By Juan Montoya
What started out as a small fire at the rear of Distinctive Lighting Center on 429 W. Elizabeth turned into a full blaze after witnesses said that the water pressure failed as the pumper truck that was dousing the fire from the alley between Elizabeth and Levee this morning.
Mike Alvarez, the owner of the business, said his personnel was opening in the front of the store just before 9 a.m. when someone pulled up to the door and said there was a smoke coming from the rear of the building. He told the local daily that staff was already in the building and had noticed smoke coming into the store.
"(They) called the fire department and when they arrived they hooked up in the rear to the hydrant on Levee Street and they almost had it out but then the water pressure fell and the fire reignited and they couldn't do anything about it," he said standing on the sidewalk across the street.
The firefighters then called for assistance for more engines but it took a while for the other units to arrive and set up on hydrants more than half a block away on either side of the store on Elizabeth. (See second graphic on top.)
By that time, the back wooden building was fully engulfed and flames could still be seen shooting from an attic on the west side of the building. (See top graphic)
The business next door, Tropical Adult Day Care, did not seem to have suffered fire damage.
A woman who worked at the store said that she hoped it wouldn't be the end of the Distinctive Lighting Center, which she said had been in business for more than 40 years.
No one was injured in the blaze.
Small town firefighters are like smalltown reporters: hacks.
Was the new Firechief directing this operation?
"The business next door, Tropical Adult Day Care, did not seem to have suffered fire damage."
Sounds funny...
English is my 3rd language but the sentence looks grammatically incorrect sir.
You missed another one. A couple of days ago a young lady working at the New York store inside Sunrise Mall was opening the store's glass door. There were very few people around the mall since it was barely getting to be 10 am. Most of the people were mall walkers and some special education kids with their teachers. When the employee opened the door, you could hear like a bomb explosion and it was the glass door that shattered into pieces. The young lady covered her face with her arms, another employee came to help her; the glass door was totally destroyed, the side bars that have the alarm system were scattered in the walking area. No security and no custodians came to clean up or help until about 10 minutes AFTER the incident and then they started telling people to walk around the area. THICK GLASS was scattered all over the area (near the walk towards the bathrooms). I believe the young lady did get some cuts in her arms but the fact that no mall personnel from the mall went to help her being so close, tells you A LOT about how secure is the place.
Yes where is the new fire chief , was he present or was he hanging out at Lola's, getting chumby with the Elite trying to be a social climber kiss ass. Just saying.
At least they tried
The new fire chief now has to face the reality of protecting this city and can't depend on his union always bail him out. Incompetence, lack of training, poor planning and immediate response to fires and low water pressure are Elizondo's responsibility. He knows the ins and outs of using the union to protect him, but does he have the knowledge, experience and training to be the fire chief. This one's on you "Chief" Elizondo.
Go fuck yourself Diego ! Annoying , simpleton !
Instead of criticizing Carlos why don't you give him a chance to do the job he was assigned? I bet he achieved a higher level of education than you did.
I wonder if Carlos Elizondo got that higher level of education by cheating since he got a grade of 69 when he took a simple firefighter test. Carlos Elizondo does not need help being criticized, he does a good job of making himself look like and idiot all by himself. He was always a lazy firefighter of course he will be a lazy fire thief I mean chief.
He still can't pass tests!
Instead of critizing the fire dept.why not bark at the city. Its obvious the infrastructure is falling apart. Instead of repairing and maintenance, the mayor is busy spending taxpayers money needlessly
I wish i was a fireman ! If those fat bald dudes can do it , for sure i can.
70% of the city's budget goes to fire and police and then this shit happens? Maybe Tetreau and De Leon need to stop kissing Elizondo's ass and put him to work. Those two inexperienced idiots don't do what they were elected to do but they do have all the time in the world to be endorsing other pendejos
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