Well, the cat's out of the bag.
From what we have learned, on the eve of early voting in the Texas Southmost college election (it starts this Monday) Brownsville Independent School District staffer Evelyn Cantu will no longer enjoy the political or financial support of the Cardenas clan.

So had, to our surprise, Carlos Marin ($250) and his wife Dr. Elena Marin ($250).
Instead, Cantu, who draws a modest salary as a "facilitator" at BISD, along with her $21,000 loan to herself (a rich aunt in Dallas?) now has some new benefactors: OP 10.33's Mike Hernandez III through an operative named Albert Ecobedo, a former staffer who – through guile and fraud – has wormed his way to the top of the OP 10.33 gofer heap, Marin, and the likes of former Texas Southmost College trustees Ed Rivera and Kiko Rendon.
The aim of these Hernandez III sycophants? To deliver the TSC seat once held by Rivera (who was mauled by Tito Lopez in the Port of Brownsville elections) to Cantu at all costs.
(An interesting sidelight in that election was the fact that Rivera first filed against port commissioner John Reed, but inexplicably switched to run in Lopez's spot. We now know that Marin is Reed's brother-in-law and that he couldn't have that and River switched.)

The Central and Southmost libraries have traditionally been the polling places with the heaviest voter turnout. With the acquiescence of the Tony Martinez administration at the City of Brownsville (manager Charlie Cabler) and the TSC administration (President Lily Tercero), they have been left out in this election, an apparent effort to lower the turnout and give Cantu a fighting chance.
Consider this: for the first time we can remember, the polling sites at the Central and Southmost libraries were open not only during early voting in the county judge's runoff race between Brownsville's Eddie Treviño and Dan Sanchez. Treviño is a OP 10.33 favorite and the Brownsville vote carried him over Sanchez. Why not now?
And why Albert Escobedo?
Escobedo used to the IT for Albert Alegria's Texas Valley Educators Association (TVEA) until his shenanigans to line his pockets with the organization's membership efforts were discovered. He was brought on as a staffer at the V3 offshoot of OP 10.33 under Jose Angel Gutierrez, OP 10.33's community organizer. Gutierrez had spent his efforts along with the combined OP 10.33 and V3 staff to build up a data base.

"If you look at the votes cast their votes in those races, many of them were first-time voters." said the former staffer. "There's no way that Pizaña and Cantu – relative unknowns – could have drawn those votes on their own. Those were V3 voters."
Escobedo, who already had the TVEA data bank of members now had another source of potential voters, members of the Brownsville teacher's on Alegria's union.
When Gutierrez found out that his data had been lifted by Escobedo (see his photo at right) and used by Marin to try to influence the outcome of the races, there was a all-out showdown complete with screaming matches between Hernandez and him. After the OP 10,33 effort failed and Hernandez was handed his behind on a platter, the relationship was over.
Hernandez told them that he no longer paying the rent for Gutierrez's V3 group and moved his OP 10,33 staff to another site. Gutierrez and his V3 staff has been forced to work from their homes and are looking for an office.
And what will Marin and Hernandez's strategy to steal the TSC election (through Escobedo's machinations) be?
"They are targeting women, educators, low-educated Hispanic women for the blind vote, Bernie Sanders supporters, and those who signed on as volunteers when we were both together," the staffer said.

"Mike wants someone who known she is there because of him and will do exactly as she is told," the former staffer said. "He wants someone there who owes him. He wants a fly on the wall who will tell him everything going on inside the board, including potential projects that could be profitable to him and Marin."
The Gutierrez and Hernandez-Marin split was apparently the result of Marin's (through Escobedo, called "El Asco" by his college students) hijacking of Gutierrez's efforts to organize the local population to take control of their governmental entities for their self improvement. Instead, Gutierrez saw the product of his labor put to use toward their goals of financial and political gain.
In fact, after Gutierrez found out about it, he had Escobedo escorted by (former port police chief) George Gavito out of the building and took his keys to the V3-OP 10.33 office.
"Gutierrez had the best intentions in mind, but Marin and Hernandez had other plans. That's why they have split but now they are using his work (and TVEA's list of educators) to their own ends. He couldn't put up with that."
