to have to hold until given permission."
So the blimp has posted many a time that Carlos Marin, the creator of Imagine Brownsville, now United Brownsville, that he backs candidates so they can fund his personal projects. Now he says "so What" to Mike Hernandez's bid to do the same! He is condoning Mike Hernandez and his partner in crime to do just that....to get them elected and do as they say....the word puppets comes to mind. The blimp is so anxious to talk to Mike Hernandez that he posts he is the second coming of, as he likes to say, Joshua AKA Jesus. He also adds that it kills him to not spill the beans on information around the corner of his new crush Mike Hernandez and his OP scam....like a full bladder, it hurts him to hold it in. What a hypocrite the blimp is.
"REV" (Is he a real reverand or just an Al Sharpton kind??) Resendez condemns all things that are not "according to Alex", as sinful, out of control, disrepectful, too loud, too sexy. "The World According to Alex Resendez" would
be a perfect world, but a sad world. The article in the Herald this morning, like his presentations to the City Commission are full of problems, but he offers no solutions. And, its the first day of eaarly voting, so there were a lot of people in the library that normally would not be there.
Juan don't worry this Resendez is a maniac everybody knows that
If you look real close, le estan saliendo cuernos a el pastor.
Why is da blimp pushing so hard for Trey Mendez? Why is Trey Mendez talking to da blimp? does he know that sooner than later, da blimp will fuck him like he has every other of his sources? Does Trey Mendez know that the blimp is despised by everyone and he is costing him votes? Weird!
Suggest to his royal a**holiness that he grab some headphones and plug-in some Stryper to transport him to heavy metal heaven.
The only one despised here is you. Go away, you add absolutely nothing to the dialogue with your
one-tracked tirade of perverted insults. Do us all a favor and jump off a bridge.
Do us all a favor and buy a Hot Dog Alex. Y metelo en el whatever.
law enforcement refer to him (the reverend) as a 96er
Da Blimp is on the rag again! ja ja ja Vato panson y perdido.
Alex is a crazy man
Pinche trastornado este reverend es un diablo
No le pongas atencion a ese pendejo de Capulina.....HaaUUUyyyy!!
Resendez is a self-serving DICK! He may be a "reverand" but "reverands" can surely be DICKs. Alex is a power monger and he uses the bible as a way to promote his ego.
That's what happens when you have SHIT for BRAINS!!!
Reverand please get lost
This so call "Reverend" its an misogynist piece of crap, I worked at the Library for several years and me as a woman he treated me like shit and told me that woman shouldn't be working, that we should be at home having babies and cooking a meal for the husband and since I don't have one he said well you are useless that's why you are working here.
This "person" shouldn't even get this much attention.
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