(Ed.'s Note: We've beaten on this horse before, but hell, here goes. One our growing readership (we were up to seven and climbing) noticed that a Land Rover parked in the city attorney spot of the staff municipal parking lot on Levee Street didn't have a license plate (registration) or inspection sticker on the left bottom windshield where they are supposed to be affixed. Now that the registration sticker is issued after a driver presents a receipt showing it has been inspected, at least the registration sticker is required. At first we didn't believe it since if it was indeed the vehicle driven by city attorney Mark Sossi, this would not have been the first time he has driven around town without the necessary plates or inspection stickers. We have posted other instances before. And we have posted stories about the warrants that were issued against him in San Benito and elsewhere for not having the required plates and stickers. We also understand that there may be scofflaw warrants in other courts for the same violations. We have also seen the surprise random checks of such documentation, mainly in the low-income area of the city where motorists are stopped and asked to produce proof of insurance insurance and their registration and inspection stickers. We'll just save the local boys in blue the trouble where you can find one of these violators.)
no comments no interest
Nobody commented that the sun rose again this morning, either. I guess people have just grown used to this from Mr. "ITS LEGAL!"
It's easy
Put a boot on vehicle till he registers it
By the looks it won't pass inspection
And/ or he doesn't have insurance
Cheap ass
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