Remember when former Indian Lake Police Chief beat out three other candidates for sheriff on the Republican Party primary?
John Chambers won that election getting 3,395 votes to Victor Cortez's 2,662, a 733 vote difference. The other two candidates in the field (Robert Rodriguez with 2,365 and Michael Watkins with 2,182) garnered 4,547 votes, or 42.8 percent. Chambers and Cortez were to face each other in a runoff for the Republican nomination, a first for county GOP candidates.
However, in a government document tampering case that was originated in the Cameron County District Attorney Office's Public Integrity Unit when Cortez was its chief, Chambers was convicted and he appealed, but the Republican Party bigwigs denied him a place on the ballot and Cortez faced second vote-getter Rodriguez in the runoff.
Cortez eventually beat Rodriguez in the runoff garnering 1,040 votes to 957, an 83 vote difference.
In total, 10,604 Republicans voted for sheriff in the primary and 1,997 voted for sheriff in the runoff.
Cortez faces incumbent Omar Lucio in the November general election and he is hoping, one, that the bad blood generated by his involvement in the investigation (and the prosecution) of his political opponent will not be held against him by his fellow Republicans, and, two, that the crossover vote by Democrats –a la Tony Garza and Carlos Cascos – will be repeated in his race.
For that he will have to pull out all the stops.
About the only criticism that Lucio had faced by the supporters of his lone opponent in the primary – unknown Gregorio Puente III – was that he was too old. Rumors circulated that he was suffering from dementia and that his chief deputy Gus Reyna and his brother Javier were running the department.

Lucio got 20,563 votes and Puente, who lost, got 8,134. Cortez is hoping that at least a part of those 8,134 swing Republican to join "his" 10,604 Republicans. Even if they do, and that is highly unlikely, those 18,738 can't beat the 20,563 votes that Lucio got in the primary.
"About the only thing that Cortez can do as a former DEA man is to dig up dirt on the sheriff or on the Reyna brothers to make voters believe that they are corrupt or that the sheriff is too old," said a county staffer. "Don't put it past him to use that strategy."
People are also wondering what role Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz – Cortez's former boss – will play in this election. During the campaign leading up to the primary, Saenz was chummy with his former PIU chief and even walked together with him at the Charro Days parade and invited him to the Amit Livingston extravaganza he held at the Valley Regional Airport.
"This is for the marbles," said the county source. "Luis has to work with the sheriff on a daily basis. If Cortez loses, it could be a long four years that he would have to watch his back with Lucio and his people."
Will Lucio and Saenz be around in 4 yrs?
They are pretty old....
I will not be voting for either candidate.
Trump and Cortez 2016 !!!
Omar Lucio has the medulla oblongata of an ape! He'll live forever!!!!
This is Cameron County, so expect all sorts of hijinks in upcoming elections.For example, in the runoff for the TSC board between Dr.Antonio Zavaleta and nonentity Evelyn Cantu, the OP 1033 puppet-masters who back Cantu, have managed to shut down regular early voting sites, including the main branch of the public library, the location which has traditionally attracted the most early-voters. Those who support corruption-free elections should be aghast at this craven move by the OPers, Carlos Marin, et. al., who shamelessly maneuver for their own personal advancement in the shadowy world of Cameron politics. Anyone interested in seeing that such travesties as the decline of what was once the premier R.N. program in Texas colleges must get behind Tony Zavaleta, who will pull out all the stops in returning our college to its once eminent standing.
Juan, I will be out of town all weekend and will not be able to post my usual heady comments. Be advised.
It is time the sheriff to retire they are NOT rumors no disrespect however the staff knows Gus is an alcoholic and his brother is very ill the county will be liable when the shit hits the fan and tax payers are the ones who pay the bill the administration is corrupt no need to DIG if he is smart Lucio should bow down gracefully before he stumbles and falls Gus should be in REHAB and we wish his brother well
Omar Lucio is old and senile and is controlled by the Reyna brothers. Lucio once said on TV that he gives special favor to his supporters....including refusing to arrest the son of Aurora de la Garza...Lucio's sidekick in the corruption of the local Democratic Party. The Reyna brothers know that they will be in control as long as Lucio serves...or lives. The public ignores the abilities or disabilities of Lucio because he is a Democrat and most of the local voters us the straight ticket vote....the palanca. Democratic voters want those "special favors" that Lucio and the Reyna's promise.
Juan, just because you hate Luis Saenz doesn't mean that the convicted felon caught on video bragging about his crimes is a victim. You and other blogger are always demanding that the corrupt politicians get punish yet when it finally happens you go after the lady who had the balls to do it.
What do you mean caught on video? John Chambers was not caught on video.
all you pinche corrupt ghoto's will be rounded up soon enough...grand juries are already convened.
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