Tony Zavaleta makes a big target for these guys. For many years Tony kissed Julieta Garcia's ass and supported her power mongering over academics at both TSC and UTB. Tony went too far when he tried to get his latest wife a tenured track teaching position....for which she was sorely unprepared. Being a Zavaleta, Tony uses his size and demeanor to demean and intimidate people. Tony ignored TSC while a member of the UTB-TSC faculty and administration....he never supported the separation of UTB-TSC.....and now what does he expect to do. Just go back and review his campaign messages....all about him. Anyone but another Zavaleta.
Antonio Zavaleta is Old School. Su tiempo vino y paso! Look to the future Brownsville. The 33 rpm record is also something from the past.
Juan, this is in part your creation. It is amusing to see you trying to appear as someone who is for the people. You sell yourself and betray the voters when paid. Thanks to you we have Tony Mtz, Eddie Trevino, which you cleverly are trying to create a perception that he is not owned by Marin and Hdz who got him elected through the same database you are referring to in this article and more.
Voting for Evelyn, Juan. The reptilian Zavaleta is just looking for a post-retirement gig. His tired brain is elsewhere, ese.
Evelyn Cantu is a nobody, who has no idea what is involved in running a community college. Furthermore, it is apparent that her puppet masters reside within the confines of the nefarious OP 10.33 organization. The discriminating voter must ask what is behind a big-spender willing to pour thousands into the campaign of a nonentity. What is the intent of this campaign? The puppet has certainly not uttered a word indicating that she has any idea about higher education policy. Could it be that this strange organization, seeking an anchor on the TSC board, wishes to gain control for its own secretive purposes? We cannot afford to let this happen. Tony Zavaleta represents experience and commitment. A vote for Tony is a smart vote.
As I have mentioned several times on this blog, Tony Zavaleta was not on the inside of the JVG administration, nor was he involved in the demise. That honor goes to a true reptlian, one Alan Artibise, who arrived during the Fall semester, 2010, and immediately embarked in a scorched earth policy, getting rid of whomever/whatever/whenever. Indeed, he may be indirectly responsible for the election of Kiko Rendon to the TSC board in 2010. It's not that the UTB/TSC faculty/staff went out and voted en masse for Kiko - rather they had had enough of Artibise by this time that they stayed home and did not vote for the JVG anointed candidate.
So, after the TSC election, Artisbise had his excuse and went after UTB/TSC faculty/staff. About 600 unceremoniously tossed by kangaroo courts with nary a thank you for years of service, uncounted others pressured to retire, and the biggest loss - young career oriented rising faculty who just got the Hell out rather than endure the dysfunction. But Artisbise wasn't finished - he went after many who had survived the purges and non-appointed them to UTRGV. If one checks the CV of Alan Artibise (google it) you will note that he never held a job in his life for more than 5 years.
And then he left - about 10 people showed up at his going away party.
So there you have it. Please, get off Zavaleta's case - he was no party to the demise of UTB/TSC - rather he was tossed under the bus several times during the great UTB trial and tribulation divorce.
Let us get our Zavaletas straight. First of all there are those in the "2 t" clan, spelling their surname as "Zavaletta." Tony is one of the "1 t" folks, thus spelling the name as "Zavaleta." And, folks, there is a big difference.
Most unfortunately, Tony was smeared by the Julieta gang at UTB-TSC. In contrast to her high and mightiness, Tony did what he could to save positions and salvage sanity from the insanity of the Garcia-Artibise dictatorship. Consequently, he (like many others) was expendable and suffered the indignity of dismissal from her majesty's court. Tony was the type of guy who tried to mollify the overblown egos at play, while making a good effort to soften the blows coming from the queen and her courtiers.
Voting for Tony, Juan. So I guess these votes cancel. Good thing there ara a lot more of us than there are of them.
Pat fuck you
You say that )P 10.33 has relocated. Where did they move to?
Ben Guerrero from Brownsville and previously with the Breeden Advertising group, and well known and seen in the TV commercials for the insurance company Fred Loya, is now hawking cars in the dallas area for D&M Motors and Leasing which is Mke Hernandez III company where he made the money to be able to come to Brownsville and try to take control of our elected posts. Like moths to a light, Marin and others flocked to Hernandez's candle , or should I say his money?
There office is located on the frontage right next to channel 23, where the furniture store was at.
It is a tough choice but you can use the finger pinch technique you are going to have to use to vote for HC or DT in November.
So let us review our options:
TZ: Certainly lots of TSC DNA going back decades, a narcissist who was out narcissisted by the Supreme Que-in who trashed him like a rag doll at the end. Some bad habits but underneath that homegrown innate corruption that afflicts most of the locals once elected, there is a human.
