Sunday, April 10, 2016


From: The Mchale Report blogspot

(The cancer spreads. United Brownsville, a brainchild of Eddie "Panocha" Trevino and Carlos "El Mago" Marin, and OP 10.33, another unelected entity with illusions of grandeur fashioned by Mike "El Moco" Hernandez and the ubiquitous Marin whose avariciousness borders on promiscuousness, are intent on controlling every public entity in Brownsville and Cameron County. They want to bathe in the taxpayers' coffers. Here is some of the blowback):

"Who are they?" challenges Dr. Tony Zavaleta who is running for TSC trustee and has rejected both United Brownsville and OP 10.33's overtures.
"Come forward and identify yourselves to the community," further demands Zavaleta. "Why do you want to control our college and our port? Go steal from someone else!"

"Bill Hudson, Brownsville's leading Republican, is infuriated with the underhanded antics of United Brownsville, better known in political circles as Mayor Tony "Tamales" Martinez's kitchen cabinet.
"United Brownsville, which is funded by public funds, posted an email declaring that 'the word Trump just became an insult toward Latinos,'" declaimed Hudson.
"While it did not actively solicit a donation for the Clinton campaign, it crossed into the political activist game. I would just as quickly have criticized if United Brownsville had besmirched a Democrat candidate.
"United Brownsville appears to be a political machine by virtue of such action. Unless the city, county and other funding sources approve of using tax dollars for political activism, I suggest they cease and desist in funding United Brownsville.
"Shame on so-called 'public trust,' non-taxed 'non-profits' for being political."

"The presumption of United Brownsville and the special self-appointees of the Brownsville 'intelligentsia' is simple enough," argues an activist who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation.
"The voters of this town are too dumb to select 'appropriate' leadership and those they approve are too incompetent to be trusted. This is how United Brownsville and OP 10.33 see us. The patrones are still in charge."
Nobody has waged war more fiercely against these entities that have usurped power for themselves than blogger Jim "Balls" Barton. He recently printed his perspective on his blog the Brownsville Observer:
"Local bloggers have been sounding the alarm for years about the presumptuous, insidious United Brownsville, an affiliation of pompous, greedy business folk who want to position themselves for profit.
"Fred Rusteburg, Irv Downing, Carlos Marin or Juliet Garcia were NEVER appointed by the City of Brownsville or ELECTED by the voters. Despite being self-appointed, they have duped Texas Southmost College, the Port of Brownsville, the City of Brownsville, P.U.B., B.I.S.D., GBIC and BCIC into contributing $25,000 to support their club.
"Recently, the misguided, uninformed OP 10.33 advocacy group has become intertwined with United Brownsville in political intrigue, even adding Carlos Marin to their staff.
"In short, United Brownsville is an elitist, self-appointed board with an inappropriate interest in controlling industrial development at the Port of Brownsville and the so-called industrial corridor along FM 550. Both United Brownsville and OP 10.33 are meddling in politics to the detriment of our community."


Anonymous said...

the TSC has only rats running for a position?

Anonymous said...

Not true. Trey Mendez has proven his loyalty to the community and to TSC with his actions as a trustee during his current term. Re-Elect "TREY MENDEZ", TSC Board of Trustee, Place 4. Early voting starts April 25 and ends May 3. The general election is May 7.

Anonymous said...

TSC = The Shit College
TSC = Todos Sacan Caca
