Tuesday, June 7, 2016


" The Road to the Early Voting Location Not Taken " 

(With apologies to Robert Frost , from Reader Number Three, who has noticed that voting is no longer at his usual place, the Central Library. Newspaper reports indicate that partly as a result of the removal of these two public libraries as voting sites, there have only been 98 votes cast district wide where that many would have been cast at the Central Library site alone in one day. )

Two roads diverged in a Valley city, 
And sorry I could not travel the one I usually followed 
And be an early voter, long I parked
 And looked down one as far as I could 
To where it curved around a bend; 

Then took the other, just as fair 
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it wasn't potholed like moon craters; 
Though as for the passing there 
Had ripped the shit out of them really about the same, 

And both that morning equally lay 
With pavement no crew had resurfaced black. 
Oh, I kept the first for another election day! 
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, 
I doubted it if I ever should come back. 

I shall be telling this with a sigh 
Somewhere ages and ages hence: 
Two roads diverged in a Valley City, 
And I - I'll take the one less traveled by, 
But if I can't find the fucking voting place I can't make any difference.


Anonymous said...

Juan, what's with Ted Hasse's skin? Is he Egyptian or Lebanese, or what. Man, he looks gone.

Anonymous said...

121 total early votes today (Tuesday) - up slightly from yesterday, but still not anything resembling a turnout. Everyone comes on these blogs and bitches and whines about OP 10-33, JVG, Tony Martinez, Carlos "Cheech" Marin, United Brownsville, elites, rigged elections etc. etc. but maybe apathy is the bigger enemy. The current TSC runoff is one in which the OP 10-33 Super PAC and their meddling in politics can easily be flushed down the toilet, but not if you sit home. Please, get off your duffkas, find the New Horizon Medical Center (191 E. Price Road), where a whopping 61 people voted today, and VOTE!

Anonymous said...

"Juan, what's with Ted Hasse's skin? Is he Egyptian or Lebanese, or what. Man, he looks gone."

Duardo is such a little bitch.

Anonymous said...

I know. Tad Hasse's skin looks like plastic. It's a weird skin, alright. Poor guy. And in this climate! he'll go "full-prune" real soon.