C: A potted plant. Cut from the same carpet bag fabric as Riviera and Villanueva/Marin, a lady without a vision, mission or purpose...other than to earn the first notch in the hernandez jock strap. Now there is an empty purse if ever there was one.
So, a tough choice. But of the two, TZ has to be the best of them.
Did Jessica T. Kalifa turn her back on her BFF Evelyn Cantu for TSC? Or was she bought by Carlos Marin and Mike Hernandez to stay silent until after the election. Jessica has been silent after the flooding in District 2.
Ya major CAYATE el OSICO Patricio. Porque no le hablamos a tu hermano para que nos diga que tal de persona Eres? Si robas a tu propio hermano., no eres hombre. CAYATE major.
LOL which is why Marin control Mike and Mike cannot fight back.."
other than to earn the first notch in the hernandez jock strap"
To continue my post from Sat., 2:18 PM. The biggest loser in the demise of UTB/TSC were the students. They were not naive nor drank the kool-aid served up by JVG/Alan Artibise. "I'll huff and puff and blow your house down" (Alan Artibise) became a self-serving reality. Students saw through this and left in droves, tired of the dysfunction. By Fall/2014 neither recently divorced institution (UTB and TSC) were a shadow of their former selves in terms of enrollment. And so it continues today.
Enter elections of TSC Board 2016. Tony Zavaleta, without spending $.01 gets 2500 first round votes, quite a good return compared to Evelyn (Photoshop) Cantu and her $20,000 worth of signs. And where did his votes come from? Methinks the displaced former UTB/TSC faculty/staff/students were none too thrilled about the events of 2010-2014 and were loathe to place someone of the JVG/United Brownsville/OP 10.33 and whatever else clique to the TSC Board.
Enter the runoff for TSC Board - something despicable and detestable - voter suppression ala Maricopa County, AZ rears its ugly face in Brownsville. For those not aware, in the past spring primary in Phoenix (largely Democrat voters), about 2/3 of the voting locations were closed, while in the rest of Maricopa County (mainly Republican), they were open. No early voting in the Brownsville libraries - the main voting locations! WTF!? Don't give me that BS lame brain excuse something else was scheduled there - I've got a bridge for sale if you buy that crap. The JVG/Mary Cardenas/Tony Martinez/United Brownsville et al etc. clique realizes the large cadre of voters, upset with the great rifting at UTB/TSC , aren't going to vote for their anointed candidate so they take a page from Republican operatives - voter suppression! Maybe Tony Martinez can do some consulting work for Arizona Republicans as he seems to be quite knowledgeable in driving down Hispanic voter turnout!
Politics makes for some very strange bedfellows. Me (long time labor Democrat) and Bernie supporter now having the same vision of local politics as the Tea Party Republicans and probably voting the same way.
And, yes, I urge you all to support Tony Zavaleta for TSC Board. Think what you may of him, he is not a return to the dysfunction/corruption of the past and, yes,will be a driving force in getting students in the classroom.
Evelyn Cantu is associated with Sylvia Garza Perez AKA " LA BRUJA", Jessica half Tweet commissioner, Cesar stay in the closet Deleon, AND ERNIE HERNANDEZ AKA" LA RATA" SO IF YOU WANT TO VITE FOR SOMEONE LIKE HER WELL YIUR JUST VOTE FOE THESE TYPE OF RATS.
Let me summarize.
Mike Hernandez + OP10.33 + Marin + Escobedo =
Cantu + the whole Imagine / United Brownsville undemocratic , behind closed doors, spend budgets on projects for friends, continue the city's decline crowd
So, a tough choice. But of the two, TZ has to be the best of them.
TZ, it's EZ. He's the best choice.
Death of a Democracy - Voter suppression and super-PACS come to Brownsville. The local elites have taken a page from the RNC - OP 10-33 and closing of main early voting locations. Juan, can you please, in a separate new entry, publish and continue to republish the current early voting locations for the upcoming TSC runoff. From a concerned citizen for the democratic process.
Sign your name puto!
Better a reptile than a clueless fly on the wall! Reptiles have spines, insects do not. We need our community college to prosper and flourish, not rot and be flushed down the toilet. I am voting for Dr. Tony Zavaleta tomorrow.
I'm glad more people know of these connections. I thought I was the only one! And we all know Cesar is a joto
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